My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 95 - Security Problem

Chapter 95 - Security Problem

"I'm sorry Vexsus, I didn't think we had such a problem already. None of the guards posted to patrol the camp has said anything about a monster lurking around." Sondar said while he was sitting down on one of the few mana chairs I created. I wanted to create a comfortable place for us to discuss this major issue since this is very severe.

"I get that brother. I know that the guards are all still new to this but we need to have something else besides just the guards. Do we have any people with like sensory abilities? maybe like heightened senses or better eyesight? Anything really. I know that I can use detection and cover a wide area but that will only work while I'm here..... Hold on didn't one of you say that there is like runes and formations and stuff in this world? Couldn't we put up like a detection system around the base?"

Kitsoma spoke up. "Well there is such things as runes and the like but nobody in our group has the ability to use such magic. That could be another thing to add to the list of things that the Merchant mission entails. We could hopefully find somebody to help us create something like that, but it would cost quite alot. Last I remember a Runemaster was a rare commodity that only the nobles could afford."

"Dammit.... OK so next option is to learn then. I remember a few things from my old world that contained something about Runes and Runemasters. Maybe I could experiment?" I asked only to see all 4 of them stand up and shake their heads with vigor.

"Vexsus you cannot do that. Runes are very dangerous if done wrong. The mana needed to create one is already extreme, and if it goes wrong all of that mana is unleashed into a massive explosion that backlashes onto the creator. I know your powerful but I don't think this would be a worth while use of our time." Sylvania said as she expressed what the others were thinking.

I looked at them all and studdied their expressions while mulling it over. If I combined my ability to create magic circles with Runes, maybe I could create a protective barrier to experiment within....

"Ok, I won't experiment.... Out in the open hahaha." I laughed as they all had exasperrated looks on their faces. They knew that I was going to try it anyways but hey atleast I had plans to protect everyone if I messed up.

"Do you really plan on doing something so dangerous? What about the missions we just discussed. That Shadow monster needs to be found and killed or tamed. The bandits need to be brought into the fold or disposed of. We need to do so many things that any extra stuff needs to be put on hold for a minute."

Kitsoma said as she came and placed an arm around my arm and stroked my shoulder. I loved getting the attention and even through my scales I felt the love she held for me.

I sighed and slumped my shoulders but soon shook my head and smiled back at her. "Fine, I can experiment later on so I'll just put it on the list of things to try. But we do need to figure out a security system to help the guards out. I saw that a few of them are being overworked and we can't have that. If I need to do some patrols when I get back I will but we all need to lend a hand got it? We aren't lords or nobles but in the same boat as everybody else here."

They all nodded and agreed that we needed to fix things. I was happy to see that none of them had reservations against being down in the mud like everyone else.

After a few hours of discussing what needed to be done we figured that we should build a few watchtowers that covered the base in 4 different points forming a square. For now we just posted a few guards in each one but once everything settles down I plan on goiung through every guard and picking out the ones with better eyesight and having Sondar teaching them some basics in ranged combat, maybe some archery I don't know yet, but I have big plans for my home.

We arrived back at the impromptu food area and was met with 3 different teams ready to head out.

I walked up to Howy and Liosa as they waved at me with a smile. "Hey boss, hows it going."

"Hello master, It's been a while since I last saw you. We are ready to set out whenever you give the order."

I nodded and shook Howy's hand and gave Liosa a small hug. Seeing her gave me a quick Idea that was a spur of the moment thing as I called all of my actual minions over to me.

Standing before me was all of my minions. Shorunt and konna, Liosa and the twins. I looked at the 5 of them for a moment and realized just how much they have grown. Shorunt has become basically the main healer of the party and Konna has become the second best guardian I could ever ask for. Liosa is just as good as Howy at being a scout/assassin. The twins however I havent seen in actually quite a long time.....

When I looked at them closer I felt a weird sensation coming from them.... "Tinoa, Vinoa... Why do you feel different. I know it's been awhile but did something happen?"

They both looked at me with an eerily combination of calm while also being monotone.

"We are good master. We have been serving under princess Hannah."josei

"Ok? Why Princess?"

"She is our lords daughter."

I was getting weirded out by this more and more by the second.

"Ok, so you guys have a different mission than anybody else. I need you 5 to evolve into your next forms. I think its either high goblins or whatever is above Hobgoblins. You 5 are needed in this army and you all serve a purpose."

They nodded and kneeled. "We will do our best to fulfill your coommand master." They said in unison.

