My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 113 - Getting Caught Again....

Chapter 113 - Getting Caught Again....

She stared down at me with that wicked smirk and those eyes that just oozed out ill intent.

I knew something bad was going to happen so before anything did I jumped back and had my new pets go hide. I didn't want them dead and right now I'm not 100% certain that I could protect them. I threw out a few Spatial bullets just to test the waters and she flicked her wrist like someone shooing away a fly. Granted my bullets are the strongest out there, but they are pretty strong compared to some of the things I've fought so far. But for this.... beautiful creature to just swat them away like that was a bit disconcerting to say the least.

She just looked at me afterwards and chuckled like it was a funny joke. Fine if she was going to laugh at me then I'll just bring out the cannon right out the gate. I jump back even more and focus my magic in my throat. I felt a searing heat start to form in my throat as my breath attack was forming. She just stood there with a nonchalant grin on her face as she stared at the light starting to shine through my body.

If she was going to let me chare up my attack then who am I to disappoint. I charged my Breath of Light skill to max and then I opened my mouth just in time for a lazer to blast out and before she could even blink a hole the size of a quarter was made through her stomach. I smiled and laughed as I saw this.

"Ha, how does that feel you 8 legged freak. Go back to your nest and leave me alone unless you want some more of that."

She was staring down at the hole but soon I was sucking in cold air as the hole was getting smaller and smaller by the second. Boom, time for Analyze

[Queen Arachne - Prescilla]


[Egg Laying]

[Enhanced Regeneration]

[Pain Nullification]

[Enhanced Strength]

[Magical Thread Creation]

[Poison Fluid Creation]

[Pheremone Creation]

[Nest Control]josei

[Analyze has reached Max level]

Well isn't that nice, what a time to pop up. But back to the arachne I was a bit unsettled when I learned that it had a name. Named monsters were always a pain in the ass. Its skills were a bit troublesome aswell. It couldn't feel pain, it had enhanced regen and strength, and it could also make thread then use magic on it, then probably sling some poison while its at it. This was going to be one hell of a hassle.

After the hole closed up she looked back up at me and smiled yet again. It was like she was just taunting me because she would just smile and stand there not retaliating or anything.

I didn't know much to do and since my dumbass never really learned fire magic I was at a loss here. But I had a good alternative and soon I started releasing smoke from my mouth that covered the forest floor in seconds. I released a large Smoke blast directly at her in the hopes that she would be blinded, at the very least she would start coughing or suffocate.

After it hit her I ducked behind a tree and started quickly making a circle into the bark of the tree. I made it that when the arachne came close, the tree would then explode using the mana that I infused into it in the hopes that the sharp pieces of bark and wood would stick into her and then once that happened, The pieces of wood then would start to start to fuse and grow back together with her body as the nutrients.

It was a longshot but hey if it works than that's one hell of a tree to bring back to base hehe. Arachne Tree sounds cool.

I didn't notice anything around me until just a few seconds before a leg came sweeping near my head, I was alerted thanks to Danger Sense and I was lucky enough to duck and roll away.

"What the hell?" I said as I shook my head, I could feel something impairing my mind and making me get lost in thought, I was even noticing the arachne's features more and more almost like something is controlling my urges.

"Come to me."

"Huh?" I looked around but couldn't see anybody around me.

"We can make such strong children together. Come to me."

"Whose there?" I couldn't see anyone and was starting to freak out but soon that impairing feeling came back and this time even stronger as my mind was filling up with ideas and images. then a beautiful pale faced woman appeared from above me as it entered my sight. Her hair falling upside down as she smiled at me and stared at me with beautiful green glowing eyes.

"Become mine, I know you can give me strong children, I feel it." The woman says as she brushes her hand up my cheek. She then wraps something soft and silky around my body and lifts me up. I don't mind since my mind is telling me everything is ok, The world around me starts to change as I'm lifted and placed inside a giant white curved room, the inside is soft and comfortable as I am laid onto the floor while the woman closes the room up.

For a second I think her lower half looks like a giant spider but my mind dismisses it as it focuses only on her beautiful face and her big bouncing breasts. A heat starts to surge from within me as I stare a little bit to long and I start to squirm against the blanket wrapped around me.

"Oh, looks like your more excited for this than I am, just wait my prey, I will be ready for you soon."

