My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 161 The Dungeon Graveyard Pt. 7

Chapter 161 The Dungeon Graveyard Pt. 7

We stood there watching as the large body of Stoney started to visibly squirm with the writhing of the things that were trying to break from underneath his skin. His eyes were completely lifeless now and his tongue was laying out of his mouth flopped onto the ground like some kind of dead farm animal. It was an odd thing to see but I wasn't fazed, my mind was preparing multiple circles in preparation for hopefully containing the majority of whatever those creatures were that were about to explode out of the corpse.

I raised my hand and unleashed the finished incantations and multiple circles each one large than the last appeared in the sky above the corpse until 10 appeared and started to rotate before crashing down like a sledgehammer over a wide area around the body. A barrier shortly appeared that flashed a multitude of colors and any of the skeletons or zombies that touched it turned to dust instantly. I made it stronger than the one around base camp aswell as made it draw mana from the ambient atmosphere to stay active. I put a rune that would inflict a combined elemental attack upon anybody that I deemed an enemy once they tried to cross the boundry, it took alot of my mana and I had to resort to drawing in more of mana aswell which left me on empty but this should give us some time to mop up the creatures before they get away.

I took a seat on the ground and started panting heavily from the heavy draw of energy and started waving away the concerns of people. "I'm fine. Just had to draw a bit extra than my body had stored that's all. Just give me a few minutes and I'll be perfectly fine, In the meantime I suggest you guys go kill some of those dungeon monsters to clear the way to the body. My barrier won't stop you or your army from getting inside but it will stop the creatures from getting out of it."

Necro nodded before he turned to Vannessa and waved his hand to her to go gather up the troops to form up. She hurried away and I heard her start to shout orders and then a hurried rush of boot steps was heard shortly after that. I closed my eyes to focus on meditating and drawing in mana for the upcoming fight as fast as possible, because if these maggots were able to take over Stoney's emerald armor and be just as durable then I was going to have to use just as much strength as my dragon form. But I was already wasted from that fight. I wasn't used to fighting in that form and using all that energy had me spent beyond belief but I had been putting on a brave face for everyone so as not to let them know....

My insides were actually screaming in pain and my muscles were having small spasms from over exertion but I had to keep going because with Necro in the shape he was in I knew that I was the only one strong enough to pull us through this fight... I just hoped that my regeneration powers would kick in soon and get rid of this pain, ever since Lizaria touched me and I felt that presence inside my head I haven't felt quite the same. It's like something is cycling through my powers and deciding to turn off things at random like some kind of dice roll to keep things on edge and exciting.

"Are you really ok my darling? You don't have to lie to us, nobody is around but the 4 of us." I opened my eyes and I saw as Kitsoma, Mara and Lula were sitting around me with worried expressions. Lula was looking around making sure nobody was looking around, but I smiled as I could feel another presence trying to hide behind a tent flap off to my right. She was shy after the way I got caught staring at her earlier so I wasn't going to call her out, but it was nice to see I had her attention.

"I'm fine girls. I feel a little under the weather but I will be alright. Something seems to have messed with my regeneration so I'm feeling a bit more pain than usual but I'm sure that will go away by the time the army is ready to head out." I smiled while I took their hands. I took Kitsoma and Mara's hands and then looked and Lula for a second then a light bulb went off in my head and since my dragon form basically evolved and I gained a new set of wings doesn't that mean that I could gain a new set of arms? Hehehe.

I focused and after a second from my ribs out comes a set of two identical arms like my originals and instantly the armor starts to spread like a liquid to cover them. I felt a burning like magma was spreading across them but soon a cooling was felt soon after. I smiled at Lula and then took her hand as she just stared at my hand wide eyed as her hand moved automatically.

"That was insane Vexsus! Are you going to be like this forever now?" She asked looking up at me with those same wide eyes but now filled with amazement at what future plans I had.

"I planned on it since this will help me do alot of things and in fights going forward I could do a hell of alot more damage and fling more spells and conjure up more complicated magical circles. The limits that two hands had are now gone, now that I have a new set of hands to work with... Also hehehe, I have two more hands to play around with at night with you 3 lovely goddesses." I smiled mischievously as I pulled them closer and licked their necks one after the other and fondled them for a short while.

They struggled for a few moments but eventually they melted into me as I kept playing with them but soon I heard a coughing coming from behind me and I had to stop.

