My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 121 - Heading Home (4)

Chapter 121 - Heading Home (4)

"A job? What would I be doing? Wait, sorry but I can't I'm already on a mission to get my daughter's soul back. I can't postpone any longer than I have."

Mara looked at me with interest before sighing. "I guess it can't be helped. Look, I know all about your issue with Necro... That little twerp has been trying to snatch up my territory for years now hoping to gain power over demons to bolster his undead. I warned him but he still keeps doing it, but unfortunately I only have the power to stop his advances for a few months as it is.... See I'm losing my power. I gave away a lot of treasures that was left over to me by my father after he died, I didn't see the need for them and my territory needs the money to prosper so I figured eh what the hell and loaned them to the auctioneer in exchange for money."

She looked down and an aura of sadness could be felt from her as bad memories could be seen playing across her eyes.

"I didn't think the Auctioneer would be working with Necro aswell. I was young and dumb and didn't realize what exactly I had given up. Months went by and my territory was starting to prosper finally after so many hardships, until a horde of undead led by a giant walking death knight showed up wielding one of the demon swords I gave away. It was a massacre and 3 of my towns were destroyed. I finally forced the horde back after days of fighting but the losses on my side were to great, I ordered a retreat and built up a defensive wall around my capital but every month like clockwork that same horde would show up and attack the walls. I need that sword back but I'm not strong enough so I came here to gather up what was left and bring it back to my people to bolster our fighting prowess for the next months horde."

She ran up to me and held my hand with a tightness that was on the verge of breaking my wrist, the only reason I didn't squeal and try and take my hand away was the look of pleading that was in her eyes. She looked pitiful like a person who was on the verge of losing everything she cared about. How could I just walk away when a woman this desperate was in front of me looking like this.

"Please help me Vexsus, please I'm begging you!" My heart wrenched as I saw tears starting to well up in her eyes. The hot librarian I saw moments before quickly turned into a young woman just begging for help and that was at the end of her wits with nowhere to turn.

"Ugh... Fine, you said the horde won't come for another month right? Well I still have things to do before helping you but if I can finish my mission before the month is up then I will come and help you ok?"

She smiled a little and wiped some tears from her face. She nodded and looked at me with hopeful eyes. "Thank you Vexsus, I appreciate whatever you can do for me."

"Haha, don't get your hopes up ok? Time will tell if I can or not." She looked down for a moment but I gently grabbed her chin and lifted it up to look at me.

"For now though... while don't we continue shopping?" I smiled mischieviously while I said that and looked over to the sword she was looking at before.

"I was just joking Vexsus, the security in this place would never let us leave if we did that." She quickly said with worry in her eyes as she watched me walk closer to the glass containment.

"Nah, it's fine, I can handle whatever happens. Plus my brother should be informed of what's happening by now so he will be ready in case I need help. Plus... Aren't you like a smoking hot demon lord? Umm I mean Powerful Demon Lord?" Ok so I tried to flirt a little, I wasn't planning on doing anything with her I was just trying to lighten the mood Ok!?

"Hehe, yes I do have some power but right now you are the strong one between the two of us. I can support you but it probably won't amount to much."

I gave her a thumbs up as I turned and used Analyze on the containment unit.

[Enchanted Glass Case]

[Enchanted with high level endurance magic. Able to withstand spells up to ArchMagus class. Able to Regenerate if supplied with mana.]

"Damn, so I don't think I'll be able to break it.... It says something about being able to hanlde ArchMagus spells? I have no idea what that means but if you're alright with it I can try something?" I asked Mara and she nodded her head while she was keeping a lookout in case anyone got past the Samurai.

"Well here goes, let's start off with a simple Spatial Bullet and see where it leads from there."

I Pointed my hand a few inches away from the glass as I let loose a bullet. Almost instantly the bullet was disabled upon impact and the magic dispersed. I frowned because even if it was a basic spell of mine, it still held enough power to kill most things in a shot or two.

"Ok, so let's ramp it up." I started focusing mana into my right hand and spoke the first words that came to mind.

"The ever expanding sea of Space, give me command over my surroundings, Bend the knee of my enemies. SPATIAL COLLAPSE!"

The mana that was in my hand suddenly jerked and exploded out of my hand seconds before the glass case in front of me almost seemed to shimmer and a slight distortion made waving copies of the case appear almost like a mirage. I heard a faint cracking sound like glass breaking before suddenly the view infront of me broke apart and a view of an endless dark abyss that was littered with sparkling lights was shown, I felt the pull of gravity that was drawing me in but I knew if I gave in, I would die.

I released the spell quickly as fear started to rise up. In the distance I swear I could have seen something just out of view, my mind could have just been playing tricks on me though.

When the spell dissapated I saw that the glass containment was completely shattered and littered the ground. The sword however was surprisingly intact which confused me a bit seeing as how powerful the spell was to even break through reality.

I picked it up and used Analyze yet again.

