My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 185 Incarnation Of Pride Pt. 5

Chapter 185 Incarnation Of Pride Pt. 5

An hour after the girls started the closed door discussion with the Matron they walked out and saw as everyone else was just sitting around a campfire with a big cauldron over the top of it and inside was a a delicious smelling stew of meats and veggies. I smiled and waved at them before excusing myself from a couple Raptoids that said they were friends with Kamele, I didn't really think they were but come to find out they actually from the same clutch as her and would often sneak her food and train with her.

Kamele walked up to me and apologized for not being at my side as my new servant but I just waved her off.

"So first off, your not my servant. You are my assistant, I will never treat you like a servant or make you do something you do not want to do. Another thing is that those ladies that just snagged you up and dragged you in there are my wives and daughters.... (I snuck a glance at Alissa who blushed and looked away.) Ok um so not all of them are my wives and daughters but the majority is and they essentially have free reign. But don't worry as they will treat you even better than I ever could."

I patted her head and sent her off to see her friends, they ran up to eachother and started teasing Kamele about how she acted towards me which made her blush a little. It was cute.

"Ahem, Mister you better keep your eyes forward if you know what's good for you." Lula said as I turned back to look at her and saw as she had her hip cocked and a hand placed on it while she had a slight smirk on her face.

"I don't know what you mean, I was just making sure those were her actual friends that's all. Hmph the lack of trust around here is stifling." I said in a mocking tone while placing my hand on my chest and imitading being hurt.

"Anyways, the Matron Pesona, agreed to let us camp around the village and interact with the people here in a sort of trial basis. If it succeeds without trouble for a couple days then she has vowed to take us to the bigger Village where the head Matrons reside....." She started off saying something good but ended with a nervous look.

"OK? Why is it that I'm sensing some trouble here?" I asked while noticing that the rest of the girls were looking a little nervous and worried.

"Well.... You see there's a Problem. It has to do with Kamele." Kitsoma said as she walked up to me and placed a hand on my cheek. "Now don't get angry and go off half cocked.... But come to find out that Kamele was actually already supposedly 'claimed' by the Male Leader of the Raptoids and he is not happy that she was captured and agreed to become your servant. Pesona had already been to the village and informed them of Kamele, and in turn the Male called Tyranus heard and in a fit of rage had actually killed one of the head matrons....." She had me lean in closer and whispered in my ear. "I think Pesona is having us stay here longer because she is expecting Tyranus to come here to reclaim Kamele. If we stay then I think it would be best to have a good exit strategy for the innocents around here."

She backed up and I nodded at her and then looked back at Kamele. "Hey Kamele? Come here a second please."

"Yes Master what can I do for you?" She asked as she bowed to me when she approached.

"Ugh, please don't do that anymore. Nice try and it was a good effort but I'm not the kind of guy that enjoys it when a girl bows to him....." I looked back at my wives and winked and whispered. "Well maybe a little bending over would be better eh?" I chuckled and looked back at Kamele and cleared my throat. "What I want to know is information regarding this Tyranus person. Who is he to you and should I be worried for when he gets here?"

As soon as I said the name I saw Kamele visibly flinch. Ok, so something isn't as much of a grey area as I thought. 

"Master, Tyranus is the Leader of all Raptoids.... And the one who claimed me as his own.... Along with a few others like me."

"Like you how? With special abilities? Can they also be stealthy like you can and blend in?"

"No, they have other unique traits. One of the other girls has an extra membrane that spans from her arms to her legs and she can glide. Another has spikes that she can fling as longe ranged weapons. Those are just the ones I've talked to and met, I've heard he has many other females he likes to keep around for.... Entertainment."

"Hmmm, and why are you not there right now being 'Entertaining?'" 

"That would be because I took her away." I turned to see Pesona walking towards me with an angry expression on her face. She walked until she was almost touching me and stared right into my eyes with confidence, but she was still afraid as I could see it in her eyes.

"Oh? And why would a Raptoid go against their leader and take away one of his toys?"

"Because... Because Abominations should not be Matrons! Who knows what kind of disfigured newborns they would lay, the amount of Pure Raptoids would cease to be if they were made to lay."

"Soooo, you didn't take her away because you were doing the right thing, but instead because you were trying to keep the species pure?"

"Exactly, the creator made us Raptoids how we are now and only in the last few clutchs have these creatures appeared. While I do dispise them, they have proven to be.... Competent. And that is why I allow her to live near the village." She huffed and turned her nose up into the air as if what she was doing was some great generosity she was bestowing.

I just looked back at my wives and then at Kamele just hoping someone had an explanation for the stupidity I just heard. It took a full minute before I could even come to terms and respond.

"...You know your fucking dumb right?"

"Motherfucker Vexsus!"

"Great here we go."

"This just went down the drain fast."

Pesona acted as if I just stabbed her in the heart as she gasped and backed away from me. "How dare you speak to me like this! After I agreed to let you stay near my people even! Don't you know how much of an honor it is for someone like me to even speak you people like you who are complete outsiders? Normally we would have already killed you! But because I am so generous and nice, I have allowed you to live." She pointed a finger at all of us as she said this, which only made us smile and laugh, which just in turn insulted her more.

"What!? What is so funny? You all are here because I allowed it!" She started backing away towards her hut but she was still spouting off about how generous she was and how we should bow down to her in thanks and blah freaking blah annoying shit.

