My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 76 - On The Run To Safety

Chapter 76 - On The Run To Safety

I transformed to my dragon form and using every ounce of mana I had I consumed it all to use Mana hands to gather the others and put them on my back while at the same time using it to move the earth out of my way while I dug straight up and away from whatever Desmaros was turning into.

It took me all of 2 minutes to fully dig through and emerge into the surface. But the reason I didn't want to do this in the first place was because of how mana costly this was, and boy was I right. my mana was bottomed out and in between keeping my family safe and secure on my back and digging, I was just blowing through my mana not caring for the inevitable repercussions.

I was hell bent on getting my family out of there and once we fully emerged I fought to stay conscious as I told Sondar to fill up the hole I had just dug and solidify it with everything he has. When we burst through to the surface I turned back into my dragonoid form as my MP hit zero and I couldn't sustain the form anymore.

Shorunt and the Twins, Tinoa, and Vinoa, Came rushing over to me and used MP share on me. That helped a little bit but their MP was like a drop in a deep abyss, but it gave me enough energy to stay awake and start regenerating on my own and still be able to help out if needed.

"That was to damn close man, I mean what the hell even was that guy?" Sondar asked after he finished up and got a quick boost from Shorunt.

"That was my fellow Disciple Desmaros. He and I along with a couple others had been chosen by Master Lucan to follow him and prepare to fight against the Shadow Eaters. Well that was until I found out that He was actually just a lackey for an evil overlord that just goes by The Necromancer."

"That's Lord Necro now Vexsus, He caved when I brought it up to him during one of our... Bonding sessions." A female voice spoke up and said from behind me.

"Ah fuck, Hello Lizaria long time no see." I said as I turned my head towards the voice, and from behind a large tree came a woman covered in blue scales that outlined her body and came to cover her ample cleavage like a form fitting bikini top. She had 2 large draconic like wings that matched her scales, and a tail that ended in a point almost like a spear.

Then from behind her came a giant of a dragon that materialized out of the ground itself, almost like it was a liquid, only to form a mountain of a creature that stood atleast up to 5 meters in height. It had giant Stone Shoulder pad like protrusions that covered the back of its shoulders and along its back was a giant Earthen mound that was covered in different colored gemstones. It had claws that were in different colors that matched the gems on its back aswell as having an extra set of legs in the middle of its body, I guess that made sense seeing as how just from it taking a step it felt like a minor earthquake was occurring.

"Hey Vexsus, long time since you took a nibble out of me hasn't it."

"Great and ofcourse, I should have known you would be up her ass like the faithful Simp you are Stoney, how are you, you look different? did ya get a haircut?"

The fact that I was acting so carefree was visibly pissing Stoney off to the point where he started to step closer and closer. By this time I had regained enough of my mana back that I could stand up and walk to meet the mobile mountain. When we were close to eachother I stopped to look up at him with a smug grin plastered on my face. Inside I was worried that my mana wasn't recuped enough for a drawn out fight but I wasn't going to let him know that.

"You little insect, I tower over you and yet you stand there with that shit eating grin on your face. Do you seriously think your stronger than me? Me? Who is able to crush mountains and cause mass earthquakes with every step?"

"Well don't get to cocky there big guy, yea you might cause an earthquake with every step but that's like calling a kitten a tiger. That's just a major overestimation there buddy."

He did not like that as the next second I was jumping to the side to avoid him swatting his gemstone claws towards me. I was expecting him to lose his cool but I wasn't really worried about him. I was worried about the mass of Death energy I was feeling getting closer and closer from underneath us.

"Sooooo anyways, it's been nice catching up but we gotta go now. Lovely to see you again Lizaria, I hope you and "Lord Necro" have a wonderful life together. Deuces." I then shot out a large flash of light aimed at their eyes and while they were blinded I ran away with everyone in front of me towards the nearby forest.

I could hear behind me as a loud explosion occurred and a gravely voice that radiated power over me even as I lost sight with how dense the forest became.


"Man he's pissed." Howy said as he emerged out of nowhere right next to me, I noticed that he was easily keeping pace with me but didn't think much of it.

"Yea, I think he's being controlled by something but I won't risk you all just to find out what it is and then find out I have no way to help. I'd sooner use up all my life force to kill them than risk you guys." I said with absolute conviction.

"I get it boss, I totally understand. I wouldn't listen to you anyways even if you ordered me to. Haha, I have to much to live for now. I have the love of my life thanks to you but that doesn't mean I would listen to such a crazy ass order like that. No offense boss." He said while chuckling.

