My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 125 - Heading Home (8)

Chapter 125 - Heading Home (8)

After a few more rounds of creating an heir, me and Mara fell asleep out of pure exhaustion. It wasn't until daylight shined directly into my eyelids that I groggily woke up.

"Ugh, who turned on the lights?"

"Goodmorning handsome, care for some breakfast, or maybe a bath? Or maybe.... me?" A seductive voice was heard as the doors to my room were opened, I begrudgingly opened one eye and looked over to see Mara with a huge platter filled with foods of all kinds. That was when the smell of meats and pastries hit my nose and my stomach growled like a wild beast. Mara clearly heard it and started to chuckle as she placed it down in between us and started to pick some food and eat it.

"This looks fantastic.... But why?" I asked, I could remember alot of what I said last night in the heat of passion but that wasn't the normal me and I had to take it one step at a time now that the beast was back in it's cage.

she looked at me with confusion for a second before a realization hit her. "Hehe, don't worry, I will send you back to your brother just like I promised, and I do remember all that you said last night. I will be conferring with my advisers and clearing a plot of land for you and your family once your mission is done, If you want you can start sending them over now to get settled while you're busy? I promise to be on my best behavior with your first wife my dear." At that last part she smirked mischievously and I felt a tinge of fear at what she would do.

I only sighed as I started eating until nothing was left. I wiped my mouth and smiled wide at the taste of such delicious foods, I never would have gotten this from base unless we somehow got lucky and found kitchen supplies and other necessities for Romeo.

I turned and looked over at Mara who was just staring ahead with a look of deep thought as she was lost in her own head. I brushed my hand down her cheek and that shook her from her own world and she smiled as she leaned into my hand. "This was definitely worth it, I feel so much better and the stress of my life has all but lifted off my shoulders with you by my side Vexsus."

"It's time baby. I have to get back on track, I don't know how long it will take for me to finish my mission but I believe I can be done soon if I hurry."

She sighed in sadness but soon after she smiled at me and stood up and in front of me she recited her families special spell and soon I was jumping through a portal back to the underground warehouse. "Please don't forget me...." Was the last words I heard before I fully passed through.

A few seconds later I fell to the ground and quickly rose up as I looked at the portal with a feeling of guilt. "I promise Mara..." I spoke those words as I touched the area over my heart. It may have been a night but the emotions that were displayed in that single night was worth more than months and months of dating back on earth. The connection I felt with her after last night was enough to know I wanted to be with her.

Then guilt for something else started weighing on my mind as I looked down and examined the ring on my finger. I needed to contact Kitsoma and get the move started but what was I going to say? 'Hey honey, so listen I hooked up with a demon chick, fell in love, got her pregnant, and now I want the entire family to move all the way to her territory so that I can help raise my love child that will one day rule after she dies.'

... Yea that'll go over greatly. I sighed as I sent mana through the ring and soon an excited voice could be heard.

"Vexsus? Omg honey how are you? The ring showed a dangerous light last night and that meant that you were close to dying... Are you OK? Please don't lie to me honey...."


"Kitsoma, I'm fine baby, listen I have some things I need to talk to you about but I can't over such a long distance ok? But right now I need you to get the others gathered up so I can talk to them."

"OK? Hold on." The ring went silent for a few minutes before it lit back up. "Hey Vex, whatsup?" It was Sondar as usual who spoke first.

"I gained an ally who is willing to give us a plot of land that we can call our own and they will even help us out in gaining strength and even giving us the supplies to build a stable home for the family. I need you and the others to pack up everything and start heading towards where you feel my location is. Someone will be there to guide you the rest of the way."

"Vexsus.... What did you do in exchange for this. What sacrifice did you make yet again for us..... We could survive just fine where we are, we didn't need help from anybody else man dammit!" I felt the anger in his voice but I couldn't tell him the real reason right now.

