My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 152 Journey For Redemption Fin

Chapter 152 Journey For Redemption Fin

I woke up to the sound of cute laughter coming from outside, I opened my eyes and noticed that I was alone on the bed and that Lula was also gone from hers. I got up and after a quick stretch I walked out and saw that over the fire was a large animal that resembled a tricerotops but it also had what looked like plates of armor that were layered over top of eachother like old school japanese samurai.

I walked closer as the smell was starting to make me drool no matter how the creature looked and that was when Lula noticed me.

"Vexsus! Look what I caught this morning! These guys are called Armored Chargers, they usually are peaceful and only attack when threatened but this guy was left alone because he was wounded and lame. Doesn't it smell good! I love roasted charger so much, and the armor turns into a crunchy chip after a while but I think maybe only you and me can eat them since they are a bit tough, here try one."

Lula walked up and grabbed a piece of the animal that was laying off to the side of the fire that was already cut off and cooling. It was indeed one of the armor plates and when I grabbed it I was shocked at the weight because it had to be atleast 25 lbs easy. I looked at Lula with wide eyes but she just nodded at me to take a bite and so I did, at first I just took a small bit but it was like trying to bite a steel girder.

"What the fuck! There is no way you can eat these? How the hell can you even eat these?" I asked and before I knew it Lula came up and grabbed it and just bit it like it was cotton candy!?

"What do you mean? these taste great and they are crunchy and flaky."

I stood there watching her eat some more with pure astonishment because how in the world was she able to bite through this thing like it was nothing. I looked at it again and this time I added some power to my jaws and bit down again. This time I bit through and a piece came off, I chewed and chewed and suprisingly it tasted wonderful! It was a mix of earthy flavors and even had some of the taste of smoke from the fire added in that added to it in a unique way. I couldn't see myself eating this all the time but man this was definitely something to add to the list of things to possibly tame and domesticate.

"See? Told you it was good. Just a little tough to bite into for the weaker people but still good. I'm sure there are ways to soften them up but I'm no cook and just roast em up to get rid of some of the parasites and germs."

"Yea good call, but we should definitely add these things to the list of things to bring back to my territory, if we could domesticate these things and raise them as livestock? possibly even as battle mounts then I could see a great advantage on multiple fronts." I said as I took another bite, I had to constantly have power flowing through my jaws to eat it but the more I did this the more I felt as if something was happening as a sort of byproduct. I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was but I figured I would find out soon.

After everyone ate and I stored away the remnants of the food in my bubble, we packed up the campsite and after a slightly less painful transformation this time that had Lula terrified for me at one point..... The carriages formed again and everyone hopped on all except Lula who came running up to my head that was still panting from the pain.

"Vexsus are you ok?! That looked so painful and the amount of blood that you shed was so much! How can you do this when it hurts you so badly?"

"It's because I have to get used to this power for one, Ugh..... And another is because.... It's the only way to make it there fast enough. I'm ok Lula, just hop on so we can go." I smiled weakly as I tried to catch my breath. I flapped my wings and stretched until the pain subsided and after making sure everyone was inside and secure I leaped into the air and took off.

It took a few minutes to reach a good enough altitude and to find a good enough windstream to support me, but once I did I just expanded my wings and coasted along like a bird would do and only flapped my wings every so often to maintain that height. I could have gone faster but today would be the day we arrived and I didn't know what to expect when we got there so I didn't want to use up any unnecessary energy.

*Vexsus? Darling? Can you hear me?* Suddenly I heard the voice of Ira in my head and she sounded somewhat panicked.

*Ira? Is everything ok? Why are you talking to me right now, is Gula alright?* I instanly started to worry for Gula.

*That's the thing Darling, I haven't seen her in some time, I hid her in my realm but suddenly she vanished and now I can't sense her.... I was hoping that you had some idea or maybe she said something to you recently?* Fuck..... This was something I did not need right now. I need to figure out what I can do and see if I can help in some way pronto!