"Ok, I'll wait." The heat dies down and I relax again as a calm overtakes me. I feel like falling asleep in this comfortable room while wrapped up in this comfortable blanket.

--------Sondar POV--------

I was in the middle of making love to Kona when I felt a tug from my connection with Vexsus, I felt what he was feeling and it was like I was on drugs. Something was wrong and he wasn't himself, I couldn't finish with Kona as I jumped up from the bed and rushed to gather the others and go rescue the damsel in distress.

I gathered the main forces of the group while leaving the others to defend the base in case something attacks. Coming with me are Shorunt, Kitsoma, Gaia, and the 4 strongest of Vexsus' children. We set off in the direction anybody last saw him race off towards at a quick pace. I told the others I would go first but they wanted to all go together in case of an ambush or something, I didn't want to wait but they brought up a valid point.

So off we ran and before long we entered into a place where the trees were different and the whole environment as a whole changed drastically. There wasn't any light as the canopy of the trees above blocked out the sun. But That's when another problem started, Everybody at one time or another would start getting caught and stopped by something completely invisible. Nobody could see what it was but after a little struggle they were able to get free, I didn't think it was good to continue without being able to figure out what it was that was stopping us but Kitsoma was getting frantic about getting to Vexsus as soon as possible.

I knew she was barely holding it in because when she would get upset she would start creating small wisps of fire around her body without her trying. It was a good indicator to shut up and trudge ahead.... Until her recent outburst of flame showed off a tiny reflection that came off of something in midair. I stopped everybody and pointed out the spot, I reached for it and my hand was soon trapped and couldn't move, I took out a small blade that I started carrying around for when I hunt the nearby wildlife and cut the air just above my hand.

I heard a small twang as if someone plucked a tight string. My knife got caught in something aswell but that was when I knew exactly what was happeneing.

"Guys, we have Spiders. The things that we keep getting caught on is the thread of a Greater Spider. They have thread that in some cases can even appear invisible. It's tougher than metal and damn near impossible to see without lighting of some kind."

"Can we burn it? I don't have control over fire but we should be lucky enough to light something on fire and then use that right?" Kitsoma tried to conjure enough fire to light a torch but like all the other times, her magic just didn't seem to listen to her anymore.

"MOTHERFUCKER I'M JUST TRYING TO CREATE FIRE HOW FUCKING HARD IS THAT!" She yelled and soon a woosh of flame enveloped a nearby tree as it lit on fire.

"Boom there we go, now lets grab some torches and make our way to Vexsus." She picked up a large branch and wrapping it up with some cloth she had from who knows where she made a torch.

I heard a whisper from Grayson after everything settled down and we started walking again.

"Mom knows I can use fire magic right? Or even Grace could do it."

"Shut up idiot, can't you see mom is upset, we have to just keep quiet and hope dad is alive." Michael said in a hushed aggressive tone.

"I heard you boys, I know you can use fire, but your father is in need of our help and I am useless, I need to get stronger."

"Kitsoma, we will rescue him don't worry. Just be calm and patient. You know nothing can kill him, I'm pretty sure even if he wanted to die he couldn't." I tried to console her but all it got was a small smile from her as we kept walking. People would get caught every now and then as they were looking around but the threads stood no chance against the torches.

"There look up ahead in the trees. It looks like a giant nest of somekind, wait.... Are those.... Spiders?" Kitsoma askes while she points up at a huge spider web intertwining between numerous trees and huge spiders skittering along the whole thing.

"Man, let me guess, That's where dad is right Uncle Sondar?" Grayson asked me with a sigh.

"Yup, the damn idiot got caught by spiders. He's probably being drained right now but with his vitality he's going to be right as rain in seconds. They just captured a damn buffet for their whole nest. Stupid idiot." I could only shake my head as I stared up at the giant obstacle where I felt the connection with Vexsus point me towards.

"So what's the plan? Do we just light everything on fire?" Grayson asked with a bit to much excitement.

"Hold up, something's coming, whatever it is feels familiar?" Shorunt stopped us and started to walk ahead for a few meters before 2 Greater spiders appeared. I started to run towards him to save him but he held up his hands.

"Wait wait wait, These spiders don't have any hostile intentions..... Actually they are being rather calm. Hold on? I feel Master's presence emanating from these Spiders.. Master must have tamed them before he got captured."

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