My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 19 - New Opponent, New Powers.

Chapter 19 - New Opponent, New Powers.

The smoke blast nears the creature but right before it makes contact I seen a flash of electricity and the electric wolf seemed to phase through my attack and also the giant stone thrown by Stoney and the fire spell from Lizaria which was just a cone shaped flamethrower attack but luckily the unholy attack from Desmaros seemed to hit it even when it phased through the others.

It seemed to be shocked at this and quickly turned on Desmaros to attack, I used this as an opportunity to use a skill long forgotten, I run up behind the creature while it was distracted and use Shadow strike, my body rushes forward and with my claws I rake across its back creating 4 long deep gashes with a spray of blood following. It roars and swings around with a paw and slams it into my side I can feel the blood start oozing from my side as a new notification pops up

[-30 hp]

Holy shit that's 1/4th my HP you mean to tell me that this creature can dish out that much damage with just a backswing, what kind of power can it hold when using its full power. The thought sent a shiver up my spine, But I knew that if I started to cower now it would truly be the end. Thankfully at that time I saw Lizaria bend down and place her hand on the ground, when she lifted it back up there was a red spot in the center of her palm. She started to glow a almost imperceptible aura that I could faintly see but only just. then I could see a line spring from her to the wolf centering on its back right in the middle of one of my scratches. The wolf looked around in confusion before suddenly it lurched awkwardly and began to whine and started coughing and hacking up a blackish liquid.

I knew that she had been successful in poisoning it with her Hex magic. With a look from her and a nod I turned back to the other 2. "Now before it recovers." then the 3 of us pounced at once and with a sickly green glow a punch was landed directly on its snout, a rock covered head was slammed into its side, and a blue of darkness and smoke appeared from above and slashed even deeper into its spine. In the end it posed no threat to the 4 of us having only 1 injury at my expense.

As it slowly eyed us and I could see the light fading while its eyes glossed over my mind hazed and a notification was heard but not seen as I leapt onto the dying body and proceeded to rip and tear into its flesh, gorging myself while under the control of my hunger that until recently has been sufficiently handled. But the sight of this powerful wolf that had even hurt me during the battle created a desire within me to devour it and recover aswell as gain its power.

While eating I could hear multiple dings go off but I just could not be bothered with finding out what they were. However I was thrown back with a blast of energy and slammed into a wall with a hand around my throat and while I was still chewing on a piece of meat the haze slowly started to dissipate from my mind, I was now staring into the glowing red eyes of Master Lucan who was emanating a deadly murderous aura.

With a calm, but frightening tone he asked me slowly. "What do you think you are doing Vexsus."

Not knowing what had happened I look around to see that Stoney was on the ground bleeding from an large chunk missing from his arm while Lizaria was bandaging it and Desmaros was standing in between me and them. I looked around some more in confusion and my eyes landed on a half eaten corpse of the wolf creature, looking back at Master with a look of confusion I asked.josei

"What happened master?"

"Vexsus do you not know what you just did? after you 4 killed the monster you became ravenous and started eating the corpse, Stoney tried to stop you as it looked like you wanted to devour it all, but you turned on him and tore a chunk straight out of his arm. I was forced to take action now tell me what happened to you?"

I myself was asking that very same question. 'What did happen to me? I remember the moment we killed it, but as my eyes caught onto the life fading from its body it seemed like my whole body lost control.' Looking back up at master I said the only thing that I could say at that moment.

"Master I do not know what happened to me, as I looked into its dying eyes my body just took control I felt an immense hunger and my instinct screamed at me to eat that monster."

He stared at me for a while, I could see different emotions flash in his eyes and facial features. First was a look of anger, than a look of worry, a look of disgust shortly after but then settling a look of pity he let me go before turning around and while walking back he said words that scared me.

"Vexsus what you just experienced was your Sin gaining control over you. You are not strong enough to withstand it. But I will give you a day to reconcile with the others before we move on. You will have to train harder as even though you are a danger to the rest of us we still need you in the fight that is to come."

With that he walked away and laid down into a makeshift lean-to that I had not noticed until now. I looked towards the others with remorse in my eyes. "I am so sorry Stoney please forgive me, I didn't know that I could lose control over this thing inside me." I took a step forward only to be stopped by Desmaros stepping in front of me and I could see the other 2 backing away.

"Vexsus, You need to stay away from us, I can understand the power that a Sin holds over a person, but what you did was still terrifying. If Master Lucan had not stepped in to stop you you very well could have started eating Stoney. If he had not stepped in I would have and I would have done so with deadly intent."

Looking at his eyes I could tell he was serious. He had a slight twinge of fear but otherwise I could see the resolve that he held. So I backed away and turned to leave but was stopped by Master Lucan.

"Boy you have not been permitted to leave, You will stay within this campground and face your actions. I suggest however that you pick an outlying position just close enough to the heat of the fire I built but far enough away to give the others peace of mind. I will also give you the responsibility of watching over the surroundings. I will be watching you."

With no where to run and think to myself I just sit down where I walked to facing away from the others in shame. 'Why did I lose control like that? I will need to consult my Ancestor about this.' But it had not given me a way to contact it other than when it needed to give me a new task or when my life was on the line, thinking about what I could do my mind wondered back on the interactions and then a lightbulb went off as the memory of the excruciating pain of having the Seal of Gluttony tattooed onto my soul. Maybe if I focus on that seal I can get ahold and speak with My sin.

