My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Chu Mang

Yun Jhin walked back to Chu Mang's home as he didn't get assigned one yet and sat down on the bed, Chu Mang came home rarely so he didn't come back even though he knew that Yun Jhin would stay in his house. Yun Jhin observed the food pill in his hand and shook his head, such a low-quality pill won't be useful for him, but he could use it on Chu Mang's body after he took over it. Yun Jhin waited and waited, as he controlled the body and cultivated his caterpillar form was changing Kitaro's cranium.

His caterpillar form changed color to a fully dark purple color and due to his cultivation increase more skin started to leave the head of the body as it ate it afterward, caterpillars didn't have bones either so his skin got strengthened again, technically speaking he would continue strengthening his skin till it became as hard as iron as he couldn't strengthen anything else, his insides would strengthen at the same time as his skin and he would become sturdy.

Being a caterpillar had some benefits it seemed, Yun Jhin finished cultivating as he felt the changes inside his caterpillar body he looked down at the door of the house as it opened slowly, in came Chu Mang who immediately collapsed inside, his body was full of injuries and bruises, his eyes were closed in pain as he groaned with a low voice. (...)

I quickly approached Chu Mang as I put a hand on his shoulder and put him on the bed I let Kitaro's body fall as I jumped away from his head and directly burrowed into Chu Mang's with a wet squelch I finally entered his cranium area where the brain was and instantly my stinger entered his brain taking control of his body and devouring his soul. as I guessed he had a wife and a daughter outside of the sect, he was kidnapped when he came from working the fields, hmph, a poor guy even though his constitution is decent compared to that trash Kitaro he is still unable to satisfy my needs. (...)

Yun Jhin immediately took the food pill from Kitaro's body and made Chu Mang's body eat it, then with an act of savagery he cracked Kitaro's body skull open and started to feast, he thoroughly ate the body till nothing was left, the wet squelches and bones grinding were slowly heard if you would listen hard enough from outside, Chu Mang even licked the blood clean from the floor, then his body started healing at a visible rate, he chuckled as he looked at his new hands and said as some more dead skin was leaving his head:

"Ah, the third level of the earthly realm, combined with this body which was already at level 2 I could already be considered at the middle levels of the third level."

The dead skins couldn't be wasted as they had important nutrients in them, the nutrients of the dead skin directly entered his body, he then shook his head as he muttered:

"What should I say when they want to investigate Kitaro's 'death'?"

Right now Yun Jhin was playing on the sect's ignorance but if they ever found out such a parasite as he existed they would do the best to capture him and refine him into a gu, gu's made from soul infesting parasites were especially deadly no matter their rank. So he would have to do his best to keep his true identity a secret if he didn't want to become a weapon in the sect masters' hand.

Yun Jhin got back to the body's main job which was guarding the slaves, after a while, some men came to him and looked him up from head to toe as their eyes widened in surprise while saying:

"How come you healed this fast Chu Mang!"

They were ready to give him another walloping before they were stopped by a voice that came from nearby:

"What happened to the brat, I haven't seen him come to collect his food, don't tell me he quit and ran away?"

Yun Jhin put a very sad expression on his face as he looked down at the ground then said:

"He was there when I returned home, it seemed he fed me his food pill then left to do his job but he never returned, there is a high chance he met with a mishap, maybe he died to a corpse attack..."

Quite a few disciples died already so what was one more? that was what Gimp Ping thought, he looked Yun Jhin up and down for a few more times then he chuckled as he said:

"It seems the food pill did you well, but it wasn't yours, so you have to cough it back up!"

One of the men suddenly punched directly towards Yun Jhin's new body as his fist directly made contact with his stomach but instead of Yun Jhin being pushed back the man clutched his hand as he said:

"Why is your stomach so hard!"

Gamp Ping eyes widened as he said while looking at Yun Jhin:

"You broke through the 3rd stage? it seemed that the food pill wasn't wasted by you, good very good."

Gamp Ping frail and hunched back figure suddenly and quickly made it's way over to Yun Jhin and started to punch and kick at him, a low punch to the sternum a quick uppercut and a sweep kick that threw Yun Jhin's body on the ground, then with a maniacal look on his face Gamp Ping threw a kick towards Yun Jhin's balls.

