My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 123 - Heading Home (5)

Chapter 123 - Heading Home (5)

I stood there and felt as the life started to drain from my body. It was getting harder to move and I couldn't breathe. I moved my hand to my chest but all I felt was air, I looked down and my hand was passing freely through where my chest was supposed to be.

"I told you to dodge, See I got my hands on a pretty rare item from a certain powerful Necromancer through a trade. Come to find out this was the bone of a very powerful Spatial Dragon that lived years and years ago. Anyways, so I took the bone and had an Alchemist pal of mine cook up a special Homunculus for my private squad of bodyguards."

Looking at Mara and Tamachi I saw as they had looks of pure horror on their faces.

I'll admit that standing here with a hole in my chest hurt like a bitch, but these guys still just assumed I was some Lizardman and not a descendant of the same Spatial Dragon Fatboy is beaming with pride over. I knew I could heal from this but I didn't know how long that would take and I didn't want to waste more of my life force to activate my trump card.

*You could always use my power and give in to me.*

That annoying Wrath woman spoke seductively in my head. It sounded like a good idea since it would let me keep fighting through the pain and use it to get stronger for a moment but the cost afterwards was something I wasn't really willing to pay.

'How about I give you their souls?'josei

*These abominations do not have souls. Look at their eyes, you can see that there is no light behind them only pure instincts. The Demon does look delicious however....*

'Nope, that one is mine so hands off.'

*Tch, greedy bastard, first you want to use my power without paying anything but now you won't give me a tasty looking morsel just because you called dibs? Whatever just give me fatboy as you call him, and don't forget to burn his body, I want that to.*


Soon a red glow started to envelope my body as my scales took on a crimson color and the blood started to coagulate and form to close up the giant hole in my chest, A cloak of hellish flames unfurled behind me and the air all around me started to shimmer as heat rolled off me in waves. I felt my muscles growing and my bones were groaning in protest as I gained an otherworldly power in an instant.

"W-w-what the fuck is happening, You were almost dead h-h-holy shit, 1-4 Fuck the hostages, kill this thing before he destroys everything!" Bruce ordered the homonculus before he turned around and ran out of the warehouse.

*You're letting my payment get away.*

'Shut it, It takes a little to get used to your power. I'll catch him in a little bit, I have to deal with 2 more unknowns right now.'

"Vexsus we can help you!" Mara and Tamachi suddenly showed up by my sides but soon jumped back as the heat was too much for them to handle.

"Shit you are hot. I'll help but just don't get to close ok?" Tamachi said while still staring at #1 that took him by surprise and captured him.

I grunted in reply since my body was already hurting beyond expectation. Not wasting anymore time I blinked behind space boy and slashed with my claws while combining the energy of Wrath and the power of my Draconic Lightning Slash. What appeared was a dark red Lightning that coavered my claws and extended them by atleast 3 inches before I slashed at his back. I made contact but as soon as I did it was like I phased right through him without any resistance. I could feel that I first made contact and injured him but something happened that caused me to pass right through him, maybe a passive? Who knows but I will find out when I eat them.

Grunting in pain the homunculus disappeared and reappeared some distance away from me but I smiled as soon I saw a small rivelet of blood was dripping down his back.

"Don't run, let me see what else you can do with that dragon blood running through your veins. I wonder how you will taste?"

I focused a bit of the crimson aura around me into a ball that I threw at the enemy and as it came close to contact I saw it shrink slightly before ballooning up into a meter round ball that seemed to have a gravity all its own. The space boy tryied to resist it at first but soon his footing became unstable and he started sliding across the floor inching closer and closer to the ball of rage so intense that the sheer anger held within drew you in and threatened to consume you.

He was still putting up a fight and I wanted to go and trip him up to finish the job but then I saw a quick movement from my side as a shadow seemed to flicker. I could only sigh as shortly a heel was seen emerging out of the shadows towards my face. I didn't move and instead using my lightning speed to  grab her ankles and slam her down a couple times till I saw that she was dazed, once that was done I threw her into the orb and watched as deathly pale hands emerged from the orb and grabbed her all over and slowly started to drag her in. She didn't realize what was happening until it was already to late and only her head was left outside and the look of realization and horror made her scream in a high pitch that was borderline high enough to break glass.

The fighting stopped at that moment with each of the other Homunculus looking at the orb with horror than at me with intense hate.

"Yes, give me your hate you science projects. Give me more power and let me rip into your bodies and devour your flesh." A voice boomed out as I spoke.


A weird screech was let loose by one of the ones fighting Mara and Tamachi and as if that was a cue, the Homunculus turned and ran as fast as they could out of the room. I felt their fear as they left but I was left pouting because my meals were running away. I decided to deactivate Wrath but was soon grasping my head as a voice spoke in my head while it seemed to apply pressure to my brain.


'I promise that you will have your tasty morsel but right now my body needs to heal from the mass overexertion than I can set out to hunt but only after my body has a chance to heal. I can't keep overworking my body especially since oh, I don't know, Maybe the HUGE FUCKING HOLE IN THE CENTER OF IT??? Now just relax, unwad your fiery panties and let me rest!'

*Hmph... Fine.... My panties aren't fiery they are black! Stupid Mortal!*

I wasn't going to even touch that topic right now because as soon as my body relaxed from Wrath it was like a tidal wave of blood from all that was seemingly clogging my huge new hip and stylish body modification, well that blood became liquid again and fell onto the floor and started to die the gold coins on the floor a form of golden crimson.

I liked the look but man was my vision getting blurry. Last I saw was Mara running up to me and casting some kind of reddish glowing sigil that expanded and wrapped around my body. The pain soon faded but the hole was still just barely closed though. It looked like it would take some more time to properly set on the path to completely heal.

"We need to head back to the city, we need to get you medical treatment right away. Tamachi prepare the portal, I'll supply the mana so don't worry, all that matters is that I repay my debt to this man."

"Yes Mistress."

"Stop... I-I-I can't let Bruce run away.. Debt to be paid for power...." That was the last words I spoke before I felt a comforting darkness take me.


I'm so so so sorry, I mixed up the order of the chapters and this happened, please forgive me lol

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