[Sword of the Commander of Chaos]josei

[Soul Weapon]

[Weapon that was created specifically for the first leader and Commander of the underworlds armies. Able to control the rarely seen element called Chaos with ease. Legends are still told to this day of the swathes of destruction he caused on a whim.]

[Soul Bind is inactive. Soul connection available.]

"Wow, holy shit, this is a Soul weapon that binds to the wielder. Are you planning on using this yourself Mara?" I was still looking at the sword in awe as I spoke. A few seconds go by without a response so I look up and go wide eyed at what I saw.

"Well it looks like I underestimated you, I should have pulled out the big guns from the get go it seems. Hand over the sword and yourself and I'll let poor little demon girl go."

Bruce was standing a few feet away from me and behind him was 3 men that exuded powerful auras, in the hands of two of them were Mara and her Samurai, Tamachi, they were bound and gagged while staring at me with worry. I could feel how powerful those men were from here so I could only imagine how suffocating it was to be in bodily contact with them.

I told her I would help her but I was concerned about getting out of here without losing more than a couple limbs if I fought with those guys. Fatboy in front of me was going to die that was obvious, but the fight after that was what had me worried.

"Just let them go and me and you can have a sit down and negotiate ok? There's no reason to hold them hostage is there?"

"You're right, there isn't but you see you 3 broke into my warehouse and then you actually broke into one of my containment units that cost quite a pretty penny to have created. It was even custom made which cost more damn it. I could let them go ofcourse I could, but I won't, I'm going to get what I'm owed, I'm going to skin you alive and make huge profits off your scales, With her however...." He then smiled in a rather disgusting way that clearly said what he planned.

I just shook my head and took a step forward but soon stopped as out of nowhere the last guy appeared with a small pop. I felt the surge of magic before he appeared and it felt somewhat similar to the spell I just cast, although of a way weaker variety.

"Ah, so you use space magic? But wow you are built like a brickhouse. You know I could always use someone like you under my command, what ya say? wanna join me?"

The only answer I got was being blindsided by a high kick to the jaw from my left that knocked me a few feet away. I really should start guarding or blocking more often....

Out of this guys shadow came a woman covered in all black with only a slit where her eyes were. I could see knives and other quick use assassin tools but what upset me most was the fact that up until her leg almost touched me, I couldn't sense her at all

​ "Nice addition we have here. I think it would be best if we just walked out of here instead of doing this in your treasury... Don't you think Bruce."

"Nah, if you're gonna become my possession than this is the place you'll be staying so get comfy." He smirked as one of the guards brought out a chair from nowhere for him to sit down.

I turned towards the assassin and space duo and asked them one last time.

"Last time... Will you join me and serve? Or will you fight me and die?"

Again... this time however was a low kick to the back of my righ leg that made me kneel and in front of me was the space wielding brute that was sending a fist rocketing into my face. I heard a crack and a something popping as the fist connected but the only think I felt was similar to being hit with a pebble.

I knew I was going to be attacked so I buffed myself but I wasn't fast enough to resist the low kick but it took effect just in time for space boy to break his hand on my face.

Smiling while standing up I couldn't help but chuckle as I saw space boy staring daggers at me as he held his hand while his face was turning red from anger. Time for battle protocol.

[Homonculus #3]

[Human DNA/Dragon DNA detected]

[Warning!! DNA of Spatial Dragon detected! Extreme Caution Advised]


[Homunculus #4]

[Human DNA/Shadow Demon DNA detected]

The quick analyze showed me something interesting from space boy here. Either someone got some of my DNA or they have in their possesion the DNA of one of my ancestors. I also was suprised that the so called humans in front of me were tube babies. That made this a little less of a weight on my conscious.... haha just joking, they attacked me and so they die. Easy Peasy.

I stared at space boy for a few seconds to see if he was going to attack me or use some other form of space abilities but he just stood there like an idiot just staring at me with anger. I was getting confused more and more until I felt a disturbance in the force, my shadow wavered a bit like a liquid before a dagger wielding hand flew from it and clanged off my scales before merging back into the shadows.

That was when I noticed movement in front of me and as I turned back to look I saw space boy running at me with a fist covered in a transulenct dark tinted smoke like aura and with a punch he sent that energy hurtling towards me.

"Hey, didn't you guys see me using space magic before? Why am I fighting against the same fucking element?" I was getting a bit ticked off at this point.

"That's the exact reason why you're fighting #3.... I would dodge if I was you." Bruce spoke up but I just ignored his warning... That was until the shot hit me full in the chest and I felt a cold gust of wind blow through my midsection.

--------Somewhere In another dimension---------

A group of creatures that were covered in a slimy substance walked around on four awkwardly bent legs. Their skin covered in dull red colored scales that blended together seamlessly. Their face nothing more than nostrils and a snout filled with jagged teeth.


Out of thin air the a huge chunk of what looks like a torso appeared out of thin air, it was covered in grayish purple scales on the backside but a lightly tanned set of abs on the front . Blood could be seen still oozing out as if it was still fresh.. The group of monstrosities instantly smelt the blood and jumped on the meat like wild animals and devoured the mysterious flesh.

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