My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 157 The Dungeon Graveyard Pt. 3

Chapter 157 The Dungeon Graveyard Pt. 3

As Gaia laid there writhing in unconscious agony everyone else came up to me and Mara and Kitsoma smacked me while screaming at me. Lula however stepped over to Gaia and looked at him with a smile as if she was the only one who could see what I had done to him.



They screamed but I just stood there smiling at them not getting mad since they didn't understand what I had done. The rest of the people around us had looks of anger and rage at me as the blood at my feet and on the walls was still fresh. I placed my hands on my wives shoulders and hugged them closely, they quieted down but still stood there nervously.

"I did hurt him yes. But I had to in order to help him, I finally finished something I had been doing in secret that I started ever since I went to go see our brother Aurum."

I heard as a couple small gasps were heard as either side of me and I leaned up and saw as their eyes were wide. They turned and looked down at Gaia, I walked forward and placed my hand over his body and cast a healing circle over him. It wasn't going to help with the internal mental pain but the physical aspect was what I was dealing with. I helped his body close up the gaping wound I caused and soon his body closed up and new scales the color of deep emerald started to emerge to overlap like a thick plate armor. His true dragonoid body was already showing itself but his current form was blocking its way... This was going to be painful and hard to watch for the others....

"I need everyone to leave." I said as I looked up at Lula who was already looking at me with eyes of understanding. She was so wild yet somehow she could already tell what was going on with just the small amount of information... How? She was to amazing.

"What's going on Vexsus?" Kitsoma asked with worry.

"Gaia's true body is trying to come through but his current form is blocking it. I have to release it... Just like it's showing itself now where I stabbed him, I have to do that all over his body. If I don't it could hurt and hinder him." I spoke with a somber tone as I prepared myself mentally for what I was about to do... I was figuring out what was the best way to do this because I needed something to essentially scrape away his old flesh to make way for his new body to appear.

I was racking my brain not for the reason of trying to be efficient but for the fact that my mind was trying to stall because a part of me didn't want to hurt Gaia. After a few minutes and after everyone went to their own rooms leaving me and Lula in the common area alone with Gaia, she looked at me and placed her hand over mine.

"It's ok Vexsus, he will live. This is probably one of the greatest gifts that you could ever give him, what is a little pain compared to giving him back his true and complete potential."

I nodded with a determined gaze before I looked down at Gaia. "I'm sorry brother, Just bare with it for a little longer." I muttered before I cast a large circle around his body that emerged into a transparent cage made of mana. I drew in a deep breath and then blew out a thick stream of smoke filled with ash and ember that filled the cage until nothing could be seen. Soon I smelt flesh burning and agonized groaning and shortly after the yells and screams of tormented agony as I was roasting Gaia and burning him alive...

Physically I held a straight face as I heard the screams coming from within the cage but mentally I was breaking down. I didn't know what else to do since this was the only way to help him. It was either this or let him suffer having a crippled body but living knowing he has his real body just waiting underneath but he had to go through pain to get it.... I felt sick to my stomach having to do this.

Finally after what felt like ages the cage flashed in a blue light and the smoke was sucked out and a green mist took its place. Gaia was nothing but a mass of burnt muscle and flesh and I threw up instantly as I started to cry. He was still breathing thanks to the healing magic of the cage but just seeing him like that was horrible and knowing I did that to him made it worse....

"You had to do this Vexsus, what else could you have done? His body was crippled when Aurum placed that seal on his soul. You broke that seal but then you had to break his body aswell to unleash his body. I know it's a harsh reality but I promise that this was something that had to be done, and the way you did it was the best possible way." Lula said as she rubbed my back and spoke as she made sure to try and comfort me the best she could.

Soon the cage faded and I could see as Gaia's body started to return to a healthy color. Soon muscle started to grow thicker and expand like thick ropes. I heard as bones broke aswell but could see as his arms and legs lengthened and grew wider. His torso became as thick as 4 barrels tied together and packed with unmoving muscle. Then scales started to sprout that were that same deep emerald green color and grew over eachother like plate armor. Me and Lula had to step back because Gaia had now grown to take up so much room that we had to move some of the furniture to make space for him.

He looked like a huge muscle bound meathead. After a few moments he opened his eyes wide and gasped and raised up and I rushed to grab him.

"Gaia! Are you ok? Does anything feel funny? Does anything hurt?" I rushed to ask.

