My Last Hunt

Chapter 312

Chapter 312: Class Test 3

Class Test 3

Getting rid the lazy team membersjosei

Qiao was tired head over heels. There was nothing coming to his head other than getting rid the lazy boons first. They were similar of slow death injection. They clearly told him that he was responsible of their lives. Then there was no reason dragging them along; he better worry for his own life first of all. Qiao he gestured two of them to sit silently and took the third one. They did not ask anything in return other than nodding. It was good. The third team member silently followed him behind. 

It was day and they were confirmed that the monster would not show up. Gui walked lazily behind him. Qiao walked as he was unbothered with anything. They reached the next street and there Qiao could see house intact from the attack of the monster and its door was shut. Qiao walked straight in front of the door and knocked gesturing Gui stand near the door. The door opened and Qiao hurriedly stuffed the hunter inside, "Keep this hunter for the time being and do not worry I will pay the price." The house owner and the family members were about to throw the hunter out but hearing about the price they halted. 

Gui blinked once or twice but then nodded; he did not mind it all. Qiao breathed in relief. Finally one was shaken away. He moved the other side of the street and made sure that the monster was nowhere then returned back to the remaining two. They did not ask about the third one. "Gui is standing on my guidance; he is taking an eye for the monster. Dong should accompany me to take a look at the left part of this street." Dong was reluctant to follow however seeing that the team leader was not in good mood; he followed. 

"I wonder how Gui accepted this order?" Dong murmured but not louder. They walked past the first street and entered the second; Qiao surveyed but not a single house was suitable. His silence was bringing some reservations for the second team member. Now he was curious did Gui disappear? What happened to him? Did this team leader punish him? Why the team leader was silent. Numbers of blunt questions were brewing in his head and he was sneaking as to where they were heading. Actually they were heading nowhere. Qiao was looking a suitable place for dumping this useless team member. 

It was first ever chance that the team leader wanted get rid the team members because even taking a look at the monster; it was the height of disapproval from the team leader for his team members. 'If you wanted to save the puny life so be it. Dump yourself for the goodness then; better not to appear before the deed is done.' Qiao angrily shouted in his head. At the end of the fourth street; he saw intact how and walked toward. The same method and the same price voice; simply he got rid the second team member. 

It took him some time before reaching back. Qiao stood at the end of the street and observed the third team member. He was scared sitting there alone. Various thoughts of monster suddenly appearing in front came in his head like a storm. He was regretting his behavior with the team leader. He was only following the instructions of the elder but to see the team leader he was sure that the elder must be mistaken. Qiao observed from afar. If this hunter changed his mind then he can think letting him hunt and explore with him if not then there was no problem in repeating the process third again. 

He could see that the third member perhaps has different thoughts now. Qiao nodded and walked toward him. "Your two buddies met their end because they were annoying me constantly; now tell me do you want the same end or different?" Qiao asked plain in fact with some twisted expressions of hatred and anger pasted on his face. The third team member looked at the team leader and trembled. "I am willing sacrifice my life for the hunt and we'll definitely search the monster no matter what. In fact I have good ability in searching scum monsters." The third team member called Qiqi almost begged. He was frightened. He was level six primary and clearly know the difference between peak level. 

"I see you are a good hunter then. I always admire hunters like you. Come and let's search then." Qiao adjusted his expressions for the sake of the goodness of the third hunter. "I hate hunters those who do not show professional ability in the hunting and laze. I just get rid them using all means." Qiao patted his shoulders and spoke grimly. 

Qiqi hastily appreciated despite the fact that he was scared. He did not care what excuse this strong hunter would craft for killing the weaklings; the fact was that they were no more around. "We have seen these three or four streets already; it would be good if we increase our pace and search on wider scale. What do you say?" Qiao uttered with ease however the hunter took it as the order of the team leader. If it was not order then what was it? The results of denying were horrible and Qiqi has no choice. 

Qiao sneaked the third hunter. He was satisfied seeing him obedient. Now he strongly went through the experience; what his professor had been feeling when some of the students refuse to pay attention on his words or simply ignore his guidance. He was team leader and the elder clearly told that his team was his responsibility however it did not mean that he should overlook their reluctant behavior. He at least could threaten them for writing the apology for thousand times or kick out of the class. Two were already kicked while the third one decided to be obedient. [In situations; Qiao has habit to compare situations of two different worlds; the world where he came from and the present world.] 

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