It was good to know that they still had their own personalities and free will to deny me and keep me grounded if I were to suggest something completely stupid.

"I need you and Liosa to super scout ahead for any large clearing, then start placing traps on the center of said clearing then hightail it back to the tree line. Stoney has a detection ability like me but I think his is superior so I have a good feeling he is on his way right now. I will stand in the center and unleash enough of my aura to draw him in then when it's just me and him, I want you to activate the traps and seal us inside a container. It won't hold the power of our attacks back but hopefully the surprise would be enough for me to land a critical blow and wound him enough to get the edge."

"Can do..... Are you going full dragon aswell?" He asked with a worried look.

"I'm gonna have to, my mana is almost back to full and my body is close to immortal so I barely feel tired. I'll be fine man don't worry to much and just go set up the traps. I place some mines to hopefully stall him for a few seconds but that's all I can give you."

He nodded before vanishing and I could feel his presence leave hastily.

I slowed down enough to scrape my claws against the ground and placing pin sized mines while I did so. I made it so that when they got disturbed by Stoney moving through the ground, he would set them off and distract him enough to provide the two lovebirds enough time to set up my arena.

I knew it was going to be a tough fight but I'll admit.... I was starting to drool at the thought of eating Stoney. Hahaha I know food isn't what I should be worried about but just thinking of gaining more power while also hindering that evil bastard and pissing off Lucan all at the same time was just to good of an opportunity to pass up. I knew I could kill him in the end but there's not reason why I couldn't pad my gloves so to speak.

While I was off in my own head I was roughly tapped on the shoulder which dragged me away from my plan. I looked over and saw Hannah glaring at me.

"Oh fuck you look scary like that. Please don't stare at your old man like that honey."

"You're gonna do something stupid aren't you, I want in."

"Hell no, You're crazy you think I'm risking your life when I could easily take this guy out. But I promise I'll give you some roasted dragon when it's all over." I said with a smile while patting her head as we ran. She blushed for a second but still scowled at me and batted my hand away.

"I am stronger now, I can help you." She said while stopping in her tracks.

"Hannah listen to me, We can't stop, The bad dragon is coming for us so we have to keep going."

"Then promise to let me help." She said, this time while puffing her cheeks and crossing her arms over her chest in a cute little tantrum.

"Ugh, dammit why do you gotta look so cute. Fine you can help, do you have any undead that you can summon?"

"Yea I have Doggy, and Snekky."

HUH???? "Only 2? Honey that won't help me much but Sure I'll use your little doggy and pet snake with me. But that's it ok honey? I promised but I won't take you yourself with me got it?"

She nodded her head happily as she quickly took out a dark wooden staff with a eerily green glowing orb on top and dark purplish gemstones covering its handle. She then stuck it into the ground.

"Doggy, Snekky, I need you to go with my daddy and help kill a bad guy. Please help me." Then a pulse of energy ran through the staff from her hands and into the ground. By this time I heard multiple explosions coming from the direction we came from.

"Hannah, I don't mean to rush perfection but the bad guy is getting closer."

"Shush, they are coming." She said almost just in time as 2 green circles formed and the ground beneath them started to pulse and a mount of dirt was being pushed up.

Next thing that happened made my eyes go wide with amazement. A huge Dark coated canine with a wolf like head and 6 legs crawled from the ground. It's body was covered in decaying flesh that seemed like it would fall off any moment. It's eyes were nothing but green flames that blazed like a miniature inferno.

Next to it emerged a 7 meter long snake that was covered in a combination of green and purple scales. I wasn't to confused by why they had the color scheme of Hannah's magic but was just odd to me for some reason.

"HOLY Hell, Hannah this is great. Where did you get these from? The dungeon had no such thing as a hell hound looking monster and a giant snake."josei

"I know, when I gained the power of Necromancy I was given the chance to pick a starting summon. I chose a dog and next Doggy here popped up but at first it was only a skeleton. I had to train it and let it eat other monsters. Then when I reached a certain level of understanding my magic, I gained another chance to get a secondary summon. So I decided to choose Snekky here, and again he was nothing but a long tube of spine with a small head attached at the end but when he evolved that's when he gained a body after eating so many goblins and ants."

That was crazy, to think that she not only can revive the dead to serve her but somehow she was also given main summons. That led me to think that maybe she wasn't destined for just Necromancy alone and in the future she might even gain the Summoner spell aswell. I know it's a long shot but perhaps this world worked like that.


"Shit honey comeon we gotta go." I said as I took her in my arms and started running.. I didn't look back at her pets as I could hear them slithering and running behind me.

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