"Ugh... Hi Vanness, I see you finally decided to show yourself. Did you get tired of watching us play and decided to join us?" I asked with smirk as I turned around to see Vannessa with a bright red face as she stood there rigid as a statue glaring at me, while the girls were giggling in my arms.

"I-I-I was not spying! I was making sure you were not plotting anything towards my lord Necro! I have come to tell you that the army is ready to go whenever you are you despicable creature! HMPH!" She puffed out her chest before turning and storming off. I laughed and turned towards the girls

"Looks like it's time to go face the monsters. Are you all ready?" They nodded and we got up and brushed ourselves off as we walked to meet up with the others. Everyone was in line and in formation as Necro was with Hannah and Gaia along with my children staring across the battlefield towards a now fully bloated wiggling corpse. It was just moments now before it started.

"Should I start us off? I can make us a lane but it won't be long before the monsters close in on us again. I don't want to rely on your wave of darkness or whatever but that would be best at clearing out a large swathe of them and for a good amount of time for us to make it over there. We need to be there so that once they hatch we can start the extermination as soon as possible." I said while still staring ahead.

"I know. But my magic is almost run dry, I feel the ache and if I draw anymore from my phylactory I'll be down for the next couple of days. I'll have to save the amount I have now for when we capture Lizaria if we have any hope to save her. I could teach you the spell to dislodge to embryo but judging from your own mana flow... I'm guessing your in just about as bad a shape as I am. I'm guessing Something happened when she touched you and she effected you more than you're letting on."

"Yea, so let's finish this soon I'm tired."

I drew in a breath and swept across the battlefield using the breath of Sun, I needed to clear as many as possible and as soon as I was done I started running towards the almost bursting mass. I could see as small cracks across the almost translucent skin was starting to appear and I was speeding up to get there to atleast try and hold them off for the others to come back me up.

It took more than a few seconds to cross the battlefield at max speed but as soon as I crossed the barrier I heard as a snap resounded and I saw as a flood of wiggling bodies flowed out and splashed from the body. just hundreds upon hundreds of white and green mottled wiggling masses of disgusting looking maggots and some had growths of emerald that were jutting out at weird angles from different spots of their bodies. Thankfully during the splash, some of them landed to close to the barrier and they touched it and got vaporized by the barrier. I targetted the ones with the emeralds on their bodies and sent spatial bullets that shot holes through their bodies. Their flesh that wasn't protected by the emerald was weak and squishy but the the parts that were, were hard and almost impenetrable.

After I took care of atleast 15 that was when the other had joined me and they started to take care of the rest and even the normal ones that had no emerald growths. I saw as a few started to dig into the ground just trying to get away but I rushed over and grabbed them despite my stomach threatening to unleash all that I had eaten over the course of the last month. I threw the creatures back up into the air and killed them with a few bullets and after an hour the barrier ground was filled with the bodies of the dead creatures and all of them were dead.

I walked up to Necro and smiled. "Is that it?" I said as I looked around while leaning on my knees and panted. "Woo! That was a bit of a workout. Some of those things just said screw it and tried to dig into the ground once we killed the weaker ones. Got lucky here... Why are you looking around like your still looking for something..."

"Because those were incomplete. The ones I was talking about that took the power of the host actually took the power of the host. They would emerge have a full scaled body if they took over Stoney's emerald armor.... Did they not have enough time to complete the maturation process? That can't be right, judging by the amount of them they had to of been inside his body for weeks already... Something isn't right here Vexsus."josei


A low bass filled vibration filled the earth below us and shook the ground as we all looked towards the giant hole in the giant monster that was Stoney. I could see just inside now that sunlight was illuminating a bit of the body and I saw as the ribcage was burst open and was jutting out. the body was ripped open and nothing was left inside except the skin and bones as if it was just a vessel for transport.

"I didn't think the Mindflayer would resort to this level of savagery. Or maybe he isn't the only one that is stuck in that other world?" Necro muttered with his hand on his chin. He was lost in thought but I had no time to ask his because a three pronged hand had now grabbed the side of the body. It was a deep green and on each of the knuckles was a jagged emerald jutting straight out. What came out next was a large head that had what looked like mandibles made completely out of solid emerald but I knew it was just the color and not the jewel. It's large body was next and it was segments from its chest and legs. It looked like a giant Beetle but just covered in a shell of impenetrable armor.... This was going to be a very difficult fight.

