My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 140 Meeting The Duke

Chapter 140 Meeting The Duke

Mara led us through her manor and I was wide eyed at how many extravagant things she had lining the walls. From Paintings of who I'm assuming were her family, to fancy lights and chandeliers, to even some hallways lined with nothing but glass cases filled with flashy looking weapons with hilts made from leather and scales that looked like mine, to some being encrusted with jewels along the center of the blade that exudes power.

"Don't even think about it Vexsus. Those are family heirlooms from my ancestors. They are not snacks got it?" Mara looked at me with a bit of a huff as if she could read my mind.

Wait.... She's a succubus right? Isn't mind reading basically like breathing for her?

"I can only mind read people have fallen for my charms. It's a pheremone kinda thing, but either way no eating my families weapons ok? If you're hungry I will have the chefs whip up a big meal to celebrate your new freedom."

"Freedom? What are you talking about?"

"You left your so called family right? To head out and get stronger with the ones who wouldn't betray you? I could already tell they were going to kick you out. It was plain as the adorable nose on my gorgeous face." Mara smiled while she poked her nose in a cute manner.

"If you knew then why didn't you tell me when you were there?"

"Because you wouldn't have believed me, you were so caught up in your own self hate that the only thing I could do was give you another angle to look at things and hope you could manage from there. Do you really think you could have handled the thought that the ones you loved would betray you and kick you out while you were in self loathing for losing your adopted daughter like that... Sigh Just follow me and let's get some food in our bellies before we set off."

"We? Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't you the ruler here in this area? How can you just up and leave like that when you have responsibilities?"

"Good question... And if I asked you that same question what would you have said Hmm?"

"Dammit..... you got me fine... are you sure thought? I may not be a leader anymore but I never wanted that position in the first place. You however were born to lead, I can see the way these people look at you with admiration... I can tell you have made alot of progress here."

"Yea, but in exchange I'm physically weak. My magic is a little above average but that's only when it comes to the children of this village. I used my brains to make advancements but in exchange my body isn't strong enough to withstand a fight. So I'm coming with you and training and that's that HMPH!" Mara puffed her cheeks up and by the gods if it wasn't the most adorable thing I've ever seen. I don't know if it was how attracted I was to her or if it was just because I'm a big softy beneath this hard chiseled bod. But My heart melted and I couldn't do anything but agree with a dumb smile on my face.

"Ofcourse my dear. You are more than welcome to join us, but you and Kitsoma have to get along ok? That is my one condition for letting you come with us." I smiled as I pulled Kitsoma and Mara close to me. I leaned in where our three heads touched and our mouths were just a few inches apart while I whispered.

"IF you both behave and be good girls, I'll give you both a treat tonight." I may have used my own pheremones to induce a slight heated moment along with using my husky voice... You know? The one that every man has? Especially just waking up? Yea I used that mixed with pheremones and boy it was like a fire was lit under them as Mara started blushing and Kitsoma's tail started to slowling wag back and forth and she her breath started to hasten.

"D-D-Don't say That Darling! I Don't want to do such t-t-things with HER!" Kitsoma said with while jumping back and pointing at Mara.

"MMmmm Darling You have such a dirty mind don't you? Looking at Kitsoma now I can see why you would want to.... The naughty images are already popping up in my head.... Ok! I will do my best to cozy up to our delicious looking Kitsune here and by the time we get to our destination we will be the best of friends. How does that sound Kitsoma?"

"I-I-I..... I agree, but only if Darling will promise to give me equal attention ok? I am the first wife and I deserve to be treated as such!"

"Yes, yes, you're first I'm second and who knows who will come after.... But Just know that I'm a succubus, and now that I'm a full fledged one I need to feed on my lover's energy often... Call it a medical condition hehe."

Kitsoma only looked jaw slacked at Mara as she only egged her on with how flirty she was being with me. I expected her to be a bit shameless so I only smiled and chuckled at the interaction.

"Now now ladies, calm down and let's get to eating. I'm hungry after that little workout I had outside."

Mara chuckled before walking towards a large double doorway and opened it up to reveal a huge dining room that contained a table big enough to seat over 20 people. Mara waved at a nearby butler that was just hanging around. We took a seat around the table and soon a wave of maids and butlers came out with trays of food that when put in front of me looked like someone took a turkey and made it workout until it double in size. This bird or whatever it was smelled so delicious as the oils dripped from it and around the meat was pieces of fruit that was directly put into the meat itself and a small wrapping of salad as the base.

This single tray of food was one of the fanciest things I have ever seen and smelled, and I was drooling while looking at it.

"Dad? We already started, Are you going to eat or just oggle the food?"

​ I snapped to and looked up and saw as that everybody else was just devouring their respective plates. I shook my head before ripping into the bird and eating everything. I devoured everything, even the bones, it was delicious and I wanted more but before I could even raise my head and look over at Mara, she had already snapped her fingers and 2 more maids carrying the same trays came and put them down in front of me while taking away the old tray.

I looked at her with confusion but she smiled and laughed.

"I made sure to have a few of those prepared in case the guards weren't enough to fill you up. It's no royal guards but I think it's delicious and so worth the price."

"Well I really appreciat....."  BOOM BOOM BOOM

Three huge bangs came from the closed doors behind me as a man that was a little on the chubby side came barging in with a group of ten guards outfitted just like they ones I ate.


"Duke.... Need I remind you that this is not your house? You're a guest here and as such you need to remember to behave like one. Last time I remember a guest is not supposed to break down their host's door in a rage."

"FUck you Succubus bitch! Tell me why the hell my men are gone and there is nothing but puddles of blood. Also again who the fuck is this goddam Lizard that is eating at your table? I refuse to accept such a lesser being to be in the same room as me... Guards remove these disgusting things from my site."josei

The chubby guy had by now walked all the way up to me and was glaring down at me as if to say that I was in his spot.... Granted I naturally just took the head seat at the table but who the hell was this little man to call me scum? So I just stood up slowly as I lengthened my body to raise to 3 meters tall and looked down at this guy.

"Question is little man.... Who are you? I will advise you and warn you not to speak to me like that again ok? I'm sure that once you calm down and get my side of the story.... You might agree with me."

The man was shocked at my height but soon snapped out of it and looked at my eyes with no hesitation at all and with a puffed up chest he started talking with arrogance.

"I am the Duke of the nearby land. This land was declining and Mara had traveled abroad to find anything to help her land and people prosper... even if she had to marry that said person as a price. She came to me and begged me to help her people and yesterday we had come to discuss our marriage and the signing over of land but she withdrew her offer. She will be mine even if I had to take her by force. This land will be mine and I will turn this whole place to a large field to grow food for my citizens. If you bow before me now I will be benevolent and allow you to become slave labor."

The Duke smiled before backing up and letting his guards walk up to me as if to intimidate me.

"Bad move guys..." Michael just shook his head and said while he continued to eat.

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