My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 15 - A Master Calls

Chapter 15 - A Master Calls

I turn around slowly hoping that Whatever it was that growled like that was not what I was afraid of. Only to see a wolf with blood red fur and black obsidian claws that was staring right at me like I was a meal ready to gulp down. I didn't know what to do so I just blew out a smoke blast in its direction hoping to catch it off guard while at the same time flinging myself closer to home and sending out a blast like that is a clear sign that something is happening, I just hope that my family is fast enough to get here.

However what happened was that the wolf dodged it and was on me almost as soon as I landed and rolled on the ground. Good thing was, I landed closer to garden wall so that right there told me that my power was growing but bad news I was now pinned with a slobbering possibly rabid wolf looking into my soul.

"You are very weak little dragon, but that blast of hot air you just blew at me was definitely unexpected. Did your father teach you that? If so then I wonder how strong little Solace has become since the last time I saw him."

The wolf spoke those words as unpinned me and I was able to stand back up.

"How do you know my father? And if I may who are you?" I ask but shortly afterwards I feel a giant gust of wind and before me is my father whose red scales seem to almost glow in the fading light and who also slams down hard enough to create a crater, and next to him is my mother whose green scales unleash an almost calming gleam and also she lands way better.

"Solace you know that you don't have to show off just because its in front of Vexsus he already knows how powerful you are and also... YOU JUST DESTROYED PART OF MY GARDEN, YOU BETTER PRAY TO OUR ANCESTORS THAT THOSE WERE NOT MY RARE HERBS."

"HAHAHAHAHA, it looks like you two are doing just as well I see, it has been a while Solace, Nitali, I see that you were cursed with a runt."

"Master Lucan, it is a pleasure to see you again after so long, yes Vexsus is the runt but it was due a monster slipping into our home and trying to take him away while still in the egg. We were successful in killing the creature but Vexsus had prematurely hatched. He may be the runt be his is the oldest of the bunch and he is very unique. I heard the blast so you must have seen his smoke blast attack. But enough about this and that lets go inside and introduce you to our other children and discuss why you are really here in a safer location."

After my dad and mom and I guess the wolf master? who knows but after we get back home I take off after grabbing some food and go to lay down after the massive near heart attack I had at the hands of whats his face. I can tell he is powerful but why did he act like that in the first place? was it a test? if so then is he going to test the others? Wait I know a similar theme that I read about. A master takes and trains a families most talented child to take on their legacy. But what would a wolfs legacy due for a dragon or wait this could just be a form that the wolf takes on and is not actually his true form. OOOOOOOO the intrigue and the potential drama, my mind is racing for the answers.

I will just have to wait and see what happens, in the meantime I will just be patient and continue my training this time however I will just focus on increasing my understanding of light to try and get a start on the task Gluttony gave me. Just using the information from the old world it is not easy but maybe if I could find some reflective surface I could use it? but that would just be using science and not magic. So what would this world consider using magic? Well easy answer is to use mana but how could I use my mana to create light? Dammit this could easily just turn into a philosophical debate in my head about the meaning of mana and the many uses it has.

So what is light? well obviously its the light from whatever star is at the center of whatever planetary system this planet was apart of. But at the same time 'light' could be considered what illuminates an area like a fire or a flashlight. but to create those things are all different elements used in conjunction like to make a fire that's using burnable materials like wood while a flashlight uses batteries which power a circuit that powers bulbs. ???? those thoughts did nothing to help me figure out Light as an element. Wait isn't light something that is just differing wavelengths being emitted from the sun so what if I could interrupt those waves of light or reduce their lengths and widths wouldn't that be considered light magic? but if that is the case then invisibility would be a pretty basic usage of 'light' magic right? Ok so damn this is way out of my league maybe I should just ask mom maybe this world has a different interpretation of light that I could better use.

I go to where I last saw my parents take our guest, I open my mouth to speak but instead stop as the words "He will be my disciple in preparation for the Shadow Eaters invasion." entered my ears.

"What do you mean he will be your disciple you cannot just take away my son to do with as you please. I understand that you are a Master who is tasked with protecting the other weaker species same as the dragons but that does not give you the right to do as you please." My father almost growled the last part as his eyes had a dangerous shine to them and I could see his leg muscles flexing in anticipation for a fight.

"Solace, honey please calm down I am sure that master Lucan is not doing this just on a whim, please think rationally this would mean that our son will become stronger and will have a better future. It may be painful but think of his future, he needs to understand that to survive he will need more strength than what he can gain here."

These words only sent chills down my spine. Are they talking about me? I don't want to leave this place let alone train under some unknown person who will dictate how I train. So I rush in there.

"Who are you trying to take away from here."

With a look of surprise on both my parents face I could assume they did not know I had overheard them but the smile on the wolfs face made me think he knew I was there, almost like he sensed me there.