"Listen Just trust me ok? Just know that somethings happened and that through that I was able to make sure we had a set in stone place to settle down and build a future. Just please keep being my brother and closest friend. I'll explain everything when I see you all again." I disconnected the mana from the ring and hung up the communications as I walked out of the warehouse to finally get back on mission.

Thankfully I soon had something to keep my mind occupied because as soon as I opened the doors to leave, I was greeted by a familiar face.

"Oh, hey space boy, Hey listen will you go ahead and call your master here for me? I need to finish this real quick and get going."

The only reply I got was the quick activation of Danger sense as I saw the same skill that took out a huge chunk of my chest start to be concentrated and soon unleashed. I only sighed and soon blinked behind space boy and used Multi casting to simultaneously use spatial bullets while also casting Space bubble around the Homunculus and also shoving my hand into his chest while implanting a spatial implosion bomb where his heart should be. I fucked up before because of arrogance, but not now, I needed shit to get done with a quickness and this shit stain was only a minor inconvenienced.

I close the space bubble as soon as the implosion went off and I felt the layers of subspace shake slightly before settling back down. That was an awkward feeling as my physical body didn't feel anything but it was more like something similar to my psyche felt an earthquake. Either way I kept walking and soon was met with the other body guards and lo and behold fat bastard was there with a look of horror on his face as he tried to smile.

"S-S-Sir Lizard, how nice of you t-t-to come back, May I interest you in some Legendary trinkets? Or perhaps a slave or two to satisfy you during the cold nights?"

Blink, Stab, Rip. Activate Wrath. Set body on fire with infernal flames, and chuckle as I devoured the other guards like a fucking snack.

*Finally... I was thinking You were going to finally give up and hand over your soul to me. But looks like I got my hopes up for nothing. Enjoy the continued benefits of using my power mortal.*josei

I wiped the sweat off my brow as the nervousness I felt was wiped away. For the last hour I was starting to feel a source of unnatural heat that was emenating from where my brand was. more specifically the small part of Wrath that was included in that brand, I could feel as it was slowly taking over the Gluttony brand and hurting me from the inside, hence the fast pace at which I killed and sacrificed the target.

Soon the brand went back to normal as the overwhelming heat of Wrath subdued and Gluttony took over until Wrath was just a small sigil again.

I got an unexpected pop up screen that almost seemed to appear with a sense of urgency and anger.


[Learn New Element]

[Learn Invisibility]

[Sacrifice to Gluttony] *New*

Well shit, looks like Gluttony is getting a little agitated that I've talked more to Wrath than I have her. I understood but at the same time I had a shit ton of stuff happening and the least of my concerns was the time to waste learning either of the first two quests. But now the last one I could totally do since I could do that just taking an enthusiastic walk through the nearby woods.

But back on topic, I had no more use for this place but I could still feel a lot of mystical presences as the items themselves seemed to want to interact with me. I could sense souls in some of the stronger ones but I had no time for that side story bullshit and just activated my ring again and before Kitsoma could start talking I interrupted her and told her about this vast treasure trove that I wanted her to take when they got here and then quickly shut it off again.

I rushed up towards the surface and there I saw Gaia just standing around with the other 3 guards that I persuaded to join me. It only took a second before the woman who spoke first saw me appear from underground and brought the attention of the others. Gaia walked up with a smirk as he could tell something happened.

"I have a feeling you gained something in the last day brother. Perhaps.... a woman fell for your beastly charms? Or perhaps an item of legend to rule the world? Hahaha, who cares I'm ready to head home and see father and mother after all this time."

I clapped his shoulder before agreeing with a smile and walking up to the guards.

"Ok, I totally forgot your names but I'll learn them as we continue on our mission, My name is Vexsus, this is Gaia, We are Dragons. Not Lizards. Listen to what I say and we will get along famously. Don't listen and I will eat you like a snack... Ok great let's go." I clapped my hands together and started walking towards where a certain feeling was guiding me.

The guards stood still for a second as the information of what I just said passed through their minds before quickly they picked up their packs and rushed to follow behind.

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