My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 1 - New Life

Chapter 1 - New Life

My whole life revolved around waking up, going to work, coming home and playing games for the few hours I can enjoy time by myself before going to bed and starting life all over again. The game I am currently being sucked into is called Final Fantastical story 7: Remake, and I am running around trying to level up when I get a call from my wife saying she is gonna be late and that I need to go get something for dinner, so with a heavy sigh I get up and get dressed and start my adventure to the nearest Quick Tumble.

Which is a chain of gas stations that have the usual hot rollers filled with hot dog like things. So after getting these delicious things I like to call Buffalo D's (because they are buffalo chicken flavored and are wiener shaped lol) I start my journey back home until I come to an intersection with cars waiting to go on my side, and seeing as how the green hand for pedestrians to go is now lit up I start walking but halfway thru the street I hear a over powering wave of horns go off. I turn my head only to see a giant semi truck swerving and blasting thru the cars heading right for me.

"Are you Fucking kidding me..... Truck-Kun you bitch what took you so long"

After that all I can remember is pain and bright lights before the light turned to darkness while the pain remained, then after a few moments that seemed like hours the pain went away and all i could feel was a kind of liquid all around me. I tried to move but quickly found out I was inside of a very small room and that my eyes wouldn't open no matter how hard I tried, I was able to move my hands and feet and could feel that I was in a crouched position and that the thing I was in was round and if I pushed a little more it felt like it would break almost like the walls were thin. I can hear voices outside All though I

cannot understand what they are saying its not English and since every time my mouth opens whatever that liquid is around me fills my mouth up, which now that I think about it how can I breath if its nothing but liquid in here?

As I'm thinking this a tremor is felt all around me and I can feel a slight vertigo feeling almost like I am being rolled, The voices are now getting more distant but I can hear almost like a tone of urgency.Â

I am starting to feel sick from all this rolling around so I start to push on the walls and can feel something hard on the other side every so often like I'm bumping into it but I persevere and after a little bit of what feels like a marathon in which my arms start to burn the walls start to crack and light starts to shine in and with a little more effort I pushed an arm through and break a piece of the wall at which point the room stops moving with a heavy bang which cracks the room around my head making it easier to bust through.josei

With that out of the way and with light shining onto my face I wipe away the liquid from my eyes to see if that will help in opening them and little by little they open and everything starts off blurry but after fully opening up and blinking a few times it all starts to come into focus, I can see a giant wall next to the room I was in that was made of stone, almost like someone took giant rocks and stacked them to create a wall? I look around some more and find a huge tree overlooking the wall with .... red leaves???? where the hell am I, I thought it was spring time not fall?

With no time to spare on my weird surroundings I place my clawed paw onto the wall of the room I'm in ... to.. push .... WHHHHAAAAATTTT THEEEE HEELLLL ARE THOOOSSEE, I HAVE FREAKING CLAWSSSSS, HOLY HELL IVE GOT SCALES...

After i have an massive identity crisis and freaking out about my scaled and clawed hands i feel my face and body and look down to discover I not only have green scales but also I have a tail. I cannot fathom what is going on and just turn into a rock while muttering how i have changed so much and where i am just rocking back and forth.

I start to hear voices approaching and as i look up toward the voices I am shocked and very scared because there were 2 huge and very gigantic green dragons running toward me while screaming in that language I cannot understand, But seeing as they are looking above me I look up and see just a giant gaping maw filled with very sharp teeth only inches above my head before a blast of flame devours the creature before it ate me. I could see that the flames came from the 2 dragons and that while one was fighting against the the creature the other one that had more of a feminine look to it came over and picked me up and inspected me and spoke with a light growling voice.

"Thu pon oi?"

"Ke Lo Lohhp"

I noticed that that tears were falling from this dragons eyes and little by little I start to realize.... 'holy crap is this my mom in this world?' 'am I a freaking dragon in this world?'... ' holy hell i am a freaking dragon, this is awesome already this is better than my last life!'

after my still to be determined mom? made sure I was ok and the other dragon came over carrying a wolf like creature covered in burns and charred fur we started heading up a small hill towards a cave where inside i could see a nest with 7 other eggs 5 having a green shell, 1 having a more of a brownish shell, and one having a reddish almost golden red sheen to its shell, after looking at the nest I see that there is one spot that is obviously eggshaped so i assume that is where i was before either i rolled out of something maybe came and grabbed me seeing as how that spot is the closest towards the entrance into the cave.

For now the wolf carrying dragon throws the body down onto a separate part of the cave and goes to the front of the cave to keep watch, and the momma dragon goes and starts to take apart the wolf body, the smell of blood and gore wafting around the cave along with the smell of burnt meat oddly started to smell good so i tried to talk and ask for a piece the only thing that came out was a small squeek, but it worked nonetheless because mom looked over and asked something

"Zk jp Awap bonsr pon skit Loem?"

Seeing as how I cannot understand her but I can hear the questioning tone I take a gamble and shake my head yes, and she nods and the next second she brings me over a piece of still bloody meat, but I cannot bring myself to eat it so using my head I start to imitate breathing fire on it hoping she would get the hint, but all I got was a weird look as she cocked her head to the side in confusion and then with a look of recognition she pats my back thinking i was choking on something which only makes me cough but thanks to that surprisingly as I cough I notice a faint plume of smoke come out from my mouth!!!!! does this mean that even at this age I can breath fire holy crap can I breath fire like all dragons can that would be amazing. but calming down and seeing as how she won't get the hint I just suck it up and bite into the bloody meat and I have to say it was delicious and I found out that a couple bits of the meat was cooked thanks to the earlier fire breath from I'm assuming is my dragon father so that satisfied the human part of my psyche as my dragon taste buds reveled in the blood taste as I bit into the meat like a ravenous beast.

After i finished the meat and was laying down to sleep as my consciousness was fading I hear a voice speak quickly

"Candidate of The sin Gluttony found, Proceeding installation of Sinful system."

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