My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 180

Chapter 180: Construction worker Yun Jhin

Yun Jhin directed the caravan of materials towards the territory of the blood throne sect which made some of the drivers a bit scared considering the territory was forbidden ground for those in the neutral areas like them. After all, while there could be riches in the ruins they were also full of traps and opportunists like them didn't like to take such big gambles.

But they were paid handsomely and they couldn't go back on their word right now or they would lose credibility on the market, thus a lower amount of customers would come to them for business.

So they gritted their teeth and followed Yun Jhin into the territory, as they got inside deeper and deeper they held their breaths as they thought at any moment they would trigger a restriction that would wipe out the whole convoy.

Yun Jhin found their fear-filled faces to be quite funny as he chuckled to himself while keeping they convoy straight, he gave out instructions to help them reach the location where he wanted to start the repairs and after they reached it he gave them a small tip before letting them leave through the same path.

However, they were scared and they wanted Yun Jhin to guide them again but Yun Jhin refused and slipped some control seals into their consciousness while they were begging him on their knees, considering their mediocre strength in the king realm and weak mentalities Yun Jhin easily took control of them before sending them back on their way.

Yun Jhin looked at the piles of materials that he had gotten and then at the mountains of rubble nearby before starting the reconstruction efforts.

Even though he would need some help to reconstruct all of the buildings of the sect, he could take this building effort as training... somewhat, well he could build and train at the same time but the 'building' wouldn't help him much in his cultivation efforts. Yun Jhin crossed his arms as he glared at some rubble nearby which then transformed into dust.

The rubble was so old that a casual ki infused glance would destroy it as long as it was aimed properly.

Yun Jhin continued to glance at every patch of rubble in his surroundings to get rid of it as he needed space to remake those buildings he remembered.

"So here goes the outer disciples living quarters..."

Since he was at the outskirts of the territory he would first start with the living quarters of the weaker disciples.

Every organization needed its cannon fodder and possible geniuses hidden in the rough.

Yun Jhin took some of the dark beams and started constructing houses with them. It didn't take him much time to make quite a lot of houses but they were all plain dark looking medium-size buildings with nothing special about them.

Yun Jhin nodded as he looked at them, he left them like this so the future disciples would be able to customize their houses how they wanted, as for the ones that will come after them? Yun Jhin didn't really care about them.

Yun Jhin continued to build the outer skirts buildings until there were no more spots on the outskirts afterward he continued to destroy rubble and go further into the territory, it took him around 6 months to use all of the bought materials and he had filled 30% of the total space on the meteorite. His cultivation also recovered to a small extent as he reached the 4th stage of the sage realm.

With the constant absorption of energy and his knowledge of the realms he easily broke through... as for his body refinement, there was a little bit of a problem as he only reached the 3,000 ranks and that was his estimation as the system wasn't there anymore but considering how he compared the feeling of his body and the system numerological counting he could somewhat guess his body rank.

Body refining was rather slow cultivation and Yun Jhin could only quicken it by buying expensive resources... and the best were the hearts of the nature spirits which Yuan Fang had a monopoly of, anyways even if he had the money Yun Jhin wouldn't have been able to buy them which made him a little bit more at peace.

Some information was sent to him by Mia along with the money every month from the fatty who was named Zhu Man but he didn't have time to look through it as he was too concentrated on construction.

It seemed that they attracted the attention of one of the big shots with their actions no matter how low-key they acted, they started to invest smartly according to Yun Jhin's instruction and no matter how slowly they did it, the market owners could still see where the money was from as long as they did a little bit of searching around. Fatty Zhu Man wasn't considered to be a smart person among the grey organization's bosses even though he was an insidious and street smart person that didn't mean he knew how to invest the capital he gained.

He was basically a frog at the bottom of the well, but now that he jumped out of his well and started to throw around his money in ways that he could gain even more money than what he gained at his peak made the bosses of the black market rather suspicious of him, who had taught the dumb fatty how to invest in what's good?

This wasn't something one could learn without having experience which meant that some old fogie decided to give some pointers to him?

The other old fogies gave that Fatty a visit and a beating after their invitation to the 'mysterious old man' was refused by the fatty.

His legs were broken and his arms removed, some of his organs were destroyed and fed to the Weredogs that were shaking their tails outside the bazaar waiting for people to feed them some human flesh that would be sometimes thrown out in the garbage or directly fed to them.

Yun Jhin didn't really care about the fatty so he ignored most of the things that happened to him and concentrated on what he should do in this situation... it seemed he was wrong as the fatty couldn't hide his footsteps and things got traced back to him thus leading to the current situation. While they were kindred spirits it was obvious that the man while insidious and crafty wasn't that intelligent.

Yun Jhin frowned as he looked at the empty caravans and decided to return to the bazaar so he could 'talk' with the old fogies that wanted to see him, as far as he knew they shouldn't be that strong and he could also go and heal the fatty as long as he didn't have any irreversible damage done to his soul, he needed a whole pawn, not a shattered one.


While Yun Jhin was gathering a new force and doing his business, Yuan Fang was currently recovering from his soul damage.

Yuan Fang's body trembled as he kneeled on a yellow praying mat of unknown material.

Red fumes left his head and were absorbed by the praying mat as his downed face suddenly straightened and his eyes burned with a red color, he gritted his teeth as he looked behind him and said:

"We shall hasten the plan to reach Godhood!"

Two thumps were heard as the duo who was with him on the elve's planet fell to their knees and trembled as they said with a shaky voice:


Yuan Fang trembled as dark blood dripped from his ears and a craze expression appeared on his face... but then the expression froze as he returned to his normal cold and stoic self as he got up from the mat and shook his head as he burned it into cinders and then said:

"Forget about the plan we must perfect it first before we execute it, I will go in closed-door cultivation to break through... these 6 months of enduring finally born fruit!"


Yun Jhin arrived at the bazaar before he went directly to the office of the fatty where he found him bandaged like he was a mummy, two arms missing and his legs were bent at an awkward angle as the people who did this to him didn't let the healing personnel put them back how they were supposed to be.

Yun Jhin easily fixed his legs before feeding him a pill he created from pure ki to regenerate his arms.

He took a better look at him and found that while his soul was a bit injured it was still healable so he realized that the others were still respecting/fearing the backer behind Zhu Man. This would make things a little bit easier for him.

The man immediately started to tell Yun Jhin about the characteristics of those that attacked him.

Yun Jhin listened for a short time before he got the information he wanted, he was invited to a 'tea party' 3 months ago that he failed to show up to but considering he was busy and ignored most of the messages that he got... he could also show up now. From what the fatty said the strongest who attacked him was at the same strength as his former peak crony.

Yun Jhin left the man alone as he walked towards the main building of the bazaar that wasn't a tent or a rundown antique. He prepared himself a little bit before he even entered the bazaar as he changed his aura and looks, he looked like a bona fide 'old master' as he entered the building while swishing his long sleeves, if any junior blocked his path all he could say at that point would be:josei

"Junior do you dare!"

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