My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 132 Reunion (Fin)

Chapter 132 Reunion (Fin)

Out of the rubble appears a Dark golden shield covered in different elements to help bolster its defense. As the shield started to lower I could see all the siblings except Jaspin and Tyrole. Jaspin had escaped with enough time to be safe from the explosion. Tyrole on the other hand was patient zero so to speak. He was cooridates 0,0 right in the center. He was evaporated before he could even breath his final breath.

I looked all around but like I thought, there was not even a scrap of that meathead anywhere. I then looked over to where Gaia was and he was slowly getting up with ragged breathing. I'm guessing the blast was a bit more than he could handle after everything. Sighing in relief that he was atleast up and awake I turned back to the rest after resolving myself once again with a serious look on my face.

"I told you I was done playing games, You have caused untold amount of pain and suffering to our people, to our parents. Did you know that mom and dad wanted to have another brood of hatchlings? Did you know that before you took away whatever part of them that you did? I'm guessing it was an ability of your Sin Salus, Since Aurum here is prideful I doubt he would take anything like that. But you on the other hand I can see slithering around like a snake in tall grass."

That got the reaction I wanted as Salus screamed in rage and ran towards me. He soon started to glow this eerily purple color as his body starts to elongate and transform into a long slender dragon that reminds me of chinese mythology. He has 2 horns that resemble antlers that are coated in purple scales along with the rest of his body. (Imagine Shinron but a cloudy Purple and about half the size.)

In a reverberating voice he spoke in anger. "I will devour you Vexsus, all your power will be mine!" He then lunged towards me with a speed I didn't expect and was soon caught betwee 2 large jaws as a crushing weight was pressing down on me. He was literally trying to devour me.... But only one of us here as the true Devour Skill.

A malicious red glazed over my eyes as I could only imagine the pain that being eaten from the inside will feel like, and that was the thought that quickly passed by as while I was pushing back against his jaws I grabbed his giant tongue and ripped a piece off and ate it. Granted it wasn't the best since it was slimy but it was pretty firm since it was pure muscle.

He squealed in pain and tried to push me out of his mouth but that was when I jumped in deeper. If he was going to try and eat me it was only fair that I returned the favor.... Except this time I was going to get a bit gruesome with it as when I traveled a good distance down his throat I stood still as his stomache acid started to slowly digest me.

*You are so cruel Vexsus.... I love it!* a sultry voice whispered in my head and I could swear I felt a hand caress my chest... Until I looked down and it was some stomach acid that dripped from above and landed on it...

"You fucked up Salus and now it's time to reap what you sow."

I whispered only two words. [Dragon Form]

-------Gaia POV--------

I was there barely holding myself up as I just witnessed Vexsus being eaten by Salus. I wanted to go and fight to save him but my body wouldn't listen, it was to exhausted past it's limits to do anything else. This damn curse extremely limited me and I was now looking at the cause of that same curse now eat one of three family members I actually care about.

"VEXSUS NOOOOOO!!!!" I yelled but even that barely came above a slight whisper as even my lungs were barely functioning enough to keep me alive.

"Thath Motherfcker justh rippedth my thongue Dammit!" Salus yelled in pain after swallowing Vexsus, the only thing I could do was slump down in defeat and hope they kill me quickly as I closed my eyes and waited.

But soon I opened them with wide eyes and Salus started groaning in pain.

"Agh, what the hell is he doing in there? It hurts, Ahhh Dammit!" He started squirming and wriggling in pain and discomfort.

"My stomach hurts... SOmething is coming... AHHHHH!!" He screamed yet again as we all saw a spot in the middle of his body start to bulge and expand to ridiculous sizes and soon his body started to crack and burst with sprays of blood. First I saw a pair of Gray wings with a hint of purple emerge as soon I could see a large dragon body that they were attached to finally rip out of Salus like a newborn breaking out of an egg.

"AHHHHH just like being reborn!" The voice of Vexsus roared from the huge body that just split Salus in two. I could only stare wide eyed at this and at how gruesome the room now looked with pools of blood and meat everywhere.

------Vexsus POV------

I just had to say that since it did remind me of being reborn, I mean I had a viscous liquid all around me and it reminded me of being back in the egg. I looked around and saw the carnage my emergence caused and could only smile at the pain Salus must be going through at the end of his life. I turned around and looked towards where his head was but in that place was the torn body of Salus in his dragonoid form. HIs legs were on the other side of me and he was gasping for air as he fought against coughs that spewed blood into the air like a fine mist.

