My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 11 - The Arrival Of The 1st Test

Chapter 11 - The Arrival Of The 1st Test

"MONSTERS ARE HERE." Those words made my heart drop as I look out the window of the cave only to see that it was dusk I was lost in my focusing that I was only able to come up with one spell that used all of my mana to be cast one time and I didn't have time to find out the range of the ball or even the suction after it implodes.

My mother and father look at eachother and tell me to sit back down and then they race to the exit to face the monsters even in the few seconds while that happened I could hear loud roars and could fell the tremors as the fighting between my family and the monsters start. I slap myself to help get up the courage and after resolving myself I force mana back into my legs while at the same time using mana absorption to constantly be topped up and after a bit I was able to manipulate the mana to act as the muscles and soon I was able to hobble towards the entrance, my worry for the ones I care about rising every second I wasn't there to help. I near the entrance to the cave to see my father and Gaia and even Aurum on the frontlines holding back what look like rhinos except there were different kinds, some had white fur with a frost hanging off of them to others that had black fur but a tinge of distortion almost like a heat wave coming off of its body, while the others were behind and firing off spells I could see how Marico was shooting ice covered earth bullets that would slam into the black rhinos cutting them while also lowering the temperature they naturally produced, while Tyrole was shooting off Fire versions of the bullets against the white ones creating a normal fighting area for the frontliners. I see Latius shooting water slashes to help push the rhinos back and every so often a small water ball would splash against the defenders while they were locked in contact with the monsters and for a second glow blue before they were able to push them back, I would see a shadow along the back of the rhinos and for a split second I would see Jaspin appear from them and slash at the legs then disappear again, while finally the pompous Salus would be sending tightly packed wind bullets with dirt or whatever he could find then sending it into the eyes of the monsters and then laugh as the monsters roared at being blinded. Even knowing that the monsters were here to kill me and by extension them I still found it hard to get over the fact that Salus found enjoyment out of such underhanded tactics but I guess from a survival standpoint it was a good idea, it was just that he was doing it for fun not for survival that I found disturbing.

Finally after my disgust settled I saw my mom casting spells over the others some would glow white while others would glow blue which after a little bit I figured that some spells healed HP while the others healed MP which would make sense for how many spells were being fired. I figured its time I joined the fight but first I need to check my stats and see what new things I gained to better strategize.


Dragon hatchling (variant)

health 120

mp 30/30 (30/30)

stamina 140

str 3

vit 4.5

spd 2josei

dex 1

con 1.5

Int 1

Mental Fortitude lvl 0 5/10

Shadow strike 0/10

heat resistance 30%

Smoke breath 0/20

Smoke Stream 0/10

Smoke blast 1/10

Mana absorption - 15%

Mana Storage lvl 1

Mana manipulation lvl 1 3/20

Spatial bullet lvl 0 0/10

I was confused at that last skill "Spatial bullet" when did I learn that. But a lightbulb goes off after reading the description "shoot a bullet using space mana to create a distortion in space." that sounds very similar to what happened after my mana bullet hit the hide. so I have the space element, it looks like my mana isn't exactly neutral after all. But forcing my mind back into the present situation I go as fast as I can over to my mother.

"Mom I'm here what can I do, I can't sit by while you all fight without me."

"Vexsus go back inside now your in no condition to help us, we have this please your just going to be in the way."

Hearing that did hurt but I understood where she was coming from but I was determined to participate even if solely for the fact to show Gluttony that I was making progress. So with her focused on the fight I was able to sneak off to the side and after thinking for a second I came up with a plan to slowly flow smoke to create a thick fog over the rhinos. I started off by using Smoke stream then slowing my exhales until it became a natural slow breath which resulted in more of a rolling condensed smoke after using a few more streams to kind of create an air pathway to blow the fog in the direction I wanted I could see the smoke slowly creep over the feet of the monsters then I switched to full on Smoke breaths to cover the rest of their bodies providing relief for the defenders and a diversion for the monsters.




I heard all of this from them and more but my only focus was proving myself so pushing even more of my mana into my legs I force my body to start to dash into the smoke towards the rhinos and when I encountered one having trouble breathing from the poisonous effects of my smoke I would use Shadow strike, at first it was useless because compared to their toughened bodies my claws might as well have been made of plastic but what it did was make the monsters more nervous which then caused their breaths to quicken breathing in more and more of my poisonous smoke and after a few minutes of constant shadow strikes, It was hard to breath even though it was my own smoke and I had to leave the fog and dash towards my mom for help but I could feel the tremors and the sounds of heavy thuds of bodies hitting the ground.

"Vexsus just what in the gods name do you think your doing you stopped us from fighting and even blocked our view of the enemy. What are we supposed to do now, also how are you moving this is still to soon for you to be fully healed."

"Father please forgive me I could not just sit by as the monsters attacked us I still care about a few of you and as I told you this was my test that I plan to pass, but do not worry I have a feeling that after my smoke passes the enemy will either be dead or easy to kill my smoke once inhaled has a suffocating and poisonous effect. But mother please can you heal me I have over used my mana to move my legs in order to keep moving and now I am running on empty."

My mom looked at me and was about to cast a spell but then it clicked what I said. "Wait did you say you used your mana to make your legs work? does that mean this whole time your back legs have still been unusable but you've been forcing them to work through mana manipulation?"

"Yes I can feel that I have caused some damage but I figure that after a while it will be fixed."


She bursts into tears. "Honey once you release your mana the amount of pain you will feel will be otherworldly your running on a fighters high and using mana to reinforce your body to reduce what you feel." With tears in her eyes she gathers a large amount of white light and places it onto my body. "Greater Replenish" and Everything goes white as I hear nothing but a loud scream erupt from my throat and then nothing.

I wake up to see the entire family around me mom and dad have worried expressions while Gaia has a mix of pride and worry and the others have a mix of panic while looking at Aurum and a mix of disgust while looking down at me, it seems that the followers are starting to have their doubts while the top dogs are getting fed up with my antics I hear a few dings go off before I try to turn and stand up.

"No you must stay down now that you forced your body to move even going so far to use mana your muscles are overcharged and are constantly fighting your body I had to use a spell that would numb your body so that you would feel as little pain as possible but once it wears off your legs will have a mind of their own and start to spasm in pain, what you did was very reckless no matter what the benefits the outcome ended up with you being as you are. No matter what you will not leave this bed so do not make me tie you down with a spell because I will little one."

"Your mother is right what you did was really irresponsible but besides that I do have to thank you for what you did, even if they do not want to admit it Aurum and the others were showing signs of exhaustion and that smokescreen of yours came just in the nick of time."

"Yes thank you brother I greatly appreciate you coming when you did, but please don't put yourself at risk just for what you call a test it isn't worth all that your going through now."

"Fine I agree even with mothers spell I can feel a tightness in my legs and I can feel my mana temporarily weakened it seems that what I did had a bigger cost than what I originally figured but if I could protect my family and prove to myself that I am not helpless than the pain I'm suffering now is well worth it."


Con 1.5 -> 3.5

[Mental fortitude has maxed out]

[Conditions have been met the skill Pain tolerance has been given]

"New" Pain Tolerance 5/50 - able to withstand physical pain easier.

"New" Rolling fog lvl 1 4/10 - using slow breaths of smoke able to create a slow fog to cover the ground.

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