My Lycan Mate of Suicide Forest

Chapter 281 - You Must Go

Chapter 281 - You Must Go

Graeme followed the tangy scent of fear that he recognized as his mate's, snarling with increased fervor the longer it took him to find her. Every time his paws hit the ground, the sound of desperate, unrestrained rage was expelled from his lungs—inviting the intruders to come after him rather than his mate and threatening those who didn't.

But no one stepped into his path. No one challenged him. In fact, it sounded as if the invading lycans were scattering, leaving the area and making way for him to follow her trail.

Behind him, Lucas realized too that those around them were leaving and he whined for permission to follow them rather than trailing Graeme. He didn't want to lose the opportunity to tail them if it meant catching one and discovering more about who they were and what they were after.

Graeme huffed his approval without breaking stride or slowing down, and he heard Lucas veer off to give chase. He would follow the outsiders as well if August's scent wasn't still leading him in another direction. He would find her first and then deal with this vampire and his group of traitorous lycans.

Perhaps they were the same lycans who had killed his parents—strays who had been brought together under a new Alpha. A vampiric Alpha. The thought had rage flaming higher, all but consuming him with its intensity. All of these problems were here on his land right now. He wanted revenge. How could Andreas, Pearce, and Auden have invited this evil in?

The trail ended. The scent of his mate ended, and he spun around, searching for her, searching for the trail that would lead him to her. But it was just… gone. Cries of desperation joined the snarls erupting from his throat, and he clawed at the tree where her scent stopped, shredding its bark with his claws, trying to follow wherever she had gone.


August spun around, not recognizing the place where she had ended up. She didn't think she had been in this part of the pack land before. But aside from the light of the full moon, it was dark. Perhaps she wouldn't recognize it at this time of night anyway. josei

"No," she whimpered, shivering in the cold air now that the adrenaline had bled out of her and she was left covered in beads of perspiration. "No, no, no."

Which way was she to take? Could the sense that she had of her pack lead her to where they were gathered? She closed her eyes to find them again, hoping that the brightness of their forms would be able to lead her like a beacon back to them, back to her mate, back to the place that had become home. The place where she belonged.

"August," a female voice surprised her, jolting her from her thoughts.

She gasped and turned, backing away as she did. Out from under the shadows of trees and into the moonlight stepped a petite female she had never seen before. She had long white dreadlocks that shone against her honey skin and eyes.

"Who are you?" August asked. This female was definitely not a pack member. She didn't feel that connection like she did with the others.

"My name is Penelope," she said, pausing a few yards away with her hands clasped loosely in front of her.

"Penelope?" August repeated, mouth dropping open in recognition. "The Penelope?"

The female chuckled softly and looked down at her feet. "I suppose you could say that. I'm sure your mate has mentioned me."

The air between the two grew heavy with the weight of August's thoughts as she recalled all that this female was responsible for. At one time, she had wanted to meet Penelope to learn what she could about the alyko and have some of her questions answered. Perhaps that was still a conversation August longed for. But things had also changed most significantly.

"Everyone I have ever known has forgotten me," August stated, a surprising anger arising from somewhere unknown and making her movements feel rigid. She gritted her teeth. This female alyko was the one responsible. The powerful alyko known as Penelope. A Winter alyko, as Graeme called them.

Penelope gave her a curt nod and shifted her hands behind her back. "Yes. I did that."

August said nothing more, but she became more aware of the breaths that were causing her chest to rise and fall as she tried to control her temper. This alyko was not what she had imagined at all. And if she was waiting for an apology, it wasn't coming.

"Why are you here?" August finally asked after the two had stared at each other for several moments, Penelope's eyes solemn and August's accusing.

"To convince you to go with him," Penelope answered quickly, causing August to sputter in laughter. "And we don't have much time."

"Him? And by him you mean Zagan? The vampire?" August let out an outraged chuckle. "And you're serious?"

"Don't—don't use his name," Penelope unclasped her hands from her back and extended them before her cautiously, her eyes going wide. "How did you even learn it?"

"Why? Who is this guy… fucking Voldemort? What do you mean don't say his name?" August's eyebrows pinched together angrily, and she crossed her arms defensively in front of herself.

"When he is close enough to hear, it alerts him to your presence," her eyes darted around. "And he has excellent hearing. Plus, it angers him immensely."

August set her jaw, watching the sudden paranoia of Penelope as she began to approach her.

"If you do not go with him August, your pack will be killed. As many as it takes, including your mate, until he gets you. He can't be stopped. At least… not yet," she told her. "He doesn't want casualties. He would rather take you and leave."

August's bottom lip began trembling at this revelation. She dropped her arms. "Are you sure?"

"I am sure. It has happened before. This is what he does," she replied, finally drawing up on August close enough that they were only a breath away. "I'm sorry. There is no other choice at this point.. You must go."

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