My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 183 Incarnation Of Pride Pt. 3

Chapter 183 Incarnation Of Pride Pt. 3

...  You could hear a pin drop as the mood from interrogating a prisoner switched to everyone involved feeling awkward as hell....

"... You're a female?"

"Kamele is female yes." 

I looked at Necro with a shocked look on my face because honestly... I couldn't tell, Her feathers had almost an illusory effect that like I said before, just made her blend in with the surroundings. I couldn't tell what the colors of her feathers were except...

"Hey don't look at me man, I'm just as suprised as you are about all this. This is all on you, you made that suggestion." He held is hands up and backed away while shaking his head.

I sighed before turning back to Kamele. "No, I will not make you a Matron. To me and many other different species, being a Matron or well being a Mother in general has a different meaning that what it does to your species."

"..... Does that mean Kamele doesn't get to have children?" She asked while looking slightly saddened.

"Ummm, is that something you wanted?" I looked back at Necro again because damn was I lost.

"Is that something that is an honor among your kind Kamele? Do the females want to become Matrons?" Kitsoma asked as her and the other girls walked up to Kamele. It only took a single glance from Hannah to Necro and the shadows binding Kamele disappeared before Hannah could even blink.

"Ah, thank you Leader of the Dead ones. That was beginning to hurt... And as for your question furry one, It is something that is ingrained in my species as survival. More Matrons, more children."

I could understand that considering a while ago her whole species was nothing more than monsters with an above average intelligence. Besides some extra brain capacity and some orders from whoever made them, they still would follow their basic instincts.

"So, what did you have in mind for Kamele Vex? You weren't thinking of anything untoward right? I could see her being an excellent scout or something similar with her abilities... But than again who knows what sort of thing you have in that gluttonous mind of yours." Mara said while tapping on her chin before smirking at me.

"Ugh, you wound me madam! I have no such desires other than to hire this person for the protection of my family and that is it." I place my hand over my chest in a mock.(Hehehe but nobody can tell the future. Lusty Argonian anyone?)

"Uhuh I'm sure ya pervert. You know we can read you like a book right? But nevermind that, What do you say Kamele? Would you like to join us and work for us? We can pay you and provide living conditions and everything else you might need." Mara smiles at Kamele and offers her a hand to help her up.

Kamele looks at all of us around her and then back towards where the other Raptoids ran off too before looking down at the ground for a minute. She did something kind of similar to a sigh before looking up at me.

"If you promise to take care of me then I am more than happy to help. I have the ability to naturally camoflouge into my surroundings, I am good with ranged weapons but using knives and daggers is also acceptable."

I nodded with a smile and patted her on the shoulder. "That sounds more than a perfect fit for someone who I can use as a scout. But, main question is how do you feel about fighting members of your own species? Because right now we are in the middle of trying to go back to my territory but it looks like unfortunately we will have to make a detour for this Matron city you spoke of. We need to try and talk to the leaders there and figure out if we can have a peace talk. Do you think that's possible?"

Kamele looked uncertain for a few moments but she nodded. "It would be difficult but I believe that the Newer Matrons will have the best interests of our people in mind.... But the older ones aswell as the Leaders either follow the missions set out by our creator, or they follow their own desires now."

"Hmm, that could be a good opportunity to establish a connection between us. But like Kamele said we would have to deal with the leaders and older Matrons. Is there anything that we could bring as an offering or maybe do something that would make it easier on us when it comes time to meet them?" Necro asked Kamele hopefully but disappointment washed over his face as Kamele just shook her head.

"Well damn.... I really don't want to annihilate an entire species just because we couldn't communicate peacefully.... But if that comes down to it than I could just take prisoners and slowly introduce them to a new way of life." I pondered outloud and Necro just chuckled as Kamele looked at me with wide eyes in shock.

"What? I said if it comes down to it... Anyways let's get out of here and follow the direction the others came from. Maybe we can find a small camp or something and go from there."josei


In a distant Cave atop a mountain that overlooked a giant forest. Deep inside revealed a vast open area that had multiple exits that led into many more expansive rooms, all filled with eggs and Raptoids coming and going while in one of the rooms 5 Raptoids, where all but one that had the same colored cloth over Grey feathers were gathered.

"You lost Kamele! You know that she was one of Tyranus' favorite playthings. That Abomination was lucky enough to have caught his eye and in due time, much to our displeasure, he would have made her a Matron. Do you realize the problems you just caused with this! I told you not to leave the village and especially to watch out for and protect that creature! Gods damn you!"

The one yelling was a Matron that wore a color of cloth that stood out and marked her as the leader of these Matrons. This was the Matron in charge of training and raising the next generation of Matrons.

"Ever since My sister was killed before she could recieve blessed enlightenment from our creator everything went to hell and that gave way to Tyranus to rise up and lead us.... To think a Male is the one leading our species, BAH! Just ridiculous..... But I nor anyother woman alive has the power necessary to overrule him and take our rightful place once again.... GODS DAMN YOU! She was our link to him! She was meant to be our secret weapon that would one day rip off his head and bath in his blood!"

The yells and screams of anger reverberated to the deepest part of the cave and even outside into the open air.


"Did you guys hear something just now? It sounded faintly like someone yelling." Kitsoma asked as she started to look around while our group continued to walk towards a now barely visible village ahead of us. 

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