My Lycan Mate of Suicide Forest

Chapter 225 - Soul Cakes Part 3

Chapter 225 - Soul Cakes Part 3

This chapter is dedicated to Sravanthi82 who won the opportunity to name a character earlier this month. <3


How could he not have told her about what he did? Was he trying to hide it from her? Was it a secret? This was her past and her life prior to him… he should have at least… let her know!

So many emotions were running through August at the realization of what she was now so sure had happened when Graeme was off pack land and had gotten shot.

There was relief at the deaths of those who had hurt her and overwhelming love for her mate who had desired to avenge her. But there was also anger and profound grief that this event from her past was being allowed to continue to affect her life now.

Graeme shouldn't have felt the need to do that. And he was hurt! Probably badly hurt. Who knows what had happened exactly and how much danger he was in. josei

Her stomach turned at the thought of those faces that he had seen—the ones she spent so much time trying to burn out of her mind. But here she was thinking about them again.

"August, are you okay?" Sylvia at some point had stopped her stirring and approached her quietly, gently touching her arm and bringing her attention back the room of beautiful, strong females she was in.

"Yes, I'm okay," August smiled in reassurance.

"You don't have to hold anything in here. We are together precisely for the purpose of supporting one another, and that includes you."

August's eyes fell on Sage who had flour on his nose and shirt, and she smiled. Sylvia was right, but the extent of August's past truth was definitely not something a pup needed to hear.

"I know, and I love you all for that. Thank you," she said. "You all are so beautiful and strong and inspiring. I'm blessed to be here with you, truly."

Eyes glittered with joy and adoration before glancing back to their bowls and pans, stirring love into the memories of those who had passed on.

August's thoughts returned to her mate. To what he had done for her and what he was doing for her now, and suddenly all she wanted was to be near him. To tell him that she knew what he did in Wisconsin. To thank him and hold him and feel his warmth and strength and protection and give him her own.

"I'm hungry," Greta grumbled. "All this food, and none of it is baked yet. I can't eat any of it."

"Oh, poor mama," Ethel gave Greta a squeeze around the shoulders. "We can bring some food from the market for dinner instead of cooking. What do you feel like eating?"

"Honestly? Spaghetti, salt and vinegar chips, olives…"

A roar of laughter and cackles erupted as she continued to name the odd cravings she was having.

"I'm sure we can get some of that," Ethel patted her arm. "Who wants to run to the market for food?"

"I can go," Liv offered, and Vera quickly agreed to go with her.

"Finally, those babies are allowing you to eat are they?" Raya asked. "Have you thought of any names yet?"

"I really haven't given it much thought. It is still so early, especially since we don't know the sexes yet. But it seems to be all Sam thinks about. He has already decided on one girl name and one boy name," she giggled.

Sylvia began beaming at this line of questioning, though she stayed quiet. She had already heard the girl name that Sam and Greta agreed upon. It was funny how Greta had less interest in naming the pups than her son at this point, but it really didn't surprise her. Sam was much more sentimental than perhaps many realized.

"Ooooh you have to tell us!" Vera was squealing again.

"The girl name he picked out is Gia," a wide smile bloomed on Greta's face. Her mate was adorable and so was the name he had chosen.

"I love it!"

"It reminds me of you—like a smaller version of you. Greta and Gia. That's so cute!"

"Awww. And it carries on the G tradition."


"How did he come up with it?" Liv asked.

"It means gift from God. Or Goddess of course," she replied, beaming with joy as she did.

"It's so perfect," Vera replied to have everyone agree with little hums of approval.

"And how about the boy's name?"

Greta paused, glancing toward Sylvia. They hadn't discussed this with Sam's mom yet, and she didn't want to put her on the spot.

"Have you talked about a boy's name?" Sylvia asked, her gentle, kind eyes welcoming the topic.

"Yes. We agreed that he would be named David," Greta's eyes welled as she spoke the name of Sylvia's mate. If they had a son, they were absolutely going to name him after Sam's father.

Sylvia's eyes went wide in surprise at first, and then she smiled as the tears came.

"Is that okay?" Greta asked softly, and Sylvia nodded, not able to answer as she swallowed back the emotion.

Charlotte, who was closest to her, gave her a firm squeeze around the shoulders.

"It's perfect of course," Sylvia finally was able to answer. A chorus of soft murmurs about how precious the names were filled the kitchen along with the smells of the first pastries beginning to bake.

"What if they are two girls?" Raya asked, an eyebrow cocked in amusement.

"Can you imagine Sam with two girls? He won't know what to do with himself."

"They will have him tied around their little fingers," one of them giggled.

"I don't know. Maybe Davy or Davina," Greta shrugged.

"What does David mean, Sylvia?" Vera asked.

"Beloved," Sylvia smiled in that fragile way when one is close to tears. "And he certainly was."

"Beloved by many," Greta agreed.

"I love the names you and Samuel have chosen," Sylvia sighed happily. "Your pups are beloved gifts from the Goddess indeed. We have so much to celebrate this Samhain.. It is a fresh start for the Hallowell pack."

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