My Lycan Mate of Suicide Forest

Chapter 157 - Another Event

Chapter 157 - Another Event

Zoe was sitting in her office, trying to find something to distract herself from the curiosity about the human-turned-alyko in the dungeon. Did the serum work? What was the reaction? Had it harmed her?

She bit her nails nervously.

Andreas was so arrogant. He was sure that August would not have any ill-effects, but as the scientist in charge of these operations, Zoe knew it was impossible to know the outcome on a subject from Eliade. Her genetics resembled that of the alyko, but there were still unknowns.

Andreas must truly feel desperate at the bizarre way August was displaying on the map.

Zoe wished she had a chance to study August more. She was such an exciting, peculiar find. At the most, Zoe thought she would see August display as alyko, but this… she played the loop on her computer that Kai had made for her of August's two map events and watched as the small points of light activated across pack land simultaneously… this was next level. This was like nothing ever seen before.

August was the key to something big. Of that she was certain.

"Zoe," Kai appeared at her doorway, leaning in with his headphones resting on his shoulders. "You have to see this."

Zoe rose from behind her desk. What else could be happening?

She followed Kai down the hallway to the map room and turned to the wall. The grid containing their pack's land had another stunning constellation of stars lit against the black. And this time, it wasn't disappearing immediately.

"What?" she breathed. "But…" she had given her the serum. It should have worked by now. It should have disabled her abilities or maybe… killed her, but definitely not made her stronger.

"It didn't work," she whispered. "I have to go check on her." josei

"Will you alert Andreas?" Kai asked.

"I need to, but… but he's going to kill me, Kai. I have to go see this for myself first to know what I'm reporting," she replied.

As she made her way back down to the dungeon, Zoe's heart was thundering. She was equal parts terrified and excited. Terrified of Andreas and excited that August had surprised her yet again. What couldn't this female do?

When Zoe cautiously pushed open the heavy door leading to the hallway of cells, she was immediately slammed into the wall with a massive hand around her neck.

"You," the voice snarled, and when her vision finally adjusted and focused in on the person holding her, her heart fluttered up into her throat.

"You're back," she croaked out.

"Are you behind this?" Graeme snarled again, pointing down the hall with his unoccupied hand toward the cell where his mate was held.

"Behind what?" she managed, despite still being secured to the wall by her neck.

"Give me the key," he replied in the most blood-curdling voice Zoe had every heard—a growl puttering in his throat that set her hairs on edge. She fumbled in her pockets before bringing out the key she had brought with her.

Graeme took it and let her go to slump against the wall as he stalked away.

She stayed there, gasping for air and watching his retreating form. The Alpha had returned. Now she was definitely dead.

"Is she okay?" Zoe called after him. She couldn't stop herself. And despite the rage that still lingered in Graeme's wake, Zoe got up slowly to follow him.

"Stay the fuck back, Zoe," Graeme growled over his shoulder as he unlocked the cell door.

When he opened it, two females exited. Two. Zoe's brows pinched together.

Despite her odd hair color, the first female to walk out resembled Graeme with her olive complexion and fierce, dark eyes. This must be Graeme's sister. How did she get in there? The sister turned and glared Zoe's way, causing Zoe to take one step back.

That meant that the other female… Zoe gasped softly as she saw August turn her way. She had fair features. Her hair was a light gold that cascaded over her shoulders, and her eyes… her eyes were vivid. Vivid gold. Zoe had never seen anything like it.

"You are her," Zoe found herself walking closer, unconcerned about anything else but the breathtaking specimen before her.

Graeme grabbed her by the back of the neck. "Not another step."

Zoe didn't hear him. "You are okay. I was so worried," she confessed. "I was afraid it might kill you, but Andreas…"

"You thought August was in that cell?" Graeme asked, the threatening growl deepening as his hand tightened around her.

"She—she was," Zoe turned to him, confused.

"Will someone let me out of here?" Sam yelled, pounding on the door.

Greta retrieved the key from Graeme, shooting another glare at Zoe as she did, and went to let her mate out. As soon as she unlocked his door, Sam burst through it and grabbed her, pulling her tight against his chest and burrowing his head in her shoulder.

"Oh Goddess, Greta. I'm so sorry," he said, muffled against her. He pulled back and cupped her face in his hands so he could scan her. "I always think of you as indestructible. Don't scare me like that again."

"I'm okay," she smiled, looking back and forth between her mate's dark, concerned eyes.

Sam exhaled again in relief. "Fuck, I thought I was losing you." He dipped his head and kissed her fiercely before hugging her back to himself.

"I'm… confused," Zoe said after watching this scene unfold. Her curious eyes returned to August who was smiling at the couple hugging. "What happened?"

"You did something to poison my sister, is what," Graeme growled next to ear. "Why?"

"I—I didn't know she was your sister. I thought she was August," Zoe replied, batting her lashes.

August's gold eyes were now back on her, and Zoe couldn't help but gape at her appreciatively. "You are," Zoe gulped, "so beautiful. Do your eyes change color at all?" She tried to walk toward August again, but Graeme yanked her back. It didn't seem to phase her much. "Were they always gold? Or was it just after the virus? Do they change when you use your abilities?"

Zoe's fingers twitched with the desire to get her hands on August and study her.. She needed to know more.

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