I close my eyes and focus on imagining my body as a whole, within a few minutes I could envision my body and there on my shoulder was the Gluttony seal, I then focused on sending mana towards the seal, I smiled as I could see the seal starting to fill up with my power and at its peak my mental body shone brightly and turned into a green gas.

"Descendant, I am overjoyed at you figuring out how to summon me, However your summons came at the worse possible time I am currently defending against small onslaught of Envy's minions. they have found where I concealed my body in this world. When I am finished I will contact you again. As a gift for learning to use the seal I will grant you a resistance to my power. I already felt the power gain control over you even if it was for an instance. Goodbye descendant and remember to train hard."

With that I could feel it leave my mind and with a sigh I open up my Status to see what It gave me in detail only to be surprised by the notifications that bombarded me.

[Due to extreme hunger the user will now devour the nearest available food source.]

[Due to outside interruptions the user has regained control.]

[The DNA of the [Lightning Wolf Omega] is being digested, 'Alert' User is currently not in control. Commencing auto assimilation.]

[Lightning resistance] - Able to withstand lightning elemental attacks.

[Lightning muscles] - Using small bursts of electric the user is capable of enhancing muscle power by a percentage based on skill level. 'Alert' Skill will cause debuff upon ending.

[Pack mentality] - The user will connect with others they trust to form a strong bond that increases teamwork aswell as small buff to stats dependent on skill level.

[Static hide] - the user will now emit small bursts of static electricity over their bodies to provide defensive properties.

'Alert' the user has devoured and assimilated a vital organ [Heart] of the [Lightning Wolf Omega]. User will undergo transformation upon accepting.

'OH SHIT.' is all that went through my mind as a loud roar of pain escaped from my throat and echoed across the Forest. My body started to convulse and spasm as I could feel my bones contort and break before reforming into new shapes. I could feel my nub and the shoulder attached to it start to break and reform into longer bones with newly formed connective tissue that screamed as the nerves were forcefully grown. I felt my scales lengthen and widen to cover more of my body before small hairs started to sprout in between the spaces then the hairs started to combine and harden creating spike like growths, with small barely visible sparks flashing between them.

After what felt like years of pain finally ended and I find out that I had not passed out instead I had clamped my eyes shut and was grinding my teeth trying to withstand the pain. I open my eyes with heavy breaths to see the others crowded around me with eyes wide and mouths agape. I couldn't speak so all I could do was just watch as they stared at my transformed body.

"Everybody this is the power of a Sin, look closely at the changes that took place. The sin Vexsus holds is of Gluttony. His soul has been sealed by the Original Sin and in return has gained the power to grow stronger with every opponent eaten. This is why he lost control but due to him losing control he has gained an even greater power."

The others all nod, unable to refute the power that was shown to them. The fear that radiated off of them was apparent as I could tell they were thinking the same thing. 'Is that going to happen to me if I gain enough power?' I finally caught my breath and closed my eyes since I was to drained to do anything before sleep overtook me.

-Lucans POV-

"Master is this truly the power of Sin?"

"Yes, Master if this is the power of his Sin, then what about ours."

"Stoney, Desmaros, Do you really want me to tell you what to expect or do you want to figure it out for yourselves?"

They first looked at each other than with a nod and with a look of confidence, and resolve they turn at the same time and bow while shouting. "MASTER PLEASE ENLIGHTEN US."

A look of humor washes across my face at these 2 boys 'It appears that even though they are afraid of what happened with Vexsus, it looks like the power his sin shown has enticed these 2 boys.' I look over at Lizaria. "Dear, do you want me to tell you about your sin?"

I can see the hesitation in her eyes. I think she already knows what she was born with. Hell anybody can see it plainly just from judging her looks If I was 200 years younger I would have the same rousing feelings that I could feel Vexsus had seeing her that night at the Inn.

"Master I am ok but thank you I know what I have."

Good girl as expected she is smart for her age and even though she was born to the Sin of Lust she is optimistic about the future. It radiates from her very being but I can see the spikes in her aura as she gets closer and closer to Vexsus. Something about that boy seems to agitate the Sins within the others but at the same time it seems to leech their powers. Consuming them for itself.

"Very Well, Listen up Stoney, You have the Sin of Sloth. You will find it harder and harder to do things from extreme tasks to even the simplest but if you train hard enough and gain intelligence this setback could be turned into a great advantage, It is up to you to decide how best to use this knowledge. And Desmaros, You have gained your fathers Sin. He may have been cursed with it but you have gained it naturally through birth. It is the Sin of Pride, With all things you will value your Pride above all else but what you decide to take pride in is up to you will that pride reside solely on yourself or will your pride be based on protecting your family, That again is up to you."


[Pain Tolerance] -> 10/50

[Shadow Strike] ->2/10

Devour 4/10 -> 5/10

Assimilation 3/10 -> 4/10

'New' [Lightning resistance] 0% - Able to withstand lightning elemental attacks.

'New' [Lightning muscles] 0/10 - Using small bursts of electric the user is capable of enhancing muscle power by a percentage based on skill level. 'Alert' Skill will cause debuff upon ending.

'New' [Pack mentality] 0% - The user will connect with others they trust to form a strong bond that increases teamwork aswell as small buff to stats dependent on skill level.

'New' [Static hide] 0/10 - the user will now emit small bursts of static electricity over their bodies to provide defensive properties.

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