My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 166 The Lay That Stitched Reality. (R18)

Chapter 166 The Lay That Stitched Reality. (R18)

I was still fuming when I took the damn chalk from Desmaros. He looked at me with sympathetic eyes but he chuckled as walked away and with a poof a heavy leather bound tome appeared in his hands with which he stepped back and proceeded to flip through to a certain page and started reciting aloud words that I couldn't fully understand. It sounded kind of like what Latin sounded like from Earth but mixed with maybe some form of Japanese? There was a lot of conflicting sounds that made the sentences halt and stutter, At best I would say someone was trying there best to read hieroglyphics after first converting them through a few different languages.

"Hey... Mind if I take a look at that real quick? I know I'm just the dumb brute but I'm curious what those words look like." I said as really I wasn't curious exactly but more of just wanting a second of reprieve from the ear grating noise of Desmaros infusing mana into his voice to enhance whatever god awful mockery he was making of those words.

He stopped thankfully but scowled at me with a look that screamed how dare you stop me in the middle of a spell incantation. Like pal I could butcher a pig and it would sound like an opera compared to the ungodly rendition your belting out.

"Just hand it over for a sec please?" I held my hand out and then handed my piece of chalk over to Lizaria and heard a chuckle come from Necro. I gave him a quick stink eye that silently said 'shut the fuck up!' I took the book and looked down at the words..... There were none. ".....Sooo, am I the blind one here?" I say as I tipped the book forward. Desmaros ripped it out of my hands and held it close to his chest.

"It's a special tome that only reveals the spells hidden within to the ones it chooses. Sorry if I got a little bitchy about it but this is a prized posession."

"Hmmm, more like your its prized posession man. Do you feel funny? Maybe here some funny voices in your head? Or how about maybe you get some odd or maybe some crazy thoughts in your head that just seems outright insane at times?" I was suspicious of that book, not only because it only showed its contents to a select person that it itself chose. But also for the fact that anything with any form of sentience like that more than likely had some less than good intentions for its wielder. Plus if I was supposed to be doing the horizontal monster mash with Lizaria to close this Tear, I didn't want to be exposed and vulnerable to some dude being posessed by a book.

​ "I can assure you that he is fine and that the book is harmless. Whatever sentience resides inside the book was placed there only as a form of protection by my family to insure our secrets didn't spread. My ancestors did that so much that basically anything as common as a notebook for journaling was sealed with a protective spirit. It's fine Vex, just relax and let's finish this ok?" Necro spoke up and said. I calmed down a little but I was still preparing to fight just in case something happened.

I sighed and turned to get back to finishing the circle and soon after the squawking and butchering of whatever language those words were apart of started up again. "Necro, man what language is that? Did your family invent it or is it some language from this world's history?"

"Long lost language if you ask anybody outside of my territory. But inside it's somewhat now become hybridized into a common dialect in select regions. It flows better now haha but the original language was created basically to be used as shotgun of magic. You spewed out so much magic all at once at the end of the spell that when combined with Area of effect spells that it could cover almost entire regions if the caster was powerful enough. Even some simple spells caused massive damage depending on the incantations used. I prefer not to use it if I'm not forced to but I taught some basic words and spells to my pupils and Desmaros is my underling and I'm in the process... or was in the process of teaching him everything in the hopes of one day passing my territory onto him. Or you should that day come. But now that I have Hannah...."

I Raised my hand as quickly as I could and started shouting. "AH,Ah,AH,AH No more. I don't want to hear that. I've got enough with the sight and smell thank you very much. Back to work then."

After some minutes the circle was finished, it included the entirety of the room, The Tear in one circle with a line and symbols connecting to the center where me and Lizaria are and to either side were Desmaros still reading but much quieter now after I had a small break and not so politely asked him to chant softer..... And Necro that was going to be used as the battery until I..... Completed the spell..... So to speak.

"Now one final time, Are you sure you can handle being used as the battery for an extended period of time? Do you have enough juice stored up? Here just in case why don't you take some of these to help out, just place these onto your phylactory and they should draw in more energy for you to use." I still had the worry in the back of my mind for my Daughters husband so I pulled off a couple of scales and with a claw I etched a rune that would slowly draw in mana at a slow pace towards it. Some of you might be saying 'Vexsus, why don't you just do that with your whole body or everything you touch?' Well, I would but the con with that is that the material gets eroded no matter what it is, I still haven't found something that could withstand handling Mana for long periods of time in a physical body without breaking down.