He looked at me for a moment before looking down in shock and at his hands and all over. His eyes started to water and a huge grin came over his face. "Brother..... Did you do this?" He hiccuped trying to ask.

"....Yes, I did. I was finally able to free you Gaia."

I helped raise him up to standing and brought him to a mirror that was over on one side of the room. He stood there just staring at himself and his complete change for a long time while me and Lula left and went to our room. I didn't let it show but I had to infuse a lot of mana and precisely channel it to only break his seals. Otherwise I could have killed him. Ontop of that I cast a couple circles and used my breath. I was a little wore out and needed a nap.

"Brother!" Gaia called out as we just opened our door. I turned around with a smile as he jogged over to me. He grabbed my shoulder with tears down his face. "I love you brother and this is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you again Vexsus, I know that it must of hurt you to do that to me and see me like that but I still thank you so much for doing this for me. I will go to my room now, after all this I'm pretty tired so I will go lay down and sleep goodnight."

"Haha goodnight Gaia, be ready in the morning to head out ok?" I said as I nodded and entered my room. As I did I instantly went to my bed and crashed down onto it and groaned into the pillow.

"UGHHHHHH, Holy fuck that took alot out of meeee!!!! Plus did you guys smell that? I didn't think that was going to happen, I was just trying to help, I wasn't thinking things throught all the way! Fuck me! Hey, if I ever get a bright idea like that again. Go ahead and smack me till I pass out ok girls? I'd really appreciate it." I spouted off as I raised my head and looked over to the women who were just staring at me while chuckling.

"You have no right to say that to us Vexsus. You surprised us all when you suddenly jabbed your hand into his chest like that out of nowhere! We thought you were being controlled or something bad had happened. If it wasn't for Lula vouching for you we would have knocked you out and dragged you away to heal Gaia." Kitsoma said with a pout as she walked up to me and jabbed a finger into my chest.

"Hey I'm sorry, It was a spur of the moment thing. I just wanted to give him the spear and then something inside me said it was time to unlock his seals, so I did?" I said as I shrugged my shoulders sheepishly.

"Well next time you get a harebrained idea like that talk to us first ok? I'm sure Gaia would've liked to have been prepared first before he went throught that. Ugh I swear you say you won't do things like that again then turn around and do exactly that.... Honey you need to focus and remember what you say and remember your promise to us." Mara calmly said to me as she stroked my cheek and the way she spoke made me feel an ache in my heart as I saw a slight disappointment in her eyes.

I sighed and nodded. "Yea, your right. I'm sorry. I'm trying I really am, It's hard to control something that otherwise has no way to be controlled. It's like trying to throw a rope around a tornado, you will ultimately just get dragged in and thrown around. I can promise all day long but at the end of the day all I can do is try my best...." I muttered while leaning back and looking at the ceiling.

I leaned forward and slapped my cheeks a few times and cleared my throat. "Ahem, anyways. I'm a little hungry, why don't we grab the others and have a late night snack before we pass out for the night?"

The girls nodded excitedly and we all piled out and went and gathered the others. All but Gaia came out since he was passed out on his bed. I checked on him and laughed as his bed was broken from his new weight. I'm sure Necro has a way to fix it and if not I'll work to pay it off. I don't mind since this was my fault anyways.

I walked out and opened up a space bubble and pulled out a few boars that I put over the fire that was in the middle of the common area to cook. I then pulled out a few spices aswell and lathered them up and soon the aroma of cooking pork started to fill the room and I heard as steps started to come towards the door.

"COME IN!" I yelled before they even knocked and throught the door comes in Necro and Hannah. He was wearing a pair a blue shorts with a black stripe down the sides and a black tanktop and she was wearing... a tanktop and a pair of shorts..... that were on backwards....

"Smells good care if we join?" He asked. Hannah nodded with a bit of drool on the corner of her mouth, atleast I hope to god thats what I pray it was.

"Sure, but why don't you guys go hop in the shower first in my room and then throw on something that doesn't smell like you didn't just wreck my daughter." I said with a scowl on my face. I pursed my lips and pinched my nose as I didn't want to smell it anymore.... I didn't mind it but only when it came from me and my wives... not from my daughter and her husband!!!

Hannah instantly got bright red faced and ran off into my room and I heard as a flow of water started up. I looked over at Necro and he was glaring at me in anger.