Finally, Yun Jhin dodged as he immediately went to the defensive punching Gamp Ping into an acupuncture point making him collapse in a heap on the ground, Gamp Ping glowered at the body snatcher as he said:

"You think you are going to get away with this Chu Mang? If I want to you will be dead tomorrow!"

The effect of hitting the acupuncture point wore off as Yun Jhin didn't hit it hard if he wanted to he could have already crippled Gamp Ping, Chu Mang looked at the hunchbacked young man's frame as he said:

"Now that I broke through I'm not scared of you anyway, I can just go get another job, after all, I'm not a low leveled disciple anymore."

Gamp Ping's eyes narrowed as he heard that, it was true, as long Yun Jhin left the lower area and entered the middle area he could be accepted as a middle disciple for breaking through the third stage of the earthly realm. Gamp Ping was the local tyrant who got an easy job due to his uncle's position, however, there were some harder jobs for the middle area sect members that Yun Jhin could do to escape from the clutches of Gamp Ping's claws.

Gamp Ping chuckled as he looked at Yun Jhin and said slowly:

"Be my guest and go, let's see how much you will live there before you will crawl back into the lower area and beg me for forgiveness." He waved his hand to his cronies, one of which was still nursing his hand, the man glared at Yun Jhin then followed Gamp Ping back to their hideout.

Yun Jhin chuckled as he looked at the trio's leaving back and shook his head as he said to himself:

"Troublesome fellows, I can't invite calamity yet, but when I will do you will all be this body's meal!"

He didn't mean as troublesome as he couldn't truly deal with them yet but it would be annoying and it would delay his true objectives and he didn't want that.

Yun Jhin left the lower area behind as he walked further into the sect, leaving Gamp Ping pavilion behind as it was at the entrance of the middle area, as he walked further in he met with another pavilion which was grander and more beautiful than Gamp Ping's there he met with another senior brother who assessed his cultivation and then smiled sadistically at him:josei

"Good job at advancing to the third stage Chu Mang, ah I didn't know when you would, it has been almost 5 years since you joined the sect."

The sect was full of psychopaths and evil people, Yun Jhin felt just like at home, but he also had to be more careful from now on as the middle area murders would be investigated thoroughly, after all, if he tried to kill people with cultivations of the third stage and above that would mean he would encroach on the main important population of the sect.

Yun Jhin already knew the sect's situation after he learned only one early heavenly realm patriarch was holding the fort, so he knew when to advance and when to retreat based on the strongest person's cultivation.

The man who was at the fifth stage of the earthly realm then put a bunch of jade slips with jobs on them that Yun Jhin could take, as he looked through them Yun Jhin's eyes started to glow as he read a particular one and then gave it to the man, the man took the jade slip and read it while his eyes narrowed:

"You want to help with maintaining the sect's undead formation? Do you know even the littlest bit about formations?"

Yun Jhin nodded his head as he said:

"I have learned a bit from a book I found in the cemetery when I was sent on patrolling duty."

It wasn't strange to find such items in the cemetery as other strange things have been found before, to give him a test the man put one formation in front of him and told him to solve it, it was one of the lowliest formations in Yun Jhin's eyes, he easily solved it in his mind but he made it look like he was struggling outside till finally after half an hour he solved it.

The man eyes widened in surprise as he looked at the formation than at Yun Jhin as he said:

"Damn Chu Mang I didn't know you had a talent for formations, I'm going to tell elder Chen Ming to pick you up."

A while later an elder with a wretched expression on his face came forward and sniffed Yun Jhin then he smiled as he said:

"Fresh meat, very good, I heard you know something about formations, come with me to the cemetery, I know the best place you can monitor gah gah."

The man coughed as dark fumes came out of his mouth and ears, it seemed he consumed some dark spirit pills in quick succession and it left behind some residues. Yun Jhin nodded his head at the elder as he cupped his fist in respect to the elder, Chen Ming immediately picked Chu Mang up like a baby chick and ran towards the cemetery.

The man who was working as assessing the newly promoted stage 3 cultivators shook his head as he looked at Yun Jhin figure:

"Well, you chose to work with that crazy old fool yourself."

Yun Jhin kept mum as he waited to be let down on the ground, finally after a minute of waiting he was dropped near the mountain of corpses he saw before, suddenly the old man made a dive into the mountain of corpses and started to swim deep into them!

Yun Jhin looked at the man and jumped down directly into the mountain of corpses as well following right behind him!

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