"Great, get to it in whatever way you see fit. Oh and bring Hannah to me real quick."

I turned to my 4 team leaders with a worried look in my eyes. "Hey, I need you all to be on the lookout and keep track of what Tinoa and Vinoa are doing. I sensed a weirdness in my connection with them. Almost as if they aren't my minions anymore. Something is disturbing that connection and taking its place. Something is happening without me knowing and now that I think about it, there is a bunch of tiny things that are happening around us that seem unconnected."

"The Poison vine attacks that may or may not be at the command of a Druid, the mysterious monster that is terrorizing a couple of my children, and now it seems like something is happening with 2 of my minions. I don't know if it's just my imagination but it seems like these different unrelated things are all apart of somebodies plan to weaken us. One is physical torture with the poison. Another is psychological with nightime terror, then the last is something actually taking over our friends minds."

"Kitsoma, go get opal." I said just in time for Hannah to approach me. As I turned, I instantly could feel a different aura coming off of her. It looked like my daughter but what flowed off her was not the normal aura that I could feel the last time I saw her. What was coming off her had the stench of death, I know that she is proficient in Necromancy, but what I felt was almost like a rabbit looking at a Tiger. Like something deeper and darker was staring back at me while using her eyes.

"I'm here father." She said and Warning bells rang off full blast in my head.

"Good, good, I missed you Hannah how are you? How is your training going?" I tried to keep it casual since what I wanted to ask her was now a moot point. I now know something is trying to take control of my family and has actually succeeded in taking over my daughter. I just needed to find out who or what.

"It has gone well Father. I am now more powerful than ever." She said with the same monotone as the Twins.

"Great. Soooo I just wanted to check in with you.... Your old man is going away on a mission for a few days so I want you to do your best to grow stronger while I'm away." I said as I hugged her. As I touched her I sent a bit of mana into her body and tried to discover what was happening to her.

I touched something inside her that could be seen as a ball of rubber bands. Except instead of bands it was a writhing balls of dark chains that seemed to almost be alive and even tried to lash out and devour my stand of mana with a deformed mouth filled with gnashing teeth. It was grotesque.

I then heard her voice whisper in my ear. "Your daughter is mine now Vexsus, you should have taken me up on my offer when we last met boy."

I jumped back in surprise. "Who are you, and why are you possessing my daughter's body. Where is her soul?" I asked with fear starting to take over.

"Hahaha, Your daughter's soul is here with me, I'm taking very good care of it. If you want it back all you have to do is follow my orders and I'll give her back."

"You bastard who the HELL ARE YOU!?" I roared as fear and anger started to combine in me. I felt a slight warmth in my chest.

"Calm down. No need to bring the attention of Wrath to our little spat. I am the one who is trying to recruit you and help you fulfill your purpose in this world."

".... Are you Lord Necro?"

Hannah's hand came up and flashed a peace sign over her eye. "Ding, Ding, We have a winner. I had damn near given up on you for the moment and refocus on the war, but then I felt a newbie Necromancer start to root around in the spirit world, Then come to find out it's your precious little girl... HAHAHAHA I just couldn't resist but grab the opportunity to forcefullly bring you to my side."

Hannah's body was starting to convulse and black blood was leaking from her eyes. "Uhoh, Looks like little Hannah's body can't contain me for long. I'll just leave and come back once you make her body better, toodaloo.... for now."

Then a woosh of Black smoke filled with the images of skulls rushed from her body and disappeared in the sky. I ran over to Hannah's convulsing body and started to create healing circles that would enhance and give my Regeneration to her.

As She started to glow from my power the black blood started to sizzle and flake away in the wind. After a few minutes color started to come back to her face as her breathing started to normalize. I looked over at my healers and none of them could look me in the eye.

"I want you to do everything in your power to keep her alive. I am going to find the Shadow Creature and I will bring it back. If it is a Shadow Eater, It will be mine. WE NEED all the power we can muster. Howy.... You will be in charge of capturing those bandits and bringing them to me. Take your entire team of scouts and set up an outpost that will hold them away from the main base. I will be bringing the monster there. I'm tired of this bastard messing with my life. He crossed the line."

I got up after wiping the hair away from Hannah's face and after kissing her forehead I walked a few steps before activating my buffs and max detection. I focused towards the area the supposed monster was located and within minutes I saw a mass of shadows within a cave swirling around a captured person. It wasn't long before the person was nothing but bones as the shadow ripped and tore flesh from bone like a school of pirahna.

"I found it.... I'm going."

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