"What?" I asked with annoyance clearly laced.

"Did you really have to point it out so clearly?"

"Did you really have to come straight here afterwards?"

"Fair point." He spoke then walked off to join Hannah in the shower. I turned to check on the boar meat but stopped as I met 3 pairs of eyes as they burned holes directly into my soul.

"What'd I do now?"

"You know full well mister, You just embarrassed our baby girl and showed no hint of giving a shit. When she gets out you had better apologize got it!" Mara said with one hand on her hip while she pointed a finger at me that glowed menacingly black.

"Yea, how dare you embarrass poor Hannah like that. That poor baby has been through so much already, then to come and hear that from you? You are such a horrible father Vexsus." kitsoma said mimicking Mara.

"I don't know Hannah aswell as the others but I do think you went to far Vex." Lula said but she came and sat down next to me.

I sighed since yet again my actions caused hurt withouth me thinking but I could only wait and hope Hannah would talk to me and let me apologize. Thankfully a few minutes later they both came out and looked better and Hannah came over to me.

"I'm sorry father. I should have washed up first before coming."

"No, no. I shouldn't have said anything about it. I should have thought about how it would've made you feel before I said something. But hey, I want to show you something if that's ok?" I asked her and she looked unsure for a few seconds but then she nodded with a slight smile. I smiled and took her hand and then led her to Gaia's room.

"Remember how your uncle Gaia looked earlier today? Well I finally was able to help him. See, our siblings had cursed him basically and sealed away his true powers... Tonight I was able to unlock those. He is sleeping right now but tomorrow he should be able to be stronger than ever and be able to help out even more." I said as I slowly opened the door so as to not disturb Gaia and showed Hannah the huge hulking green mass that is him.

She gasped as she took in his sleeping form and she looked up at me in surprise and I nodded before we left and I closed the door behind us.

"Was the really uncle Gaia?" She asked with clear excitedment on her face.

"Yes it was. I had to do some painful things to him in order to bring that form out and unlock it but yes that is what he was supposed to look like before he was sealed away."

"What happened to those other siblings? Are they still alive?" She asked and I grew silent and a slight amount of anger escaped but I soon reeled it back in.

"..... A couple had escaped, one used shadows to escape so it's hard to know where he is now. I will find them and finish what I started. But for now I won't worry about that and neither should you honey."

"Do you regret it dad?" She asked and I smiled since it seems she said dad naturally without thinking.

"No I don't baby girl.... They were doing bad things to our family. Well, I should say to our tribe, they aren't really our family since they hold no meaning to us, but they hold the Pride name..... Hey, Hannah....." I grew silent since it was hard to form the words to express feelings or even express the feelings themselves.

"Yes dad." She said as she looked at me and placed her hands on mine.

"I know you are a Necro now... but to me you will always be my baby girl you know that right? To me even though you started off as a human, ever since you became my daughter. I thought of you as a dragon. You showed so much strength and passion, so much love for the ones around you, Everyday was a little bit brighter when you opened your eyes..... I don't carry the name of Pride... but to me you are and always will be my family. Even if you hate me for what I did, I will always love you Hannah, I will always be there to protect you and to defend you if you need me to. I am your father forever." I rushed through the last part because my eyes were starting to water and my voice was starting to break up, and I knew that if I didn't finish now I was just going to start bawling.josei

Hannah stood there staring at me with her eyes filling up with tears aswell and as they started to fall down her cheeks she slammed her head into my chest as she started to sob. That was the straw that broke me and I started to sob aswell as I held my little girl after so long.

"He may look dumb ladies and gentleman but sometimes he is a big softy." Mara said softly as she and Kitsoma and Lula held hands and they watched with teary eyes. Necro watched while leaning against a post with his arms crossed and a smile across his face.

"Good job Vex." He said as he turned and walked over to the boars to check on the meat.

A few hours later after the crying fest and everyone had their fill of the late night meal, everyone went back to their rooms and settled down for the night and fell into a deep slumber to prepare for the journey tomorrow. Little did they know that deep in the dungeon a purplish mist was swirling and the very air itself was vibrating before the faint images of 3 figures started to form out of the nothingness itself and emerge into reality.

"Ahhhhh Finally, After so damn long we are finally back!"

"Shut up you idiot, I feel undead energy here so we have to be careful!"

"Who cares? Let's just get out of here so we can find our dear cousin...Vexsus."

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