My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 171 A Dragon Of Destruction Pt. 3

Chapter 171 A Dragon Of Destruction Pt. 3

Everyone felt the tension in the air become thick and palpable as a chorus of howls erupted like a battle roar from all around the camp. I closed my eyes and sent out my mana and felt as it reacted faster than it used to. Sooner than I could imagine I could detect hundreds upon hundreds of fast moving bipedal creatures wielding odd looking weapons of all kinds moving all around the camp. Looking over at Necro I just shook my head with a serious expression and soon he understood.

"Are you sure? But how?" He asked me but he already knew. Someone had covered up for these beasts. Someone that had enough power to cover up the presence of over 300 beasts that emitted murderous intent like it was as easy as breathing.

"Kitsoma, Lula, Mara, go get the kids and have them meet me at the north edge of the camp. There is a concentration of energy there so I will go there to investigate. Once you finish that go to the west, take Vannessa aswell as a few soldiers as bodyguards. Necro, you will take Shienna and Desmaros to the East where there is a slightly lower concentration take a few soldiers aswell. These hellhounds are not normal and are wielding some kind of weapon that look like they are feeding off the beasts themselves... Be prepared for whatever may happen, Use whatever tactics neccessary and run to me if it gets to dangerous."

"Vexsus I fought one and captured it. They are using some kind of weapon that is feeding off their bodies that are some type of physical but almost like spectral flame body at the same time. The weapon itself is some material that is really conductive to their bodies."

I nodded as I walked off towards the north and the others sprinted off towards their respective areas. Short time after I was looking out of a watchtower and overlooking a small open area that was covered in a mass of dark flame like covered bodies with red eyes and bared fangs all staring straight back at me as I glared down at them all.

"Father! Sorry it took us so long to get her... HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK ARE THOSE!" Michael yelled out as he came to a halt just under the watchtower and stared with a slack jaw at the evolved hellhounds.

"Holy hell that is alot of beasts.... Do you think we can kill them all dad? I don't think we are strong enough to be honest.... It's one thing to fight zombies and skeletons, but evolved hellhounds?" Grayson looked up at me with question eyes but I only looked back with a smile as I hopped down and patted his shoulder.

"This is gonna be difficult yes, but you guys wanted to be out from under my shadow yes? And I had just learned something that will affect my life from now on and as a consequence of my birth... It will effect yours as you grow in body and in power. I am supposedly the next fabled Dragon of Destruction and that means that any that have my blood will be extremely powerful, but at the same time will have a hard time in controlling themselves at times. This right here is not only for you but also for me. I have a new body that I need to get used to and you 4 need to grow in strength. You might be leaving from under my overprotective wings but in doing so I will make sure that nomatter what you encounter, you will face it with the same overwhelming intensity that I face my opponents."

I looked at my 4 strongest children with a look so intense that they each gulped. I may have leaked a bit of my pressure to really set in stone how serious I was but I quickly had to reel it back in because something started to feel like it was stabbing me inside. I coughed into my hand and felt a bit of wetness but I just quickly hid both hands behind my back and went to being serious without looking and while they weren't looking I wiped it off on some tree nearby.

"We need to defeat this horde and find out what is causing this rapid increase in evolution. Something happened inside of the hellhound's dungeon and it will be our job to first clear up this point then follow up with the surrounding areas and help out the other points got it?" I looked over at the kids and they were just looking over at the hellhounds with serious expressions.

"Hey." I said with a softer tone and they all looked back at me.

"I promise nothing is gonna happen to you guys aslong as I'm around ok? You're the most precious things to me and I would sacrifice everything in this world in order to make sure you are safe. Here hold your hands over mine." I laid mine palms up and they laid theirs over mine. I gathered a bit of mana into my palms and etched a small life rune onto each of their palms. They yanked their hands back and shook it in pain but I just chuckled as a soft green light soon covered their hand and their pain disappeared shortly after.

"That is a life rune, It should help out for the fight, it won't last forever and your body will heal the etching away. But for now the rune will use your mana to restore your health if you suffer any damage. Just don't take anything fatal and it should help you out. Your sister should also have something for bigger wounds right? If I'm not mistaken you have some kind of healing rain?"

I looked over at Grace and she nodded with a smile as she brought out a book and handed it to me and opened it up to show a page that depicted a magic circle and even a description of the spell and what it could do.

"Wow, this is incredible! I didn't know you had learned to use magic circles. This is truly magnificent Gracie! Your such a smart girl!" I lifted her up into a hug before putting her down and returning her magic book.

She was a bit flustered but she had a huge grin on her face as she hugged her book in her arms tightly with a renewed sense of confidence.

"So Harper I know the boys have made progress and Grace here has learned to use magic circles. Have you learned anything interesting?" I asked her because I always wondered if she was going to ever inherit her birth mothers abitilitys. While she wasn't the only one to evolve to a Dragonoid, she was the only one however to keep some of her Dragonant like traits and those traits had actually evolved themselves into Dragonant Queen traits.

"Yes actually, I have been practicing but it takes a lot out of me mentally."

ooooo!!!!! 0_0 0_0 0_0

Do I have prophetic powers or something? Or really just common sense?

"Go on honey what is it?"

"Well.... Lately I have been feeling like something has been calling out to me and I kept hearing a lot of noises but I couldn't understand what they were saying. It was all jumbled up together like a large crowd all talking at once, So that day you took my brothers out to train I walked out to the nearby woods and followed the voices..."

"You did what! That was super dangerous Harper! what would've happened if you had encountered a monster and you had been alone?"