*I'm sorry but no, she told me that the others were trying to kill her and that she was on the run, I was trying to get offerings for her to get more strength but that was the last thing I know of..... Is there anything that I can do to help find her?*

*Vexsus.... There is but it's something you don't have the power to do right now, if you even tried to do it you could die... I will send out a few of my loyal branded that know about me and my sisters alliance, they will search for her and when I know something I will let you know ok? For now just be safe and if you feel something even remotely different with your brand you have to tell me right away! If it degrades even slightly I have to step in to stop it or you could lose your power or die if it gets to bad! You are mine Vexsus, don't forget that.*

I no longer heard Ira in my head and was left alone in my thoughts. What was happening that Gula just up and vanishes? Did she do it herself? Did someone kidnap her without Ira noticing anything else? If she did it herself than why didn't she tell me anything? Was I just a power source for her and nothing more? These questions started to multiply until I heard a loud yell of excitement coming from behind me and I turned quickly and saw as Lula was out the carriage and actually on my back walking towards my head.josei

"VEXSUS!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!! I'M SO FREAKING SCARED RIGHT NOW!!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs but with the wind it barely came across as a whisper but thanks to my hearing I was still able to hear her. I smiled and nodded but soon I got scared and took another look but calmed down again as I saw my armor had morphed into a liquid that was moving with her and keeping her in contact with my body. I let out a sigh and sent a mental thank you towards my armor as yet again this armor did something amazing and beyond what I expected.

I just nodded my head at her and looked forward as I flew through the skies. I passed through a section of sky that visibly changed and the aura itself changed around me as the stench of death and decay assaulted my nose. I quickly looked back at Lula and sent a mental thought to the armor telling it to take her back to the carriage hoping it would listen. Thankfully seconds later like a small wave it lifted her and quickly took her away like some kind of cute surfboarder on a wave of purple liquid.

Almost as if waiting, as soon as Lula was inside and secure, 2 zombie wyverns appeared from the decay filled clouds below me and upon them each were a rider and an archer.

"My lord has been expecting you, follow us." Said the archer as we decended below the as the clouds opened to reveal a wide landscape filled with swathes of farmlands and houses in walled off cities that spanned over dozens upon dozens of miles.

"My lord has offered amnesty and shelter to the downtrodden and the homeless seeking refuge and protection from the Shadows. For a price that is." The archer stated as if reading my mind.

I looked no further except for the large black castle looming up ahead and the makeshift runway that was being made as we came down. At the entrance to the castle stood that bastard with a smile that just screamed how he had won over me, and next to him was a half-dragonoid woman. Long blonde hair down to the middle of her back, a black dress with purple accents along her spine and collarbone, and her eyes.... A dazzlingly bright blue that pierced through into even the deepest parts of a soul. There was no doubt about who this was....

I landed and once everyone got out of the carriages I morphed back and started walking up to her. Instantly with aggression there were some guards there that took action but with a swipe of my hand I flung them away as I kept walking towards her.

"Oh?" Necro raised his eyebrow and said with a smirk.

More and more guards came and tried to stop me but I used more power and forced them all back as I trudged through the small army that was now appearing to try and bar my way. I came all this way to see her again, to tell her how sorry I was that I let her down. That as her father I failed her.... I just wanted to hold her one last time...

With that thought in my head anger flared from within me. "IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK FOR!?" I yelled with rage and unleashed a shockwave of spatial energy that pushed these rotting corpses into the ground and ground them into dust. How dare they touch me like I was some lower life form! These pathetic corpses Dare! I Glared at the one who called upon them and walked with more purpose then before until I stood before him.

"Quit trying to show off." I warned him before I turned to my baby girl who grew up under his souls influence and who knows what corruption. Even after gaining some of my bloodline she was still short even after forcing her body to grow up. So I knelt down to be closer to her level if not a little below. So much has seemed to pass since last I saw her, my heart went through so much pain and suffering all because I couldn't keep my promise to her. I looked into her eyes but all that glared back at me were blue eyes filled with hatred while tears formed at the sides and lips were pursed tightly together. I knew I hurt her deeply, I knew I betrayed her trust, But I was here not to take her away but as a father should be and to just talk to his baby girl and try and fix his mistakes and hope to have a future.

I reached out but she only backed away and my breath hitched at that. I understood why she did that but it hurt all the same.

"Hannah..... I'm sorry, can we please talk?"

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