My Lycan Mate of Suicide Forest

Chapter 241 - Nectar

Chapter 241 - Nectar

Graeme got up and closed the door, locking it once he did.

"What are you doing?" August asked.

"Spending time alone with my mate. Finally," he smirked and August's stomach flipped. "I hate these living conditions," he added, climbing onto the bed and crawling toward her like a large predator.

She backed up against the headboard, watching as his eyes narrowed at her movement.

"Why do you hate it?" she giggled.

"Why do you think? My sister and her mate under the same roof," he had finally reached where she was and growled affectionately as he nipped at her neck. "What if I wanted to make love to you all night long?" He said low and husky in her ear before biting it gently. She shuddered beneath him.

"All night?" she breathed, her chest starting to heave in response to his close proximity and the heat that instantly rose, curling up within her seeking him.

"All night," he repeated and lowered his mouth onto hers.

"But," she pulled away, earning a growl of protest from him that made her giggle, "how would that… even work? Are you being serious?"

Her cheeks had pinked again. Oh, this innocent mate of his.

"Deadly serious, darling. When Greta and Sam finally move back to their home, I will show you. I vow it," he said sensuously before taking her mouth again while finding the waistband of her pants to remove them.

"What are you doing?" she breathed against him.

"Has it been so long that you have forgotten?" he groaned to have her giggle.

"Yes, and that's your fault of course." josei

"I will make up for it tonight, Moon."

"But I'm a little… nervous," she giggled again when she received a fierce reprimand with his eyes.

"Nervous?" his eyebrows shot up.

"I just… you look like…" he looked fucking sexy is how he looked, but the intensity of his desire and the predatory way he approached her, the muscles in his shoulders rolling, the fierce light of possession in his eyes. She feared what she herself desired.

"I look like what?" he removed a stray hair from her face, giving her the patience she needed.

"A wolf," she giggled, pressing herself against the headboard.

"I am a wolf."

She nodded wordlessly in agreement.

"Do you know what you look like?"

She shook her head, a shy smile grew on her face as she anticipated his answer.

"My meal," he growled, lunging the short distance to tickle her sides and clamp down on her neck to keep her from twisting away.

While the sweet taste of her flesh was in his mouth, he licked and sucked, and then the tickles that had her shrieking in laughter turned possessive and searching until his hands were bracing either side of her face, fingers running through the silky strands of her hair while he kissed her deeply, fighting for dominance with the passion that surged inside of her, unleashing itself on him as well.

Then August was up on her knees, rising to meet him, hands grasping for him like his were for her. She pulled at his shirt, freeing it over his head and running her hands over his chest, his abs, while her mouth still explored his and sought to devour him while being devoured.

He broke the kiss long enough to pull her shirt off roughly, his eyes seeking hers, searching for the soul that he shared there in her—with her, entangling with her—and when he found it lighting her beautiful golden eyes, his lips returned to their home on hers, pressing deeper to taste as far as he could go. He wanted all of her. He wanted to be at home in her again.

"August," he whispered, pulling away from their intensity and making her whimper because of it. "Lycans don't say it much, I don't know why. Maybe because… we can scent each other's feelings… but I know humans do. And I want you to know how profoundly in love with you I am. I love you, Moon. So much it hurts. It aches in every part of me that reaches to be with you. All the time. You are all I think about." His eyes teared as he spoke these words that were his most sincere truth. She had all of him, even when there was distance between them. She had every part of him all of the time.

"I know," she smiled. "I feel the same way. I love you more than anything I could have ever imagined. You are like the sun," she whispered, kissing him once more with the haze of passion in her eyes. "And I'm your flower."

"I think it's the reverse," he breathed a laugh against her face, his breath and joy simultaneously warm and comforting and alluring. "I will follow you anywhere."

He pulled her legs toward him and leaned her back against the bed, hovering over her with his broad, delicious chest exposed to her—a shield, a weapon, a home to cling to. It was the sensitivity he bared to her, the exposed vulnerability under all of that power and strength, that made her most in awe of him. He laid all of that down for her, allowing her the reigns over him.

Graeme kissed down her neck, slowing the tempo of his expressed need and pushing it deeper, stoking that fire between them with his hands that caressed and loved and brushed her sensitive parts, causing uncontrollable shivers to rake her.

"If you are my flower, though," he spoke against her skin before kissing it again, allowing his tongue to lick the sweet salt of her—that unique flavor she carried that belonged to him. "Then I want to taste your nectar, darling."

She bit her lip and wiggled under him, but his hands braced her sides, keeping her still for his mouth that wasn't done yet. Every place he kissed and nipped and licked turned pink from the attention, creating a rosy path where his mouth had been.

"What do you mean?" she breathed above him, cheeks aflame as she did.

"I want to taste our child on you," he remarked before continuing to explore her with his mouth, his hands finally dipping under her waistband and sliding her pants down, exposing all of her beauty to him.

His eyes sought hers again, the eyes of his mate that despite their regal golden beauty appeared worried and insecure.. But he smiled, assuring her again of his profound love before he slowly lowered himself on his forearms and buried his face in the divine nectar this flower of his offered.

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