My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Joining the war for merit?

As Yun Jhin left the hall behind him he could feel the connection that he had made with the second princes' body, it felt just like having a second character that he could control, but the body itself would do its normal actions without the need of him to fully control it, it was like a mental slave without a personal will.

Yun Jhin went back to his room as he took both of his spatial bags and then met with Susang as he said:

"Well Susang, you see the prince finally let me join the war efforts after I reported my cultivation improvement, I think I cannot be your best man at the wedding, I'm sorry."

A pure disappointed look appeared on Susang's face as he patted Yun Jhin's shoulder and said slowly:

"Well protecting the empire comes before such a little man like myself, I will join you at the front soon after I finish my wedding, after 6 months the Heavenly Turtle sect decided to take the war into the open, aye I hope I won't on the front and let my newlywed wife become an early widow."

He shook his head as he left Yun Jhin behind and started to walk inside the capital, Yun Jhin shook his head as he left towards the military barracks, The second princes' body already sent out a military letter and with his identity confirmed he was led inside to join the war effort under a general.

Susang was one of the weakest generals so he could only be under the 10 legions great generals which had a cultivation of the 2nd stage of the ki cultivating realm or above. Every stage in the ki cultivating realm was a high difference in fighting power so normally speaking not many could surpass stages and in this realm. It could be done in the lower realms as the difference wasn't that huge but in the ki cultivating realm, it was different.

The ki quality of different stages was too huge to be compared, the same could be said about quantity, if the first stage was a small spring then the second stage was a river!

However, Yun Jhin had some techniques that he could use combined with his Yin body he could defeat people 1 cultivation stage above his own if he used some forbidden techniques he could even defeat people 2 stages above his cultivation stage.

Most of the generals were condescending to him as he came from the second princes' faction which was looked down upon in the capital. Some of them called him a dog of a dying party and some of them called him hick that got lucky to hug the second princes' thigh. Yun Jhin ignored all of them as he directly went to the first legion general who had the cultivation of a 5th stage, Ki cultivating realm, he was as strong as the crown prince!

Yun Jhin bowed to the man as he said:

"I would like to join the 1st legion to protect the empire with the best extent of my abilities!"

The man was quite tall with a strong aura around him, he didn't care about the others said as he was impartial to background or origins, as long as the man he put his eyes on was strong and loyal he could care less from where he came from or who he was backed by!

The general of the 1st legion was called Mono Sukehiro he was of humble origins from an unknown county near the eastern borders of the empire, with his talent in cultivation and hard work he became the general of the 1st legion of the empire!

He had a short black beard and a bald head, he wore dark military armor and he had two swords tied to his back, he was a dual sword user, he was also quite tall around 1,96 meters. His aura gave off a feeling of experience and maturity.

Suddenly his finger went directly towards Yun Jhin's throat but at the last second before his finger could puncture Yun Jhin's throat Yun Jhin moved his head backward and avoided the deadly finger.

The man gave a boorish smile as he clasped Yun Jhin on the shoulder and laughed while saying:

"Welcome to the 1st legion, make sure to make your empire proud!"

He wasn't sure how old Yun Jhin was but he looked middle-aged to him, even though he was a bit older he saw Yun Jhin as a comrade and not as a subordinate as they were in the same realm of cultivation so he gave him some respect.

Yun Jhin nodded towards Mono Sukehiro and saluted him, a hidden smile could be found under his serious visage that not even the experienced general could discern, as he left the military building Yun Jhin took a turn and walked towards the palace, he was invited in the palace by the princess and he couldn't turn her down.

As he met with princess Long Mumu she told her maids to leave them alone, Yun Jhin looked around and shook his head he couldn't mess with the formations with Long Mumu present and he didn't want to be seen or felt that he attacked the princess, he couldn't take over her body, yet.

The princess started to pester him with words and how happy she was due to his pill she broke through to the 7th stage of the heavenly realm as he said, she also said that she felt that she would break through to the 8th stage soon!

The princess kept talking and talking and Yun Jhin sat there near her and nodded his head seemingly enjoying listening to her, but inside he was as annoyed as he could be, her use to him was already done and he couldn't wait till he could devour her soul and take over her body, she was annoying and useless right now, as he looked at her he realized that she might not even be able to break through the ki cultivating realm!

He kept a straight smile at her as he from time to time would respond to her questions and give some of his own, after a few hours of talking or 'wasting time' as Yun Jhin dubbed it, he left her alone and then exited the palace.

Yun Jhin looked behind and shook his head as he walked back towards the military building where he met again with the general of the 1st legion, the general smiled at him as he patted his back and said:

"You got the attention of her highness Long Mumu, if you don't die in this war you are going to lead a good life as you would become royalty."

