My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 181 Incarnation Of Pride Pt. 1

Chapter 181 Incarnation Of Pride Pt. 1

The Raptoid threw the Spatial bomb back towards me but covered in some kind of black energy that condensed and multiplied my original attacks power, the bomb was now the size of a finger but the power within it was creating waves through the space around it. I tried to come up with ways to counter that without relying on a breath attack that could potential cause a chain reaction.... It was going to hurt but to sustain the damage and protect the girls I had only one option.

"Space Bubble!" 

I threw up my hands and created a space bubble double the size of the bomb and when it was absorbed into the alternate space I used a move that I haven't used in a very long time.

"Abyssal Consumption!" 

With a ripping sound my stomach opened up to reveal a pitch darkness that consumed all. A powerful force drew in the space bubble and in seconds It was transported to the alternate dimension that was formed within my Abyssal Stomach along with a small radius infront of me that also sucked in some of the vegetation and whatever else was there.... However I started to hear what sounded like rubber bands snapping and then a painful burning was felt rising up through my throat....


"Oops hehe pardon me." I smiled as I let rip a huge burp. The indigestion wasn't anything to laugh at but that wasn't anything worthy enough to show to the still conscious enemy. 

"H-how!? I used everything that my lord had gifted me in order to strengthen your attack and send it back! How did you get rid of it so fast!" He huffed and panted as he held onto the tree for support. Everyone could see as blood was flowing down his side and his eyes were almost lifeless, but through sheer willpower he was holding on.... For now.josei

"I just used the gifts that MY lord granted me hehe. But Good news friend, thanks to you using your energy my Lord was able to gain a good amount of energy from it. Now all she needs a little desert to finish off her meal."

Using Spatial Blink I appeared in front of him and punch him straight up into the air where I wouldn't damage the area anymore than I already had. Instantly he was sucked into the Abyssal stomach. He was still alive going in but it shouldn't take long before Gula got to eat. About that time I felt the burning from Life Burn begin again and I quickly deactivated it, Then faceplanted into the ground as all strength left me. 

"VEXSUS!" Kitsoma, Mara and Vannessa ran over to me and Vannessa lifted me onto her lap and I stared up at 3 gorgeous angels.

"Hey, I didn't know such sexy ladies were around here. You come here often?" 

They chuckled but still had tears in their eyes and some even splashed down on me.

"Your such an idiot.... We thought you died." Mara smacked me lightly on the chest but even that was enough to cause me to flinsh in pain.

"What did you do that made you end up like this? I can barely feel your life force and even that is faint." Vannessa said before she started to quietly sob.

"He... Burned.... His life force...."

"Lula! Your awake thank the gods. We thought you were a goner after that last attack."

I turned my head to look over at Lula standing up with Alissa helping her as a crutch and they both walked over to me and Lula laid down next to me and coughed up a little bit of blood, but she just smiled and wiped it away.

"Does it hurt?" I asked Lula but she just shook her head slightly as she stared into my eyes. She looked exhausted like I did. "You used it too didn't you?"

"Mhm. But I wasn't strong enough to do anything other than leave a scratch. Even in my bear form.... I've grown weaker lately and I don't know why. I think it has something to do with Gula and our brands...."

"You shouldn't talk anymore, It took almost all of my power to get you stable enough. we need rest and I don't think this is the best place to do it." Alissa shushed Lula and that made the rest of us chuckle but she did have a point.

"Vannessa, do you have a way to get ahold of Necro? I think it's time we head back. And I don't just mean to the castle." Kitsoma said while 

"Do you mean back home? But you were the way we got here.... I don't see you being able to do much else other than breath for the time being."

The girls looked down at me and I nodded my head and agreed, maybe now it was the time to head home.... Some wild things had been happening lately and I think maybe it was time to head back and rest for awhile. I looked at Vannessa and she nodded before pulling out a small bone looking object that once she put in the slightest bit of energy it started to radiate a black shadowy miasma that poured down to the ground and began to envelope all of us. 

Next thing I saw after I closed my eyes was the ceiling of my room at Necro's castle. I blinked a few times before looking around and I tried to get up but I ended up only flinching in pain and sighing in frustration as I laid back down.

Hearing a knock at the door I tried to raise myself again and this time succeeded in raising my back to sit up against the headboard.

"Come in." I yelled and as the door opened I saw Hannah standing there with a worried expression on her face while Kitsoma was behind her with a smile. 

"Oh, don't you worry about me too now baby girl, Your old man is way too tough to let something like this keep me down for long. Just a couple days of rest and I'll be good as new." I smiled a big one and hoped that would ease her mind.