'Well, what about your body? You use mana and draw it in, what about you or other people? Aren't you a physical body?' I am, and you are right I will break down. Eventually.

ANYWHO so I do that and go to stand with Lizaria in the center. I had moved a bed there and it was reasonably comfortable for what was about to happen. Besides the subtle sounds of the air being wooshed through the open space in our fabric of reality, the place was actually quite a setting for an impromptu quickie. I sat down and then looked over awkwardly at Lizaria, but she was looking at me with a huge smile on her face.

"You know how long I have dreamed of this Vexsus? Even when we first met I found you handsome and when we traveled that short time together you showed how strong you were and my feelings for you grew stronger and stronger and to this day have never wavered." She said as she scooched closer and placed her hand over mine that was on my knee.

"Even after everything that I did? Even after sending you to that alternate dimension?" I asked with a raised eyebrow? This was some stalker vibes right here.

"Even then yes, Granted I was a bit angry, but you had a good reason to do what you did. Necro went about his plans the wrong way and we fell for his trappings and sweetened words."

"HEY I RESENT THAT!" Necro yelled.

"SHUT UP I'M HAVING A MOMENT!" Lizaria yelled back and I actually felt like some form of heat flared up around her and I saw as Necro and Desmaros flinched back before looking at eachother in shock. She looked back at me and I quickly wiped the stunned look off my face.

"I want to be with you Vexsus, I want to make up for the things we did to you and your family. Necro is already apart of your family by being with your daughter.... I want to be apart of your family by being with you. I saw that multiple women carried your scent on them. You marked one of them with your seed and I want that aswell."

"You want my Seed!!!"

"Yes you idiot, did you not listen to anything I just said? But I know that it's to soon for anything like that so I already made sure that whatever happened today wouldn't take hold... This is my way of showing to you that I want you to trust me. I won't try and trap you by using a baby like that. I know your sense of loyalty and with a baby, you would keep me only for its sake. I want you to be with me for me."

The more she spoke, the more that I started to feel as if maybe, just maybe this might be something. Was this just me being under the influence of her charm and I was just being used yet again? But thinking back I could remember how shy she seemed or how nervous she got at times around me so long ago. Even if it was for a short time it seemed that there was that adolescent crush back then. But to think that she kept it going strong all this time? I don't know it was just to much to think about right now.

"Lizaria.... I don't know. It's just that... I mean I still haven't even.... haaaa.... Listen, If your serious about this than the only thing I can do is welcome you to try. I can't stop you since you are a grown woman, but I do have to warn you that I have priorities and that right now if you come with me you will be likely placed on the bottom of that list. I will try my best to spend some time with you and start towards something along the lines of what you want but all I can say is right now don't get your hopes up to high ok?" I placed my hands on her shoulders to make sure we were looking directly into eachothers eyes. She nodded shakily before turning her head and sniffling for a second and then wiping her eyes dry before turning back to me with a smile back on her face.

"That's all I can ask for right now Vexsus. So are you ready to get started?" She asked as she switched gears and leaned closer to me as something about her aura changed and a sweet smell filled the air around us. My head was starting to feel heavier but not because I was getting sleepy, my mind was starting to fill up with the thoughts of how sexy she was looking as my eyes started to trace every curve of her body.

"I'm nervous but otherwise I think so." I manage to say as I slide my hands down her arms and start to slide them down her sides before bringing her closer to me. When our bodies were touching and our faces were mere inches apart the sweet smell that wafted off her body exploded all around me as I breathed in deeply.

"Mmmmm you smell so good." I said as I licked her from her shoulder all the up her neck. I felt as her whole body shivered and a low moan escaped her lips, she placed her hands onto my back and neck started to slowly slide her nails down causing me to experience small shivers aswell. I slid my hand behind her back and down to her ass but before that I passed over her tail... I smiled wickedly and grabbed it tightly at the base and squeezed a little, she yelped and shuddered before digging her claws into my back as she pulled her head away from me to stare at me.

"That was not nice Vexsus." She moaned with eyes filled with a look that clearly told me that she enjoyed it.