It looked around at all of us before finally landing on me and Necro. It could sense that we were the strongest and decided to take us out first. I could only sigh as it crouched down and it's back shell split open and like how a beetle's wings did, it's wings spread open and it slowly took flight, but once it got into the air it zoomed towards us like a missile going mach 20 and I barely had time to push Necro out of the way before I was infusing mana into my arms in order to block as a pair of mandibles were latching onto my body and trying to crush me.

I felt like I was between a set of vice grips pressing in on me. I felt as the bones in my arms started to creak and crack, I had to do something fast but at the moment it was all I could do just to keep from being squished. Thankfully at that time I saw as a flaming whip came and smacked it across its head. The flame whip left behind a burned black mark across the armor but it also ripped a piece of of it off and what it revealed made me wish that Kitsoma just let me get crushed....

The armor that was ripped away was only on one side of its head and underneath that piece was 4 eyes that instantly dilated and trained in on me with pure hatred like I was the one that just did that. But here is where it gets creepy.... These eyes weren't compound eyes, These eyes had retinas, they had irises, they weren't the eyes of a bug.... They had the eyes of a human or some kind of mammal at the very least. Something was seriously wrong here because this monstrosity was supposed to be a fucking bug and yet here it was having what I can only guess at 8 fucking eyes that were humanoid atleast!!!

So to say that I was a bit skeeved out was putting it mildly and so I started to panic a little bit and started pumping mana into every muscle I had and pouring out magic circles left and right and unleashed an extended Breath of the Sun directly into its fucking humanoid eye having face! Anything to get me the fuck out of there!

After getting blasted by the concentrated power of the sun it finally let me go with a squeal of pain, I fell on my ass and scrambled away from it as fast as possible... Was I looking a little bit like a coward? Maybe... Did I have a slight overeaction about something having a characteristics of some kind of SCP bullshit? Hell the fuck yes and I will nope the fuck out at the first chance I get!

I picked myself up and ran over to regroup with the rest as the monstrosity thrashed about on the ground as it suffered from my attacks. I should have focused on using more attacks on its body but in the moment my brain was just screaming get the hell out of there.

"Got a little scared there did ya? You saw its eyes didn't ya hahahahah. Dude they are fuh reaky aren't they? First time I saw that I destroyed it instantly! And I was supposed to be researching it to make my army stronger haha. Those things are not something natural and hell if I know what made them." Necro laughed as he saw me panting and trying to calm down. I just flipped him off which only served to make him laugh more.

After I caught my breath I took a deep breath and started to make a circle again this time since the monster was smaller I didn't have to use up asmuch mana. But this one was an offensive one and it would just be an attack instead of a barrier.

"I'm going to need you all to buy me a few minutes to set this one up ok? I am running low on energy and it'll take me a second to get back up to where I need it to be before I start making it. Don't get to close because that thing is faster than it looks and stronger than I am even after infusing a shit ton of mana. Be careful at all times ok?"

The group nodded and then raced off as I sat down and closed my eyes and focused. I sensed Necro sitting down next to me and I felt as he started drawing in his own energy but instead of it going inside his body it was being drawn into his phylactory.

I could hear as loud explosions and yells and roars were coming the distance but I couldn't deviate from my mission right now. They could handle that beast just for a few minutes. As my magic filled back up I started to think of what runes to use in the circle. Since it was an insect I could use Ice to freeze it, I thought about using poison but the ice would just slow down the flow of the poison so that wouldn't work. Maybe Lightning to paralyze it? I know Stamina drain to make it slower or fall down for sure.

After some time thinking while listening to my family fighting I decided to go all in and to take a page from every kids play book back in the day when they were forced to play outside and they had a magnifying glass and an ant hill.... hehehe yes that's right I'm going to make a magic circle that's going to magnify the sun directly ontop of this bastard and fry it like a thanksgiving turkey.

After snickering like an idiot and recieving a side eye glance from Necro I just raise my hands up and soon a series of circles appear over the beast. from the first 4 erupt chains that bind and slam the insect down to the ground, the next 6 then combine together and materialize a lens as a beam of light falls down onto the creature. It took a few seconds but soon enough the tempature all around started to rise incredibly quick and we could all see as the armor started to melt and pretty soon the creature started to squeal in pain. Steam started to rise and the stink of burning flesh started to assault my nose but I kept pouring mana into the circles to keep them active in order to make sure this thing died. I Didn't stop until it completely caught fire and that fired died down to a dull set of embers after an hour.

There was nothing left of the creature after I was done and the same could be said of my energy reserves as I laid back on the ground and closed my eyes for a short little nap.

"This is what I get for having a thing about bugs." I muttered before passing out.

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