Yun Jhin shook his head, the man was simple, he knew that while the crown prince would let him have her body he would never marry her to him due to his political views! He would need her to be a political asset that he could use whenever he wanted and he understood the man perfectly as he would the same if he was in his situation, he didn't care about her anyway but he had to play the role for now.

Yun Jhin nodded his head as he looked normal on the outside:

"Don't patronize me general. I had a wife and a son once, it isn't that I like her but she became attached to me because I helped her a bit some months ago."

The general cringed as he looked at me and said:

"I'm sorry for your wife and son, and I heard how you helped her highness with her cultivation problems, I see then, you don't want to break her heart, you are a good man Sisheng, I will make sure you come back alive from the battlefield."

He patted Yun Jhin on the shoulder as he coughed then said:

"We will take some warhorses towards the first battlefront, we are trying to push the invaders back, they are a combination of the Heavenly Turtle sect and the Earth Kingdom."

He looked towards the other generals and recruits as he created a map with his ki and pointed at it:

"We are here at the capital the battlefield is around 800 kilometers away to the northeast, we got invaded and they are so far inside the empire, that means we have traitors near the border as they didn't report anything!"

The man scrunched his brows as he mentioned traitors then he said:

"This is all the information we have, there have been no sightings of elders from either the kingdom or the sect, however, they are most likely waiting for us to begin an ambush!"

He shook his head as he continued:

"We cannot abandon so many cities or we would lose both prestige and land, we have to break through their ambush and kill our way towards the battlefield, the other 6 legions are already out there and we are the only ones that remained in the capital, you as generals are only sent out during the highest war times."

He pointed to himself as he said:

"I'll make sure I will save as many of you as I can, hopefully, they won't send people above the 5th stage or we will be in trouble, we would need the military minister's help then, however he is in secluded-cultivation."

He shook his head as he mentioned that then continued with a short sentence:

"We have to leave right now, let's go!"

He walked outside and everyone else followed as he went to the stables of the military building, there Yun Jhin found quite a lot of warhorses, they were clad in bronze armor that was supposed to slow them down but they still looked full of life and energy, they were a cultivating breed of horse!

They were around the 6-9th stage of the earthly realm, Mono took the strongest horse and made himself comfortable in the saddle as he looked at everyone else and said:

"Let's go men! To protect the empire and it's people!"

They all shouted in unison as they all took the reins of their horses and followed the general who hyped them up for war, at the rate the horses ran they would reach battlefront in a few hours!

As they ran in a forest region deep in the trees two unknown people were talking, from their hidden aura's you couldn't surely say what their cultivation base was:

"This is the empire's army? pretty strong, however, they are meant to never reach the battlefield, tch they even sent out their first general, this will be troublesome, we will need Elder Fung Hui to stop him, hopefully, the old man won't die at this guy's hands."

The other silhouette said:

"I could care less about old man Fung Hui if he dies and we can take even half of their army down we would have won the war!"

The other silhouette chuckled as he continued from where the other one stopped:

"I guess we could call him our Martyr of the Earth Kingdom, couldn't we?"

"It seems the Earth Kingdom didn't really like being under the Heavenly Turtle sect."josei

Another voice broke the duo's concentration and discussion as they both froze on the spot and looked up, a young woman was above them with a giant black cleaver that transformed the duo into butchered pigs, their entrails fell along with other organs, the seemingly young woman looked at the duo and scoffed:

"Trash, you dare to conspire against your betters, It's good that the Heavenly turtle sect didn't send out Elder Fung Hui alone, psch."

Her eyes seemingly saw the warhorses galloping towards the battlefield as she whispered behind her:

"Are you ready to take care of these peasants elder?"

An old man who wore a robe that hidden his whole body besides his head bowed towards the young woman and said:

"Of course young lady, immediately!"

The young woman laughed as he watched the man run towards to intercept the warhorses and slowly followed him from behind, she would make sure no one escaped from her cleaver!

She licked the blood from the blade of the cleaver and moaned as she looked down at the war horses.

Yun Jhin looked up and saw the hidden duo but decided against saying anything, Mono stopped his warhorse as he shouted:

"Everyone stop! We have entered their ambush!"

A shrill laugh of an old man was heard as Fung Hui appeared and directly attacked Mono stopping him from trying to take any other action.

Suddenly a giant black cleaver appeared above Yun Jhin's head as a shrill crazy voice of a woman was heard:

"You are the weakest here, it seems you broke through the ki cultivating realm some months prior didn't you, shrimp?"

Yun Jhin's eyes narrowed, it seemed this woman took the wrong target, he would make sure her body would be properly digested after he finished her. However his eyes narrowed as he dodged her attack, the horse under him became two halves as it's organs fell down.

Her cultivation was at the 3rd stage of the Ki cultivating realm. He frowned as his body started to heat up, making him have to use a forbidden technique already, tch, how infuriating he thought.

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