"Well dad you see... I did... But-but here's the thing! I found those voices! It was a huge colony of ant's that had had their nest flooded and had their queen killed! They were slowly dying but then they felt me from afar and started calling out to me!!! But when I went to find them, that's when I ran into the monster. It was a some kind of beast that could spew out water and that loved to eat ants... or so the ants told me... To them it was a monster, to me it was looked just like any other ordinary monster we would hunt and eat. So I did and I fed it to the ants, and afterwards they agreed to follow me as their new queen."

Me and her siblings just stared at her while listening to her short story like we just heard a crazy person babble on about their adventures in candyland.... Who the fuck...HOw the fu...

"Honey..... Are you covered in ants right now?" I asked after taking a deep breath.

"No that would be weird, I had the R&D lab here make me a mobile containment nest for them that has a small spatial rune etched into it that uses my mana to keep it active." She then pulled out a round object that was purple and white with a button in the ... Hold on... Did they just... Ugh they did, fucking Necro.

"Uhuh, well it looks... awesome honey, I'm sure they are going to come in handy as soon as you figure out how to best use them. Just remember not everything has the best purpose when used in combat."

"I got it dad."


"Dad, I think the enemy is ready for us." Grayson said as he turned lifted his head over his shoulder without taking his eyes off the enemy.

"Yup, ugh... Ok everyone it's time we start the show. I want a long range attack first until they enter close range, girls hustle to the watchtower." The girls ran and scurried up while me and the boys started to charge up our attacks. Michael unsheathed his sword and pulled it over his back in a over arcing two-handed style slash as the blade started to glow a bright white light that seemed holy in nature. Grayson spread his legs for stability and put his hands together in a cup formation as a bright orange flame started to slowly grow in between his palms.

I on the other hand remorphed back to my original Dragonoid head and started to charge up my Breath of the sun. But then I stopped and smiled and as a thought popped into my head as I started to gather in spatial mana into my mouth and it felt like a black hole was being formed that would destroy the entire world. I was going to use my Dark matter Breath.

The hellhounds felt this immense concentration of mana as they all collectively looked back at a singular robed hooded person and I narrowed my eyes as I tried to get a good look but their features were to covered up. But they just raised their hand and soon a red devilish circle appeared and soon numerous copies appeared from it and landed onto each and every hellhound before falling onto them and soon a reddish glow appeared around them. Their bodies seemed to grow a solid foot in height aswell as getting wider from muscle growth. The very earth under them seemed to protest as I saw small cracks form under their combined weight. I looked over at the boys in the hopes that they were holding strong and I was shocked but super happy to see that instead of fear.... I saw excitement, I saw the challenge in their eyes, I saw how they wanted to charge headlong into this horde of powerful enemies and overcome them down to the last breath and come out victorious and prove to me.... NO! Prove to the World. That they are worthy.

I looked back as I felt the earth start to rumble and saw as the throngs of enemies started to rush towards us and I lifted my arm and swung it downward to signal the start of the attack.

I saw as a large arc of white light ran along the ground slicing cleanly through the earth but when it came upon the hellhounds it met some resistance as the hellhounds lifted their weapons in defense, granted it didn't last long but a few seconds, but still it was long enough for the attack to lose some intensity and in the end it only took out a few dozen before being destroyed.

Next to that I saw as a large beam of Spiraling flames was sent bursting forward while Grayson yelled "IGNIS TRABES!!!"

Atleast it's not Giant turtle wave....

Following that I saw a few water spears being flung from behind us and even a large earthen boulder that started to form in the air and started to plummet into the enemy ranks. Then it was my turn, I opened my mouth and instantly it was like the very air itself halted like a higher powered had arrived and ordered everything to bow. Very slowly the power within my maw emerged almost like a nervous child on its first day at school as it looked around the classroom. It left my mouth and kept moving forward as I closed my mouth and lifted my hand to grasp it as some instinct told me to. The ball of dark undulating mass that would reveal what appeared to be a picturesque painting of a galaxy at times and at others a deep dark void of nothingness.

It was almost like I was holding onto a baby that was to fragile to let go but I knew the power that was held within this ball and if something inside of this ball was screaming at me that it needed to feed. It was begging me to let it consume everything even the very core of this world.

"No little one, only the enemies before you are your food. in time you will have bigger and bigger meals." I gently said before sending it towards the now cowering horde of enemies. They were to afraid to move or retreat so when the first hellhound came into contact with the mass and was instantly sucked up as if it never existed they just stood there rooted and waiting. After a few were consumed the ball was big enough to have a slight gravity effect and it started to pull in more and more around it and before long it was big enough to fully decimate the entire army that stood before us. I walked up to the huge sphere that shook with and urgency to continue consuming but it held off at my command.

"It's time to go back, I will use you again when the time is right." I opened my mouth and as if a void had been opened the huge sphere that spanned as high as the entire horde was wide was now being sucked into my mouth like a vacuum.

I felt a rush of energy and power throughout my body and felt as my mana even stabilized for a moment and that stabbing pain lessened.

I turned to the robed figure before dashing to them as fast as I could... Before I knew it I had already appeared behind the robed person and grabbed their arm before my brain registered that I had arrived. My new body still was something that I needed to get used to.

"So, who could you be I wonder?"

I ripped off the hood of the person to reveal a man with almost dark obsidian like skin, He had two horns that came out of his forehead and then curved backwords. On his back were two bat like wings with steel tipped claw like fingers in intervals and at each end. He stared at me directly into my eyes but then he straightened his back and I had to look up at him...josei

"I heard the Dragon of Destruction has appeared and the bounty on your head is quite high, little dragon."

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