"Why little runt who else but you. I plan on taking you away from your highly prideful and cunning brother and teach you the strength needed to survive in this world."

"No I refuse, I can handle Aurum he is just another challenge and obstacle in my path. I am doing just fine here with my parents and my brother Gaia."

"Little runt I am not talking about Aurum he is a prideful dragon yes but he is not the one I am talking about, my worries are about the one controlling him, I believe his name is Salus correct. He is the mastermind who is making plots in the dark against you using Aurum as an obvious front to either kill or cripple you."

I was stunned at those words. Yea I knew Salus was a bastard and I knew he was Sadistic but It never crossed my mind that he could be a snake aswell. "How do you know he is the one?"

"His Aura is that of one who wants everything his heart desires to the point where he will do whatever despicable thing needed." Surprisingly looking at my parents as the master said this was a bit confusing as it looked like they already knew this about Salus. Before I could ask anything else my parents and the wolf start talking about something else but my attention was stolen by a voice in my head.

'I know that you have the Sin of Gluttony boy, that is why you will come with me if the Sins of Pride and Envy knew that their descendants were family with Gluttony your life would be forfeit faster than you could blink.' My breath stopped in my chest as I saw the wolf staring at me from the sides of his eyes. I knew that he was the one who just spoke in my head but how is the main question? and How did he know that I had a Sin and that my brothers also had one but that led to another question. Why did Gluttony not let me know that they were present in my siblings? was this another test from it or is it that Gluttony is not as all powerful as I once believed? these questions swam through my head as I left the area and curled up onto my bed and before long I fell asleep.

I woke up to the smell of freshly cooked meat, I walked into our eating area to see that there was a human sitting over a fire. I jumped into survival mode and blew out a stream of smoke at the human. With a small wave of his hand a small but powerful gust of wind cleared away my smoke.

"Good instinct I can tell you have thought of a good way to overcome your physical weakness. It is smart to limit your opponents visibility but what are you going to do when your enemy can see through such a simple ploy and get rid of it as easily as I have?"

"Who are you human and where are my parents? Where is my brother?"

"Oh forgive me, you know me by this form." Then the human transforms into a giant blood red wolf.

"Here is this better? Now sit and eat we have to head out soon and time is unfortunately not our ally right now." He threw some cooked meat at me which my stomach took over and forced me to devour to avoid the pain of malnourishment I get if I don't eat right away.

"Ok so lets say I go with you I have a few questions I need answered."

"Yes I know you do but first lets eat and after your goodbyes we have to go pick up the other candidates and head to the place of your training."

Without speaking I just ate more and then I left to go find my family waiting outside for us.

"Vexsus you lucky bastard. You get to leave and train with a master, and Master Lucan no less. Whatever, you had better not tarnish our family's prestige by dying." I was surprised to hear words like this coming from Aurum. Maybe he wasn't such a bad guy afterall even if he was being used as a pawn by Salus.

"Good luck Elder brother I wish you the best of luck in your training." Salus said these words but all I could see is the cold glint of hatred and lies almost visibly radiating off his body.

Gaia came up to me and after a small brotherly hug he looked at me with a slight wetness in his eyes. "Brother do you have to leave?"josei

"Yes I do, we both knew that my time here was only going to get worse and lets face it some dragons here would be happy if I died." I said that last part with an obvious sideways glance at Salus especially knowing what I do now.

"Ok I understand. Like I promised before I will get strong enough to support you brother and when we meet again you will see just how much stronger than you I get." With a tear rolling down his rocky scaly face I smiled and patted him with my tail as I walked by "I sure hope so Gaia, I will need all the help I can get."

Standing in front of my parents for what seemed like the last time for quite awhile was a bit emotional. Mom was crying big tears and Dad was holding it together somewhat well albeit you could see him starting to crack, so before he ruined his stoic expression I quickly went over and gave him a hug. "Dad, Mom I understand It will be quite awhile before we see eachother again but do not worry to much as I will be training my hardest, and I will make you both proud."

"Little one you already have made us proud, now please just do your best and come back to us, You know what is at stake." So With a nod they both hugged me again and spoke to master Lucan one last time before we both head off towards the woods following the garden stone wall towards the horizon and with a look back towards my family that was still waving goodbye I embark on my next journey in life as a young Dragon hatchling who is both a runt and an Transmigrated soul.

Smoke stream lvl 0 2/30 -> 3/30

Smoke blast lvl 0 1/10 -> 2/10

'Quick authors note: I needed to change up how the story was progressing and this way I can introduce more of the characters I have in mind while also opening up an easier way for the MC to gain power. If you have problems with this please let me know.... It won't change how it happened but I would appreciate the constructive Criticism.

Sincerely - The author.

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