"I told you I would let you try and take my Sin Salus, It's not my fault you are so weak. But now.... YOUR SIN IS MINE!" I quickly grabbed him and his lower half and shoved them into my mouth before chewing and making sure he was dead. In this form I could feel his blood gushing out like a sweet burst of juice as it flowed down my throat. Something inside me was jumping in joy and in anticipation at the newfound power I was going to recieve from this.

I shook my head with a smile that showed the full extent of my jagged teeth as I looked towards the now frightened siblings. All of them were shaking except for Gaia, and unfortunately Aurum aswell was only standing there with a defiant look in his eyes.

"You're next Aurum, I want your Sin aswell. But first I want to deal with the appetizers." I use Spatial blink to appear behind the fools and quickly grabbed Latius and using Mana manipulation I created binding ropes of pure mana that rolled her into a nice little pretzel. I didn't care about the sounds of breaking bones or the screams of agony that reached a pitch high enough to shatter glass. I just wanted an easy finger food to pop in my mouth.

With a agonized scream Latius soon disappeared in the darkness of my stomach, I then turned towards Marico who was the last before Aurum. "Oh, little Marico, Do you regret the way you treated me when we were hatchlings? DO you fear the presence in front of you? You know I'm going to absorb you and make your power mine right? You are nothing more than a little treat in the grand scheme of my life. Come here little one and surrender to the void." I slowly reached towards her to up the dread surrounding her as I could see her eyes glaze over as her body gave up and slumped to the ground.

I was just about to reach her but then Aurum using his power slapped my hand away and stood before me. "You are a pest Vexsus, you should have died when we were young. Now I will finish you off and avenge my brothers and sister."

His body glowed a dark golden color before quickly it flashed and he too started to swell up and change into his dragon form. But his form was different from Salus, He looked like a giant golden dragon that stood on 2 legs with a huge burly body and black wings that were golden along the outside. His face was shortened but covered in sturdier scales, his arms were covered in scales that resembled golden shields that oozed supremacy. After fully forming he had grown to be 3 meters taller than I was even in my form. A total of 15 meters and he was starting to scratch the ceiling.

He opened his eyes and glared down at me with hatred before he raised his hand and on each end his claws a small fireball formed. At first I wasn't scared but after looking closer I saw that around them were heat waves that distorted the space around them. It was like miniature suns had been conjured as the heat of the entire room started to rise to almost unbearable levels.

"I will end this here." Was the only thing that I heard as the sheer base threatened to shatter my eardrums. the mini suns started to slowly descend and started to rotate around eachother in an ever increasing speed until it was nothing more than a spinning blade of pure solid sun in the shape of a chakram.

[Sun Blessed Chakram]

Aurum said those words before whipping his hand forwards towards me and the materialized weapon shot forth with such speeds that I only blinked before I felt an emptiness on the left side of my body.

Clicking his tongue I looked at Aurum with confusion. "I still haven't gained good enough accuracy.... I aimed for you head."

"What?" I asked as I turned and looked at the space where ashes of my arm were still floating away as if with a snap of a finger.

The moment I saw this was the moment I realized that I felt no pain. I felt nothing as I tried my best to move an arm that wasn't there. My brain couldn't comprehend what was going on as it kept sending signals over and over again for the arm to move.

"Let's try again shall we." I heard Aurum speak but I was still to focused on where my arm was supposed to be. I felt a rise in tempature yet again but that still did not shake my daze.

[Sun Blessed Chakram]

*VEXSUS WATCH OUT!* The voice of Gula this time was heard as a faint cloud of greenish gas erupted from my chest and impacted against the weapon as if it was a solid matter. A faint hiss could be heard as I turned to look with dazed eyes and saw that the Chakram was burning away the gas.

*Vexsus..... Run... AWAY!!* Gula screamed that last word in my head and reality finally snapped back together again for me. a flash of the last few seconds rewound and played over in my head as if to bring me back up to speed with the current situation and in turn my mind started to race in order to try and counteract this overpowered skill.

*Gula retreat. I got it from here... thank you for your help.* I sent a mental message to my Sin as I concentrated a compact ball of pure space into my palm. If this bastard wants to use overpowered skills than what's stopping me from doing the same to him.

I concentrated and poured mass amounts of mana into the palm of my hand. Enough mana to reshape a small mountain was fit tightly in my hand. I willed it to create a shape that I could only think of at the last second as the spatial elements shone with the light of a galaxy as the image of swirling stars was soon molded into the shape of a gourd. The image of a certain gourd sucking in enemies only to break them down for consumption was a quick random image that popped in my head while I though of what to use.

