My Last Hunt

Chapter 310

Chapter 310: Class Test

Class Test

Reaching the deserted town

"Are we going to enter the town directly?" Qiao stopped and asked. It was normal question which he would ask his team members taking opinion. The team member called Gui shook his shoulders almost chocking, "You are the team leader. I leave it for you to decide." Gui yawned as if he was in the slumber and suddenly someone jerked him out of his dream. Qiao blinked. Before this team; he met hunters that they would get angry if the team leader ignored their presence and decided things without talking to them. Indeed he was team leader.josei

"What if we caught by the monster?" He spoke thinking that it would bring some concern to them. After speaking he surveyed them hoping reaction. "What are you for? You will save us in case the monster attacked." The second team member called Dong voiced tired of everything in his surrounding. The elder clearly told and explained what kind of mission it would be that they should relax leaving the hunt for the team leader. Well Qiao was not told about it. They were not acting tired; in fact they were the most lazy hunters of the School of Hunting.

Qiao twitched his brows this time. He did not anticipate the unfolding behavior of the tired hunters. Further speaking might disturb the third hunter so Qiao paused. It means he will be leading the imaginary army and it has nothing to do with the war. The only thing that they would follow him behind; now he was curious if he threw them in front of the monster what would they do? This question was genuine but Qiao was not to test it. It was good in a way that they would not question his actions. For the safety purpose; he chose not to enter directly instead sneak in.

The outset edges of the town met the forest so the wall was built and it was broken currently. Well it should not be called broken. There was a hole in the wall and nothing else. Logically speaking; compared with the level six monsters' sizes, the hole did not seem created by monster instead it voluntarily broke for the sake of it or the material expired. Qiao walked near the line and observed. There was silence on the other side of the wall. If it was level six monster then it must have created fair ruckus in the town.

The entrance was safe and sound. Qiao took the support of nearest tree and looked in the surrounding. The team members were seeing his weird actions thinking what kind of strong hunter he was? Normally confident and strong hunters never think twice before action. They barge in the danger and howl similar to the of monster scaring the poor. The later circumstances though change this barging mood greatly when the monster run behind the hunter and they shouted vulgarities at the creature. Two different things and two different outcome hence they were slightly alert to see the second outcome.

Qiao made sure that there was no one around and he crossed the entrance gesturing Gui to keep a look at the right side. Dong was asked to care the left side. The third hunter was at the back. He led them inside and again the place was silent. The houses looked empty. few doors were tightly shut. There the stubborn residents were reluctant to leave. They shut themselves in the houses until the team reach there and hunt the monster. The walls of the few houses were broken in same fashion the way the entrance wall had the signs of intruder.

It was strange. The town was built on the hard ground. Qiao tapped his feet on the ground and he could feel rocky strength underneath. Some houses were built on the small hills while others on the plain ground. There were number of streets; few being uneven leading the hills and few smoothly leading toward the town houses. The team entered the town. Monster did not appear. Usually a monster as soon as felt the presence of the hunting team would come looking for trouble. The monsters could feel the presence of hunters; the same way the hunters could sense the monsters.

Qiao could not sense it. "Perhaps we are far from monster. It is time for search. We should split in two pairs and find it." He suggested. Level six was considered the beginning of extraordinary strength so hunters as well as monsters cannot restrain it or hid. Qiao was unsure so it was better search the smart monster. "We cannot split. It would bring us trouble. Can you guarantee that we will not end up in front of monster all of a sudden?" Dong retorted. He seemed much worried for his life.

Qiao stood speechless. 'Were not they supposed to find the monster? Why they were here if not for the monster? And the purpose was already clear?' he shook his shoulders. "I am not saying that you should throw yourself in front of monster. Alright forget it; just walk behind." Qiao felt that his head might explode with the anger. These team members were getting annoying with the time. He did not know that a time would come when he would wish that he was alone in hunting. It was the doing of the senior elder. His intentions were to bring headache for the young hunter.

According to the report; no one saw the monster because it never appear in front of any town men instead their houses bear the signs of intruder and they saw black shadow during evenings. The Rode Monster has rare appearance in public. It liked barge in the human town and finish off the sources of meat. The town was near the forest and the hunters usually drag their dead monsters here bargaining with the town people. The hunters did not ask for price instead they ask cooked food in return of the favor.

The town people have no qualm over it. They gladly cook small part of the fresh meat and serve the hunters.

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