My Lycan Mate of Suicide Forest

Chapter 245 - Pillow Talk

Chapter 245 - Pillow Talk

Today's update is dedicated to Peaches1, Grace_Gilbert_4063, Nyx1663, Sunny_Enoch, and Cindi_127 for your recent generous gifts this month. Thank you so much! <3


August was tucked into Graeme's warmth under his chin, relishing in the closeness and feeling of wholeness that had been restored between them.

"Would you ever want me to spoon you?" she spoke against his chest, nuzzling further in and wrapping an arm around his side to press herself as closely as possible even though she could feel him humming through her entire being—the warmth and closeness of his physicality was something she would never get sick of.

"How would that work, Little Red? You're half my size."

"I am not half your size!" she chuckled.

"You're not?"

"No, not even close."

"Well if you tried spooning me, I'm pretty sure you would only manage to spoon the upper half," he breathed into her hair.

"That's okay. The upper half is good too," she giggled and took the opportunity to nibble on his chest. The little action sent a tremor through him. "I still make you tremble?" she smiled.

"Yes, of course you do." He kissed the top of her head. "You should try getting some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day."

"What happened to all night?" she teased him, tugging him closer around the waist.

"I don't want you to be exhausted tomorrow. Don't tempt me," he smiled into her hair.

"I get to dress up with Greta. That will be fun."

Graeme thought about the formal part of the masquerade. With everything else happening, it was the last thing on his mind. But he would have to wear a tux. He groaned at the thought.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't like dressing up."

"What?! It will be so much fun. I can't wait to see you in a tux."

He groaned again and she bit him in reprimand. "It goes against my nature," he laughed.

"And what is your nature?"

"I feel most comfortable without any clothes at all."

She wiggled against him playfully. "That's not so bad either. But there's no way the whole pack is seeing you naked."

"Most of them have already."

Now a possessive growl vibrated in August's chest, stirring the sensation in his own.

"They better not."

"You are jealous of the pack seeing me naked?" his eyebrows rose. It was cute, but he could hardly keep it from happening when he shifted back and forth between his wolf.

"Would you want them to see me naked?"

He clenched his teeth as the image flashed through his mind. "That wouldn't happen. You're not lycan."

"What's going on with my teeth then? Why am I able to mark you like that so well?" She recalled how the canines in her mouth had suddenly felt so powerful and sharp—like they were urging her forward, desiring to sink into her mate and prepared to help her.

"I don't know," his eyebrows threaded together. It wasn't something he had an answer to. "Maybe it's because you're my mate."

"Has that ever happened before in human and lycan mates?"

"That I don't have an answer to. There has never been a pair like that here on pack land before you and me. Anyone who found their human mate was able to because they left to work or study amongst the humans and then they stayed living out there. They don't typically find the lure to come back to the pack when they have so much of their lives invested elsewhere."

"I would come back," she murmured. This place was like a warm, safe haven away from the world. There was so much shit to deal with out there that felt like it couldn't penetrate the protective barrier of suicide forest.

He rubbed her back, running his rough hand over her smooth skin that had been protected from the wild that he was exposed to. She had only seen what this life was like for weeks with him now, but perhaps her mind would change. Would she ever get tired of this place and wish to return?

"There is a lot that we can't offer here," he said softly. "There are schools and industries…"

"But you are here," she interrupted.

"I wasn't for many years."

"Maybe you were out there looking for me," she smiled into him at the thought even though she knew it wasn't true. He had found her here. How strange was that? He found her just outside the place he had been avoiding for so long.

Graeme's thoughts unexpectedly shifted to Violet who had left pack land only to return with what appeared to be a mate mark. It wasn't consensual. He searched his memory for what he knew of nonconsensual marks. Was that even possible? It had never happened here. There was too much respect and accountability within the pack for that which was divinely destined. Who would dare go against the Goddess and force a lifelong connection like that?

He wondered if that gruesome bite on Violet's shoulder had in fact completed the bond. She was likely one of only two people who could say for sure. She would have felt it… unless she was in such abject terror that she didn't recognize it for what it was. Or it was so horrific to be tied to that individual that whatever she did feel she was denying or repressing.

But if the mark had taken, then it was likely that whoever this mysterious male was would be seeking her out soon enough. And what would that mean for Violet and the pack? Graeme couldn't let her just be dragged off with a male who had raped her…

August was leaning back, tilting her head up to watch her mate. Something troubling was running through his mind that he hadn't shared with her yet, and he was drawn into it to such an extent that he didn't react to her questioning gaze. His hand still ran over her back, but whether or not he was soothing her or himself was the question.

"What are you thinking about?" she finally asked, and his eyes found her once again.

He exhaled heavily and pulled her back in close with her head under his chin. Somehow this position helped him think. Perhaps it was because his body felt the assurance that his soul's priority was safe, so he was free to focus on other things.

"Violet is back." josei

August listened, staying against him as she did. So this distraction had to do with Violet. No wonder he seemed reluctant to tell her.

"She was attacked off of our land in another pack's territory."

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