My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 3 - Siblings And Sibling Rivalry

Chapter 3 - Siblings And Sibling Rivalry

While my body was going through the hellish torment of changing in a molecular level, my mind was going through agony along with it as a stream of notifications start blasting into my mind space until the mental stress starts to actually start hurting me.josei

[Current body unable to assimilate new DNA will try again.]

[Current body unable to assimilate new DNA will try again.]

the same message repeated atleast 20 times and each time the pain worsened until a moment of relief came with a new notification.

[due to mental stress reaching a threshold the skill [mental fortitude] has been granted]

Unfortunately shortly after that what seemed like 10 more unable to assimilate messages popped up but each one was surprisingly easier to handle after acquiring the mental fortitude ability, and after what seemed like ages a new message popped up.

[Current body unable to assimilate. Cause : body to weak to withstand physical changes, Solution : Halt assimilation until body is stronger.]

After that the pain faded away and my consciousness returned to my body and as I slowly opened my eyes I saw my mother leaned over me still glowing green and casting a healing spell over me, but when I looked at my father all I could see was worry and disappointment, it seems what happened was not what he was expecting would happen it only got cemented after I heard him say to my mother.

"it looks as if he is unable to gain power by our normal means I hate to say this but it looks as if he will be the runt of our children."

"DO NOT SAY THAT" screamed my mother "he just went through a very dangerous ordeal and all you could think about as his father is OH looks like he is to weak, your pathetic just go out and get us some dinner. maybe if your able to get a crystal or maybe even a core we can help him."

"Fine but it is almost time for the others to hatch if as technically the oldest he does not grow in strength to at least hold off the hatchling from the golden egg then he will suffer far worse than humility if that hatchling is vicious."

With that said he walks out of the cave before I catch sight of out of his back 2 majestic wings unfurling before flapping down hard to lift his massive body up and into the sky in the blink of an eye, As i watch this I can only sigh with defeat and depression here I thought I was reborn as a dragon in a new world and like all protagonists I would be overpowered from either the start or a little afterwards but the misery I feel after finding out 1. Not only am I not able to gain power from 'Normal means' but 2. I am even going to be the runt of this batch.

As if to pour lava all over me I start to hear a cracking sound come from near me and as I look in that direction it is the damn golden egg with a giant crack going down the side of it.

"Oh My this little one is already hatching it will indeed be powerful if its already growing this fast." then with a sad look in her eyes she looks down at me "Do not worry little one I will always love you and do what I can to help you."

I hear more cracking and look around and see that not only is the golden egg hatching but surprisingly so is all the others, and before long all 7 of the other eggs finish hatching and as I figured the colors of the eggs determined the colors of the dragon hatchlings 5 green, 1 brown, and one shiny golden red king who is already asserting itself over the others like some entitled bastard, and before long he waddles over to me and just stares at me with those crimson red eyes that just scream look at me. After staring each other down for a few moments he lifts one paw up and slams it down straight down on my head sending me crashing into the ground.

To say that at that moment was a very eye opening experience would be a vast understatement. I raise up with blood trickling down from my snout I stare back up into this hatchlings eyes as it towers over me by at least a foot maybe even 2 and I try and breath fire, I focus on my throat and try and draw power from my lungs and after a little bit I start to feel heat coming from my insides and I forcefully exhale... Only to blow out what equates to a smokescreen. With this I hear what sounds like a chuckle coming from in front of me and I feel heat coming from the same direction, wasting no time at all I duck down and roll to the left as a stream of flame blows past me taking away all the smoke before crashing into the wall of the cave and even turning some of the cave wall into magma. After seeing that I decided its now or never and using what little newborn strength I had I rushed at it and jumped towards its face and slashed out with my claws extended. As if it knew it dropped to the ground and as I was over it in the air it shot out a leg and kicked me straight into my soft underbelly and I felt as a few of its claws actually pierced through drawing blood.

As I lay there gasping for air with blood flowing from my stomach I can feel the warm breeze of healing flow over me as I only assume my mother had stepped in to stop the death of one of her kids, I look up at the golden red dragon who looks at me with a smug look on its face and then I hear a voice.

"very good from now on the golden one shall be called Aurum, and the loser shall be called Vexsus, the green ones shall be named Salus, Marico, Jaspin, Latius, and Tyrole, the brown hatchling is here by named as Gaia." speaks a dragon entering the cave which I can see has almost black scales except they to be losing their luster almost turning grey, and as I look closer I can see what looks to be some of the scales are also sagging down and every few steps this dragon seems to wobble as if unsteady on its own feet.

"Elder Umbra, you did not have to come all the way here if it was not for how early the young ones hatched we were not set to come visit you for atleast another Moon."

"Haha yes I am aware but can't an old man come visit his own daughter-in-law and also I could feel the power of these young hatchlings so I could not resist coming to grant them their names as per tradition, but only to arrive and see the tiniest one fighting against the strongest was a very nice surprise to behold, it means that this bunch has a great many things in store not only for themselves but I believe for the whole of dragonkind."

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