"I would believe that if you haven't already been asleep for 3 days dad." She huffed and said.

"Well there goes that.... I guess I was just a little tired Hannah that's all. Can you go get your husband, I need to talk to him about something."

"Mom and Auntie already told us everything. Necro has been sending out scouts the past few days to track down this new breed of Raptors, He also sent out a couple of his generals as a caution. But dad.... If they can take you down and force you to use up your life force.... What does that mean for the rest of us?"

"Haaaaa, Kit why did you have to go and spill the beans like that huh babe? A dads gotta look tough in front of his kids..... But nevermind that, Hannah honey, these guys aren't something to mess around with, I don't think even Necro's generals will pose much of a threat if they encounter another Raptoid like the one I killed. Hell even if there was another shaman type things could get ugly. I had to pay a price yes, but I did however gain something from it and I also learned something else about the ability I used to gain that strength."

"Oh shit! How's Lula? Where is she?" I panicked a little when I realized Lula wasn't in the same room as me but just as soon as the worst idea popped into my head, I see a head pop out from the bathroom connected to our room.

"I'm right here Vex, don't worry, I healed up a couple days ago but I've been taking it slow since then. I've just now started to train with Vannessa today and even then it's been rough to move around like I used to. Also I'm the one that let them know what ability you used.... I hope your not mad at me."

"Ugh, well no not really Lula... but I upset that you used that ability yourself. Do you know how worried I was when I saw you like that?" She came over to me and gave me a light hug that still kinda hurt but I patted her head and kissed her forehead when she looked up at me.

"I'm fine now ok? I'm sorry I used that ability but I was worried about what those things would do to us after I saw what they did to you.... I was scared Vexsus... We all were."

My heart hurt a little after she said that and I looked around at the others that now entered the room. Mara and Vannessa and following them was Alissa aswell. They all shared the same look of worry and slight fear as they recalled what happened a few days ago..... I pushed too far again and it led to this. I should have listened to the girls back when they said we should have played it safe.

"Fuck.... I'm sorry. It's my fault in the first place that we pushed too far, We should have backed off before it even got that far. Hell we should have came back after killing that big raptor or even before then.... I will do better in the future and I will start training again once we get back home."

"Speaking of going back home dad.... I spoke to Auntie Mara and she said it was ok if me and Necro joined you there, I was kind of missing my siblings.... I also have some news that I want to share with everyone and I want to do it infront of the whole family." She said with a smile that beamed as bright as the sun.

My eyes went wide and everyone started laughing when they knew I had caught on.

"You mean... Y-y-You're..." I was starting to stutter but tried to stay calm incase she meant something else.

"That's right, I knew you would figure it out.... You're going to be a grandfather...." She looked shy at first but smiled again just as brightly as before as tears started to well up in her eyes.

"AHAHAHAHAHA WOOOOOOOO!" I screamed and yelled and jumped up out of bed and went and gave her a hug. 

"This is incredible! Granted I still had a few odd feelings about Necro.... But wow just amazing Hannah! Your siblings are going to be so happy."

"Ahh man, you told him? And here I was going to keep throwing hints at him until we got to your siblings...." Necro said as he walked in smiling like an idiot. He walked over and kissed Hannah as he rubbed her belly. Hmmm, I wonder what the kid will look like?

"So are we all ready to head out? I think I can suffer the transformation for a bit to make the travel faster." I stretched my arms a little, the pain was still there but it was starting to feel more like a muscle ache after a good workout the previous day than anything. I got curious and tried to send a sliver of mana through my body and was surprised when no pain came.

"Huh, what do ya know bout that? No pain and it looks like I can use magic again. Seems like eating that Raptoid was just the ticket to heal my soul."

"Raptoids? Is that what you're calling the new breed of Raptors? I guess that does match with how they look now. I got reports of my generals finding a group of hostiles similar to what you all told me, They are feathered and the males are various colors while the females are all grey colors right?" 

"Yup, that would be the bastards, OH! save some of them for me because they are so fucking tasty."

"Hahaha, I'll see what I can do but no promises, I might save a few for humanitarian purposes..."

"You mean to experiment on." I said and raised my right eyebrow questiongly at him too which all he did was chuckle and wave his hand back and forth.

"Don't worry about it, but let's focus on getting ya'll home. I say we start off with a short jump using my ability to the end of my territory then you can take over from there how's that sound?"

Everyone looked at me but the girls had a look that said they didn't think it was a good idea. But they left it up to me in the end and so I shrugged and just smiled. I felt good but a few snacks along the way to the territory line would never be refused.

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