"Here goes nothing..." [Spatial Gourd of Gluttony]

I just spouted off the first name I could think of and as soon as I did the gourd materialized further with a brown outer shell that was covered in the markings of bright stars, and dazzling nebulas. The top of the gourd was a cork that seemed to be nothing but a dark piece straight from the expanses beyond the stars as it popped off and a suction force drew in the Chakram within it before sealing shut and plopping down onto the ground.josei

I stood there in awe as the skill didn't disappear after it ended but instead stayed as a permanent part of this world. I looked at Aurum only to be brought back to reality by his face filled with frustration. I tried to conjure another one but as soon as I tried to conjure any form of space mana it felt like my insides were lit on fire and magma was flowing through me. I gasped for air as I was forced onto my knees but as soon as I stopped trying to use the mana the feelings of pain slowly left me breathing ragged and panting.

"It seems you have reached your limit.... little brother. I will show mercy if you surrender now and pledge yourself to me." Aurum spoke in an condescending tone as if he was some benevolent ruler showing mercy to a peasant.

"I... Will... Never surrender... Fuck you..." I raised my middle finger up towards him with a smile.

"So be it." He summoned up yet more of the mini suns but this time I was ready as I focused what little mana I could control and pushed it all onto my legs as I braced myself and shot forward leaving behind 3 craters where my feet were planted. I could see the Chakram start forming just as fast if not faster than previously but I didn't care as I sailed through the weapon while giving up my right arm in the process. I still had my two legs and that was enough for the plan I had in mind.

Since I felt no pain from losing my other arm I could stay focused as I sailed and collided with Aurums gigantic body. The force of the impact was enough to knock him over and quickly bouncing along his body I made my way to his neck. I forced my body to absord mana and concentrated it into my mouth as I opened it and unleashed a thin laser that barely qualified as a [Breath of the Sun] But it was just enough to melt away at some of his thick scales and allow me to bite down onto the soft flesh beneath it.

I activated the Vampire skill and started to suck away all of his vitality and mana and essence and turn it into my own. I felt a burning sensation at the base of my shoulders but I paid no heed to it as Aurum started to shout and yell at me as he used his claws and magic to rip away at my body. Pieces of me flew in chunks or were evaporated with his weird flames but I still kept myself latched onto him and used up whatever I sucked away to replenish what he was ripping away from me. I knew this would end in a mutual destruction but I knew that if I could just gain a slight edge even if it was a few seconds more of mana than him that I could regenerate back to full health after this battle. I might be in a coma for a few days or maybe even a week but I would still be alive.....

"MARICO GET THIS LEECH OFF OF ME!!" Shit I forgot all about Marico as out of the corner of my eye I saw Marico seem to shake herself out of a stupor and with anger on her face she reached into her own shadow and brought out a pair of deadly looking knives that dripped with some kind of dark substance. I narrowed my eyes but all I could do at the moment was stare at her in the hopes something would stop her.

My gaze narrowed even more as from a shadow next to her Jaspin appeared. I knew he ran away before the explosion but I didn't think he would be back. But surprisingly he grabbed Marico's arm and stopped her. She looked at him with a confused expression but he only shook his head at her, no words were spoken but by the way Marico looked back at me I could see that she had given up and dropped her weapons back into the shadows.

"MARICO WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? HELP ME DAMMIT... JASPIN COME GET THIS LEECH OFF OF ME PLEASE AHHHHH!!!!" Aurum screamed and yelled at the two of them but it didn't work as the pair just stood there as in a couple seconds Marico merged with the darkness and was soon followed by Jaspin but before that he turned and looked at me with a mischievous smile.

"I'll be looking forward to your advancements in strenght.... Big Brother. hehehehe." Like that Jaspin disappeared into the shadows while his laughter seemed to haunt the room around me with how ominous it was.

It took me a few more minutes but Aurum finally ran out of mana so he just kept scratching at me but by this time my skill had already absorbed enough of his essence to heal my body back to a form sturdy enough to resist his ever weakening attacks. Soon I was holding him in my arms as that regrew with phenomonal speed as I made sure that his very soul became my sustenance, until his very body became nothing more than dry dust that blew away with a soft breeze.

After I dusted my hands of the once golden dragon that was so rare in the tribes of dragons that it's said only 1 in every thousand years would be lucky to be born... And here I was just savoring the flavor of his soul like some kind of gourmet. I went over to Gaia and picked him up and quickly used a healing circle over him as I shrank back to normal and carried him over my shoulder. Gluttony hasn't said anything about what powers I had recieved so I can only imagine that it would take some time before I gained anything. But I was fine with that because now... Now it was time I headed home and dealt with what was in store for me there.....

I took a last look at the destroyed room filled with nothing but rubble and destruction as puddles of sizzling dragons blood was spewn all around. "I'm sorry this had to happen like this... I really wish we could have been a family." Then I walked out leaving this chaotic chapter behind as I faced forward to prepare for what lay ahead.

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