"Oh yea? And what are you going to do if I do this?" I asked before I gave it a little bit tighter squeeze.

She moaned a little louder before leaning into me and whispered. "What would you like me to do to you....Master?"

That was the straw that broke me as a primal urge shot through my body and made my whole body shudder in excitement. Next thing I knew I was leaning forward and we were fighting for dominance using our nothing but our tongues as she laid under me on the bed while I used one hand to stabilize myself over her and the other to explore. I started off at the neck with a light squeeze before moving down her chest and passing over what I could only describe as some of the softest breasts ever. She was maybe a D in Earth sizes but still my hands were big enough to cover it all and I enjoyed groping and fondling and teasing the little bud that was now rock hard and sticking out at the peak of each mountain top. Lizaria was moaning more and more until it almost sounded like she was starting to whimper but I had my fun with those and started to venture down further.

I passed over her stomach that was slightly fatty and jiggly which I absolutely loved before slowing down to no more than a snails pace as I inched closer and closer to where I really wanted to explore. I felt as her body was heating up more just as I ventured my fingers ever closer until eventually I stopped as I felt a hot dampness touch me and Lizaria shuddered with a soft moan.

"Mmm, What did the might explorer find this time I wander?" Lizaria moaned out as she chuckled and pulled me down unexpectedly before flipping us to where she was the one on top and I was the one being explored.

"I didn't expect to be countered so soon, Do you really want to switch when I had just gotten to the good part?" I asked with a smile but she only smiled back before shaking her head.

"Last I checked, I'm only half dragon. You my sexy hunk are the full package so the sooner we get you blasting off the better." She winked up at me before she started to kiss my body sensually as she slid down slowly towards my waist. When she got there I only felt a tugging sensation for a brief second before out popped my mini dragon within slapping distance of her face.

"Oh my! I knew you were impressive Vexsus, but this? Hehe, I can see myself getting full from this."

"Huh? What do you mean fu... Oh MY GOD!" I yelled as I felt a warm, wet sensation suddenly appear around my dick and a suction that could put a black hole to shame start that forced me to grab the sides of the bed on instinct alone. I tried to look down but it was like gravity itself forced me to close my eyes in order to enjoy the feelings even more, Lizaria was using one hand to keep it in position as she rocked her head up and down like heavy metal was playing in the background. The whole bed and my body was starting to shake like an earthquake and all the while all I could focus on was how she was sucking my soul out like she just got a damn milkshake but they made it too thick and it won't come out the damn straw. Her tongue was long enough that it would cover the entirety of my dick and she would make sure to use it effectively.

"Liz..aria! I... Am.... Almost!" I tried to mutter through clenched teeth as a rush of pure pleasure started to snake its way through me and I wanted to be courteous to the woman who was about to get a huge protein boost any second now. I heard a giggled and a pop as cold air rushed over my dick that made me jerk my head up and I saw as she was staring down at it as if she was waiting for a show to begin.

"What are you looking at?" I asked as a couple seconds went by and she just continued to sit there.

"I'm waiting for your baby juice to come out.... Why isn't it?" She craned her head to the side and asked in confusion. "I thought that shortly after a guy says something like that, that his baby juice shoots out. I wanted to see what it looked like."

"... Hey, just a quick question but you have had sex before right? I mean this isn't your first ritual to close a Tear?" I asked after I rubbed my eyebrows for a second. If this was true than I had to take over. She might be good at starting things but if this ritual needed me to finish than I needed to get there.

"I mean... I've researched plenty of things. I've even watched multiple people from the nearby towns that I used my pheromones on to help me research... But I was determined to save myself for you Vexsus." She said with a shyness that was a bit odd in the situation but also very cute.

"Ugh, well ok then, I guess it's fine... but now that I know that, It's my turn to take over ok? I won't be rough but once we get into a rhythm then I might pick up the pace alright? Just to make the ritual go by faster." I leaned up and grabbed her hand before bringing her back down to lay next to me. We started to kiss again but this time we started slowly, gently, once the heat returned and the slight awkwardness left her that was when I moved my hands to explore her body again and took my time with massaging her tits and making sure to squeeze out every ounce of pleasure from her before I moved downwards.

