My Last Hunt

Chapter 326

Chapter 326: Level Seven

Level Seven 

"Here is the level seven badge. Your badge is your identity from now on. Only a beast could destroy it at will. This badge can also save your life if you want to render your whole level in case of life threat. Not only your aura in fact this badge can also shoo away the pack of low level monsters. There are some beasts who have the hobby of collecting these ancient badges. Try your best to not let them snatch." Finfin advised. Qiao got alert. This means that the low level snatching of the spoils changes in the higher levels. Here the beasts snatch the badges. 

"The geographical location of this place is better for six and level seven advancement. If ever a Nest get in trouble; your help will be appreciated. Beware of Scalawags; they are rumored powerful than the normal hunters." Finfin was adding last bit of warnings. He has no idea how long the hunter needed for level seven advancement for the reason that he decided for the solo hunting. Qiao nodded. 

"You will report to me after returning Hightown. I am not sure what circumstances will come in your way just beware of the beasts. They hardly let go any potential hunter. I will wait here for you…" Finfin took deep breath. There were few things which he intentionally skipped and few things he added just for this hunter. Qiao smiled and voiced, "I will try my best fulfill the expectations of this loyal elder here." He stood up and collected what he was supposed to take with him. 

"Respected Elder; I ask for a favor. I wish you could send someone and deliver this weapon to the Starglow Guild." Qiao placed the weapon on the table." Initially he wanted to personal send it however the circumstances changed greatly. 

"Sure I will send it." The elder nodded. Qiao was about to leave when the elder voiced.

"Wait…" Finfin stooped him. "These stones are strong; these will help you in few battles." The elder took few stones from his personal reserves and handed the young hunter. 

Qiao accepted the stones. He was immensely grateful and the only favor which he could return was to level up and become strong. The elder wanted to see the Hunter Monarch in his life time. Qiao wished that he might be able fulfill his wish. However it would take bloodshed and battles. Qiao was ready for all this. New place means that he will be given new grounds for testing his hunting skills. "I will start my journey tomorrow. Will report further after reaching level seven peak. Till then please accept my gratitude." Qiao voiced sincerely and left the office. 

Elder Finfin nodded. He immediately hid the report of the hunter under the bundle of papers. This office belonged to the Golden Arch and not everyone access this office. He also left the office and the stone get activated. Qiao wanted some rest and get prepared for the long journey. His present fleece was fine and could be used for the next entire level. There was second hunting fleece which was granted by the Hunting School. Qiao turned it inside out. 

He was more than ever conscious about his identity. There was no way reveal this to anyone. It was better to look like a Scalawag in the open forest. He decided upon it. Qiao has earned many stones of all type other than the gifts of the elder until now. There was no need to worry about it. He was free to use the stones from now on. The bigger place granted bigger openings and bigger threats. He was confident that he could face whatever comes in his way. Qiao went toward food shop inside the Hunting School; ate his fill and saved some of it. Later he closed his door and organized his belongings. The Hunting School was following the usual pace yet he was in hurry. Only two months and two weeks were remaining in the last face off. 

He was eagerly waiting for that day and preparing. According to three days journey estimate; six days would take in the journey well he was not going to make it simpler. The said place needed his appearance there once so he could also explore during the journey. He decided to spend only twenty days in this advancement. It was the maximum time limit which he would definitely work hard and decrease. Qiao took shower and relaxed. "I am not going to take the expected exit." He reminded himself. He was cautious in every step. 

Most of eyes will be fixed on the regular exit given to the Hunting Schools. Taking that exit would call the easy chase of the enemies on his back. Qiao wrapped extra cloth on his both wrists and hid one attack type and second defense type stone. Then he patched few in his fleece. In the urgent need; he cannot shuffle his inner pockets. Now it was only level seven weapon with him. He thought to use it when it was necessary. josei

It was time to learn stone hunting in true sense. The big sized monsters were headache. The night passed. The Hightown surrounded the First School Lord before he could leave the premises yet somehow he managed to injured the hunters and flee. His escape proved that the numbers of the disloyal hunters were increasing. 

Qiao was not aware about anything. His decision of changing the route was agreeable choice. Early morning Qiao was ready. He locked his lodge and left the keys with the first desk elder. When he walked out of the school exit; he was completely a different hunter. Qiao disguise himself in to scalawag hunter and left the Hightown. Not all hunters were assigned the said place for regular missions so immediately no one could chase him. His journey was longer. The elder intentionally assigned him a distanced place so that the hunter remains away from the Hightown for time being. Qiao began his journey with anew enthusiasm. 

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