My Lycan Mate of Suicide Forest

Chapter 277 - Outsiders

Chapter 277 - Outsiders


Dear Readers, so far for this month, golden tickets have earned 8 bonus chapters! You all are amazing! Starting tonight, I will release 3-4 chapters a day until the end of the month to repay you for the love. I hope that works for you all rather than one big chunk at the end! Hugs! <3


"H-he just tried walking into the fire," Greta stuttered. "Why would he do that? Why would he do that?"

Graeme shoved himself off of Andreas, pointing to the elder as he rose. "Get him back in a cell and stay here to help protect the rest of the pack. I'm going to find August."

"Everyone will help find her," Sam told him, rushing over to grab Andreas from the ground with Graeme's jacket still covering him.

"I'm the only one who can scent her," Graeme reminded them before sprinting off toward the woods with Lucas following on his heels.


August was panting, stumbling after Sage in this stupid mermaid dress that was keeping her from running as quickly as possible. What was worse was that she was holding Sage back, because he was slower trying to keep hold of her hand.

"Sage—go!" she told him. "Go get Graeme. You're faster without me."

He paused, looking back at her briefly with wide, worried eyes. "I can hide us," he suggested.

"No, there's no time. Go quickly," she insisted, and he watched as she reached down, tearing at the hem of her dress to make slits for her to have more freedom to run.

"But…" he was backing away, considering listening to her but unsure of whether it was the best thing.

"Please, Sage!" she interrupted, glancing up at him desperately, pleading with her eyes for him to listen.

"Okay," he panted quietly and then took off in a mad dash down the path.

Her hands were shaking, and this fabric was surprisingly determined to stay in one piece. She tore the mesh overlay, making gold glitter fall around her feet onto the dark path before grabbing the lining in her trembling hands and doing the same, succeeding at ripping it up to her thigh just as she heard the rapid cracking of bones behind her on the path.

Maybe it was Finn. The thought of him had her frozen in place for a moment with indecision. What had happened to Finn? She wanted to check—to try to sense him—but she was too terrified to concentrate and instead darted off the path into the dense woods, running blindly through the darkness.

"Get her!" A gruff male voice roared deeply behind her. There were bodies approaching on all sides, large dark forms peeling themselves away from the shadows and coming alive.

"Why does she have no scent?"

"Use your eyes, for fuck's sake," this time the voice was much closer, and with that realization she felt every restraint in her body bleed away out into the darkness. She didn't feel the limits of her muscles or her breath. There was only the fear driving her body quickly, so quickly away from them.

The forest air and the twigs and underbrush seemed to part, allowing her quicker passage through as she raced away from the unknown threat pursuing her. Where was Graeme? Where was Finn? Did Sage make it back okay? Her thoughts raced along with her, and she used them to propel herself forward.

But there was one thought that was beginning to drag her down. Why was she running? Should she be fighting? She was a Luna. She had a duty to lead and protect, and yet here she was back where she started… running away. She owed all of them more than this.

Her steps slowed and she turned, dragging her tattered cape behind her as she braced herself against a tree trunk and panted softly, listening to see if they were close. She heard them running through the leaves toward her much further in the distance than she would have thought. Had she really been that fast?

If they truly couldn't scent her, then maybe she had a chance.

She steadied her breath and concentrated, reaching out to sense her pack members. Their beautiful golden forms lit up behind her eyes once again. Most of them were at the pack house still focused on Livvy who had returned. Those who were there were still celebrating, still joyous, not even aware yet that their land had been infiltrated. That was good. That meant they were safe.

"Finn, Finn… where are you?" she whispered against the rough tree under her hands, her eyes squinted shut as she searched for him. But she couldn't sense him. He was nowhere to be found.

"He didn't make it, I'm afraid," a chilling voice whispered at her shoulder, and she jumped, turning and pressing herself against the tree.

She saw his grey eyes and jet black hair illuminated by the moonlight before she suddenly fell away from him, swallowed by a hollow in the tree and stumbling out the other side in an entirely different area. She twirled around, confused by the change in the density of the forest and in the increased moonlight that shone on the ground around her.

What had just happened? That was the vampire Zoe told them about, she was sure of it. But then he was gone from her sight, and now she was… where was she?


Graeme shifted into his wolf, because he was faster and better able to follow August's scent that way.

Once he arrived on the path heading toward the haunted forest, he immediately realized something was off. He couldn't scent anyone else but members of the pack, including his mate, but he was positive there were others here. Outsiders. It wasn't something he could explain, but he was certain of it.

And then he got a whiff of her fear. His mate's fear still hung in the air, and he snarled, launching himself faster, paws pounding the ground in pursuit of her.

Lucas was following a few yards behind him, unable to keep up with Graeme's speed.

Graeme veered off the path, following August's scent into the dense woods when he became aware of the movements of others around them. There were still no scents to inform him of what they were facing, but the sounds and movements were familiar enough.. These outsiders were lycans.

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