I would lick and kiss and nibble on her neck and nipples as I slowly moved my fingers downwards while using Chimera to shapeshift my fingers into something easier to handle for a first timer. I wasn't going to at first since I assumed from the way she acted that she was well experienced, but now I would just feel guilty so I just assumed a more trimmed humanoid shape for my hand. Once I slid down my way to her slit I felt that she was even wetter than earlier, I didn't second guess anything before I found the magic button and started to ring that bell in slow circles with a flick every now and then just to spice it up. She was arching her back and grabbing the sides of the bed like I was and that made me smile. Nothing like seeing good work being appreciated. She shuddered and I felt as my hand and the bed got splattered by liquid and I had to smile even bigger.

"That....That was amazing." She said with barely a whisper as she breathed heavily.

"That's not even the best part, that's just the foreplay." I chuckled and said before I slid down and returned the earlier favor and started to lick her pussy and clit, I used my thumb to rub it every once and a while when I was extending my long reptile tongue to cover every inch of her insides as she gasped and grabbed onto my head and shoulders while digging her claws into me while drawing blood. I didn't mind since I felt her body start to shudder even more as she got closer to another orgasm. I felt a spray cover my face and licked her clean before wiping off my face and raising back up.

"Are you ready for the real thing Lizaria?" I asked her while massaging her tit with one hand and rubbing her clit with the other. I was feeling the excitement in my body raising by the second and the animal brain part of me was screaming at me to hurry up and reproduce already. She looked at me with barely opened eyes but a smile so wide and filled with happiness and she nodded.

"Ok, be prepared, since this is your first time. It will hurt a little." I got closer and held my dick to her pussy and slowly entered. She moaned in pain and I understood why as I felt how tight she was. A part of me wanted to stop so she could mentally prepare but I knew that adrenaline would make the pain more bearable in the moment, so I kept pushing until I felt a small block..... I stopped and looked down at her.

"Get ready." And I pulled back slightly before pushing forward with a bit more force and she screamed in pain and I held her hand as she squeezed tightly enough to damn near crack my bones. I saw as tears escaped her eyes but she only smiled up at me and nodded at me to keep going. I looked down and saw as blood flowed down our thighs and the guilt hit me hard. But I just smiled down at her and leaned over to kiss her while casting a healing circle over her that focused on only relieving pain and not actually healing wounds per se.

After a couple of minutes of slowly going back and forth she got used to the pain and slowly she started to moan in pleasure instead. "Please, Vexsus.... It's starting to feel good. You can go faster if you want...." She muttered while holding my hand and looking up at me with eyes that were filled with longing. I could see that she was trying to show me how she truly felt about me and I could sense it clearly.... I already told her that I would take her with me and I wasn't going to take that back so I lifted her up and started to kiss her again with passion as I stood up and started to lift her up and let her fall back down.

"Oh... GOD... VEXSUS....YES!" The pain was gone and all that was left was the pleasure so I took that chance to cause as much of it as possible. She started to lift up by herself while hugging onto my shoulders for a couple minutes and then she shuddered and sprayed all over the floor at our feet as she lowered down again to rest and I laid her back down onto the bed but I flipped her over and lifted her ass up towards me before putting my dick back in and slamming back and forth. Something was keeping me from coming and it was starting to piss me off, I was stuck on the edge and my body was flowing with that sensation just moments before... But nothing would come out and I could not finish.

I started to get frustrated and without thinking about it I started to get rougher with her. I would slap her ass and smile as she would yelp and moan as she looked back at with a wicked smile before arching her back and raising her head.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!!!" The sounds of a record scratching to a complete halt could be heard in my head as Mara screamed at me and I turned around in shock to see my wives standing there at the entrance to the Tear room with shocked expressions. I just stood there still inside Lizaria with I'm assuming a dumb expression on my face.

"Ummm, I'm using a ritual to close the Tear?" I said with a shrug and she stormed over to me and slapped my face.

"OH yea? And you fucking another woman without my permission is apart of said ritual? Do you think I'm dumb Vexsus? I usually don't care but This is our enemy! What the fuck man?!"josei

I just stood there looking around for Necro hoping for him to jump in but I found no one... Until that fucking bastard just materializes out of the shadows.