I noticed that as she was inching closer to her hut, the other Raptoids were also getting further away from my group. Even the so called friends of Kamele were now backing away slowly while also giving the Matron a glance every now and then as if waiting for a signal.... I used Detection quickly and found a fast approaching Raptoid that had a powerful aura about him, He was also leading a small group of Raptoids. they all had some kind of issue with their aura or looked like something had been added to their aura in the place of something else? 

"Everyone Combat positions NOW! We have a small group heading our way with hostile intentions and and the one in the lead is a very powerful Raptoid! My moneys on Tyranus coming for Kamele and my head so look alive!" I shouted as I started weaving magic circles in the air that would soon attach itself to my group whenever one was completed. These were full of Healing and protective energies to make sure they could atleast take a hit and heal up afterwards.

As soon as I shouted every Raptoid in the vicinity scattered like someone yelled bomb in an airport. Even the Matron disappeared but the weird thing was that when they left.... Not even my Detection could pick them up. It was like all the life I had seen around us had vanished in an instant. Something was going on here and I wasn't having a good feeling about it.

I quickly heard the sounds of a stampede coming my way and out through a treeline came a massively built Raptoid that was almost crimson in color with large muscles and covered in tribal and runic tattoos. I could feel the power emanating off this creature as it slowed to a stop after seeing me and my people standing battle ready. It held up it's hand to it's people to stop while it continued to walk forwards, I took that as a sign for me to walk towards him to have a little chat that more than likely did not end up with the best of outcomes for me and mine.

"Are you the one who took Kamele? My favorite toy that I even went so far as to claim and had intended to turn into my own Matron?"

I looked back at Kamele that had already tried to make her body as tiny as possible and hide behind my wives, who made me chuckle as they formed a protective wall in front of her that included my daughters and sons. It was nice to see they already took a shine to her. I looked back at the Raptoid who I was still assuming was Tyranus and nodded my head.

"That I am, My name is Vexsus and Kamele was apart of an encounter between my group and hers. She lost and was taken prisoner, but seeing as how she was deemed useful to me, I gave her the option of working for me and she accepted."

A wave of power erupted from Tyranus as his eyes narrowed and he looked over towards Kamele with gritted teeth. "Is this true Kamele? Did you accept to serve him instead of become a Matron at my side?"

Kamele shuddered as she felt the overwhelming power coming from Tyranus but She looked at me with eyes that threatened to tear up but I just smiled at her and nodded. What I also did was extend out my own energy as a shield against this idiots so that my people could get comfortable but at the same time still be ready incase shit went down.

"I... I chose to serve Vexsus as his servant... even though I asked if he was going to turn me into a Matron but that just made him nervous. Either way I chose this as my life." She stood up proudly and said after taking a deep breath. She was still afraid but she was doing her best to hide it behind the now confident posture.

"I can't believe it. You fell for the first male to come along that overpowered you? Is the life I was going to give you so horrible that you had to betray me like this? What about your other sisters?" Tyranus asked as he waved his hand behind him towards the other Raptoids that had come along. 

"How are they supposed to feel knowing that their sister abandoned them at the first chance? Hmmm?"

"I do no....."

"I'll tell you how! Come here Jenis!" He interupted her and called towards one of the Raptoids that strode forward to stand next to him. She sneered a little as she looked at Kamele while looking me up and down.

"Yes my lord?" She asked while still looking at us.

"Are you heartbroken knowing your sister Kamele has betrayed our loving family?"

"No my lord, as a matter of fact I feel happy as she was nothing but a waste of your time." The female Raptoid spoke with complete sincerity. Kamele looked hurt and even teared up a little.

"See Kamele, you may have left but nothing has changed. But I still feel betrayed and hurt that you left me, if you were to come back right now and grovel for my forgiveness than we could start over again and forget this ever happened." Tyranus smiled as he held his hand out towards Kamele. For a moment I felt that Kamele might actually go back with him and I saw as even her hand was slowly rising up into the air. 

"Ok, this is far enough, I let you have your little fun and games but sorry 'Your Majesty' But Kamele is now mine." I stepped up and said as I used my energy to gently push my group back a bit.josei

"Vexsus no. Don't do this." Kitsoma said as she tried to push back against an invisible barrier that I had erected.

"We can help you Vex please don't do this!" Lula yelled as she banged on the barrier aswell.

"Chill darling, I'm not doing anything but making sure Kamele doesn't give in to something stupid. She said she would work for me and she can't suddenly take that back. Especially by such a hostile guy like this." I smiled at them before turning around and facing Tyranus and his group.

"You almost succeeded there Tyranus, but thankfully I was here to stop Kamele from making such a huge mistake."

"You cannot stop me Dragon. I am more powerful than you and even now I grow stronger with the blessings of my creator. If I want that abomination to lay the eggs of my future warriors than I will have her!" A wave of pressure washed over me as Tyranus seemed to grow in size, first a couple inches but as time went it turned into a foot, then 3, then 5. Until he stood an astounding 15 ft tall with rippling muscles that threatened to burst from his body with pure power.

In a deep voice that shook the very earth he spoke. "I will kill you and deliver you to my creator as a gift. Then I will take every single one of your women and turn them all into my personal army of Matrons. I don't particularly like the furry ones but as a spoil of war I have no qualms." He cracked his massive knuckles with a smile on his face as he looked over my wives and daughters along with the other females of my group. 

"Ahhhh, the magic words. Let's do this."

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