My Lycan Mate of Suicide Forest

Chapter 133 - Tell Her

Chapter 133 - Tell Her

"Today Sylvia is meeting with the group of women she mentioned the other night. Are you up for it?" Greta was sitting on one of the sofas drinking an herbal tea while August was reading more in her book about pack history.

"Sure," August replied. "When is that?"

"They meet at 3 and then have dinner together at Agnes and Ethel's," Greta explained. "You might be cold though, so bundle up. They always eat out on the back patio."

"Should I be nervous?" August looked up from her book.

"No. I mean, they're an intense group. But they will love you. Just be yourself," Greta replied before taking another sip of her tea.

"What herbs help with morning sickness?" August asked, gesturing toward Greta's cup.

"This is peach leaf, peppermint leaf, wild yam root, and a little apple cider vinegar," Greta answered. "It's an old recipe. I didn't come up with it myself," she chuckled seeing August's bewildered expression.

"Does it work?"

"It does while I'm drinking it," Greta laughed softly.

"It's hard to believe that a little bundle of cells can make such a huge impact on how you feel," August smiled.

"Don't worry. I'll make it for you too when you need it," Greta winked.

August groaned and looked back at her book with a smile.

"What is it? Do you not want kids?" Greta asked, setting her cup down and pulling her knees to her chest.

"I do," August responded quickly. "I just… not yet, you know?"

"Of course. You two haven't even been together that long," Greta said, gauging August's expression.

"Exactly!" August closed the book and gestured toward Greta before dropping her hand in her lap.

The two remained sitting like that quietly for several moments before Greta said, "You two got in an argument about the full moon ritual, didn't you?"

August nodded shyly. "How did you guess?"

"It's not hard to imagine. I was surprised you stuck around for it."

"You and Sam were there?" August asked, her cheeks going crimson.

"Of course!" Greta answered. "I mean… most mated couples participate. Especially now with how difficult it has been for everyone to get pregnant and stay that way."

"I'm sorry," August frowned into her hands.

"Yeah, it's a bummer," Greta said. "I just wish we could figure out why it's happening. So many women…" she started but swallowed hard before continuing. "It's hard to be excited now," she admitted, placing a hand on her stomach. "I keep thinking in terms of 'If this works out.' If instead of when."

"That's got to be hard," August muttered.

"I'm sorry if I've been more sensitive," Greta said softly. "Yesterday, when we were at the warehouse…"

"No, don't worry about it," August interrupted. "I get it—I mean, I don't know what you're going through, but I think I would be uncomfortable being around me, too."

"That's not it. I don't want you to think that," Greta protested.

"It's okay," August smiled reassuringly.

"It was just—the idea of going back to Sylvia's. I guess I still haven't gotten over it. And that's a deep sadness for me. But it's a private sadness I guess I don't want anyone else to witness," Greta smirked and looked down into her own hands.

"I will never intentionally violate that, Greta. I promise," August said.


Finn stepped out of the Grimm into a rolling meadow that was beginning to brown with the changing season. He gave the trees around the clearing a sweep to make sure no one was around before pulling out his phone to dial Graeme.

"Finn!" He heard Graeme exclaim on the other end. "What the—how is she? Is everything okay?"

"Hey Alpha. We haven't been able to get through to you at all," Finn said, stating the obvious.

"Yeah I know, me either. Where are you?" Graeme asked, unable to hide the deep relief he felt at finally receiving a call from someone in the pack.

"I had to go through the Grimm to get a call out. I don't know why it's not working at home," Finn huffed.

"That is strange," Graeme said, a growl puttering in his throat with suspicion. "Is everything okay?"

"Well Miss August was attacked by a bear yesterday…" Finn started.

"A what?! A bear?!" Graeme roared into the phone.

"She was with the pups…"

"How bad was it? Where was she hurt?" Graeme interrupted. josei

"Oh, it was real bad. She was stuck in a basement with a mama and her cubs…"

"What the f-" Graeme squinted his eyes closed. He knew she was fine. He knew she was fine. He could feel it. "Finn," he said slowly.

"Yes, Alpha?" Finn responded eagerly.

"Is she okay now?" he asked, slow and deliberate, hoping for the same from Finn.

"Oh, yes! She seems to be healing just like us now," the young lycan responded.

Graeme breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm on my way back, but I won't make it there until tomorrow sometime. Just—where is she now?" he asked.

"She's at Sam and Greta's. Greta was there when I left," Finn answered.

"Make sure she doesn't get attacked by anything else before I get back. Can you do that Finn?"

"Of course, Alpha."

"Where were you when this happened with the bear?" Graeme growled. Goddess, he couldn't even imagine how that would have come about.

"I was there, but she was with the pups in the old alyko cottage, and you told me not to let her know I was following her, so I was hanging back. But I was watching her, Alpha, I swear. Or I was listening… Anyway, I didn't know there was a problem until one of the pups started screaming," Finn explained.

"The alyko cottage… you mean Maggie's?" Graeme asked. Why would August have been there? And with just the pups? Did his mate have no common sense?

"The only way in was boarded up real good—it took me three or four kicks to finally get in through the cellar," Finn continued.

Graeme groaned. How could this have happened when he was gone for a day? "Well now that she knows you are following her, why don't you just stick close to her okay?"

"I can do that Alpha," Finn answered.

"Good. Get back to them soon then," Graeme said.

"I will."

"And Finn?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Will you…" Graeme paused and swallowed, gripping the phone tighter. "Will you tell her I love her?"

There was a pause on the other end before the young lycan responded with a chuckle. "I can do that, Alpha."

"Thank you, Finn," he replied.

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