"I can explain Mara, It really is a ritual and it requires dragon essence to cast. The easiest way to get that is through sex..... And Lizaria has been in love with Vexsus for a long time now.... I can explain later but can we focus on closing the tear right now? If we don't finish this now we could very well get overrun by much stronger enemies that make the boss we just fought look like those weak ass skeletons and zombies we fought outside."

Mara just looked between me and Necro with an shocked expression like 'Really? You expect me to believe that bullshit?' But about that time a tremor shot through the room that originated from the Tear as it flapped open to reveal what I could only describe as the biggest fucking eyeball I have ever seen! It was just looking in at us and zooming back and forth from each person in the room. It was like looking directly into the eye of a crazed lunatic but instead of where the white was, it was a deep purple, and the blood veins that zigzagged towards the center was filled and pulsing with a bright blue almost electrical blue.

..... To say that I didn't feel like continuing anymore would be a bit of an understatement so I picked up Lizaria and I made us all rush out of the room and afterwards I made sure to close off the door leading into the room and sealed it off with a barrier that was atleast triple circle thick.

"Now care to explain why you are still carrying that woman?" Mara said as she tapped on my shoulder. I turned around from the door and looked down to see her eyes blazing furiously.... I felt a shiver of fear go through me at that...

"Necro told you honey.... It was for a ritual to close the Tear and she admitted to me that she had feelings for me for a long time.... Necro had been trying to save this world and wanted to make a team of elites to serve that purpose, he went about it the wrong way when we were younger but now things have changed. He changed, and Lizaria deserved a second chance. I gave it to her. I told her I would bring her with me when we left this territory but I would not make her my girlfriend but instead I would slowly build up our relationship.... What you saw in there was nothing more than what was needed for the ritual Mara, Right now I have no feelings for her beyond the sexual desire to fucking cum dammit!"

She smirked at that and laughed at me. "Good, I'm glad you're being denied that. Did you stop to think about why you couldn't do something like that?" She asked me but nothing came to mind so I shook my head.

"It's because.... I'M A FUCKING SUCCUBUS DIPSHIT! You were trying to have sex with another woman without my permission when I marked you as mine! Succubus can control Libido in their partners and when I felt your sexual energy rising I knew something was going on so I cut off your ability to release. That's how a succubus feeds, they need the energy of males to survive and so I made sure they weren't going to get anything from you.... Then I find out it's just some bitch who had a hard on for you ever since you were younger." She threw her hands in the air before turning around and walking away.

"Mara, I didn't expect this to happen ok? Fuck, Liz you're going to have to sit here for a moment while I get this sorted ok?" I gently lowered her to the side of the wall as she only nodded before she passed out from exhaustion.

"Mara, This was unexpected and unplanned. I thought I was going to be fighting, not fucking. But Necro said it was necessary to close the Tear and so I did it. He said that Dragon essence was necessary to close Tears and that Sexual release was the easiest method to collect it... This is a horrible situation and I will not make excuses but honestly Lizaria and Desmaros aren't the enemies anymore. The Tears leading to alternate dimensions pose a far bigger threat, and if the Shadow Eaters are from such a Tear than just imagine what's on the other side of that Tear if there is something that we could only see the eye of on the other side of this one...."

Mara stood still and shook her head for a few moments before turning back to me. "You know, I'm not mad that you slept with another woman... You know that right? I'm upset because you didn't talk to me about it first. I ran here thinking that another succubus was trying to kill you and consume you Vex. Don't you think I was worried sick that whole time I was racing to get here? That the rest of us were worried sick? I thought you were dying dammit!" She yelled at me before slamming her hand into my chest. It had some weight behind it but she was a mage and didn't have much strength so it didn't hurt..... But I felt the emotional blow and that was what hurt.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know.... No, I didn't think about it.... I should have thought it through before making that choice without you Mara... without all of you. I got caught up in the heat of the moment and I didn't think it would hurt anything since you were so gung-ho about me and Vannessa, I figured what would one more woman do.... I didn't think of what kind of repercussions this would have and I'm sorry.... But I still stand by what I did Mara. I was just trying to close a Tear that now more than ever we know is very dangerous! We have to close it Mara..."

She looked up at me then back to the girls before down at Lizaria that was lightly snoring. She sighed. "Well you'll need somebody else to be in the ritual with you, because She will be out for the night it looks like."

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