My Lycan Mate of Suicide Forest

Chapter 284 - Obvious

Chapter 284 - Obvious

Penelope exhaled deeply. She had done it. She had succeeded in finding August alone and explaining the situation to her.

When Penelope discovered Graeme that day at August's childhood home and found out they were mates, it was quite a shock. Alyko did not form mate bonds. They would mate and, due to their empathic and sensitive nature, often develop very strong bonds of love and loyalty that lasted a lifetime. But the mate bond was different. The mate bond was something involuntary.

Most alyko considered themselves blessed not to be subjected to the mate bond. While their lycan family members viewed the bond as a blessing, it restricted them of their freedom. It cemented them into a relationship that was not of their choosing.

Sure, most of the time that relationship was healthy and fulfilling. Most of the time the pair involved allowed the full possibility of that bond to bloom and grow and take hold, making them both stronger as a result. But that wasn't always the case. There were abusive relationships that couldn't be broken. There were those who were shackled in their lives without a way out. And for alyko, the likelihood that they would be resented and mistreated and even abused by their mates was greater due to the stigma that followed them.

But August was different. She wasn't a typical alyko. She had been genetically reengineered to more closely resemble a fae. But somehow… somehow that came with the mate bond. And she was mated to an Alpha, of all people.

The great thing about this that Penelope could see was that he would protect her when it was needed. She may even develop extra abilities that could be attributed to their bond rather than her alone. But they were also each other's weakness and vulnerability. And this would likely cause August to hesitate in certain situations—like this one, when it was necessary for her to leave with the ancient one.

She had to go with him. August was their best hope right now to be able to harness enough power like La Loba to give that creature the life he needed to die. That's why Penelope had come tonight, hiding herself with a cloaking enchantment so she would not be discovered crossing the perimeter into pack land.

A small part of her felt guilty having not given Graeme the whole truth about this situation when they had talked. He was aware of it—that there was something she was hiding. The true purpose behind Penelope's reason for helping the researchers at Eliade. He knew there was something August was meant for with the enhanced power she would have. He just didn't know it would mean that August had to leave him in order to achieve it.

Graeme was going to suffer in his mate's absence, that was for certain. Penelope grimaced. He didn't deserve that. He had already been through much in his life, she was aware. But it just simply could not be helped. The ancient creature was going to come for August regardless, and it was best if Graeme stayed out of the way. He did not need to die right now. His pack had already experienced enough loss with the deaths of their previous Alpha and Luna and also the loss of their alyko.

"If I didn't know better," a chilling voice interrupted her thoughts, and Penelope spun around to find the dreaded creature standing directly behind her, "I would think today was my birthday."

She had never seen him before, and now—looking upon the creature that haunted every alyko and was the subject of her whole life's work—she was struck by how… beautiful he was. Why was he so beautiful? What a ridiculous thought to have right now, but her mind had created him into something hideous to look upon. Withered by time and as monstrous externally as he was internally. A grotesque being without the access to life and everything beautiful and vital about it. But that was not the case. josei

"You are a Winter," his head tilted as he studied her. "So rare to catch one."

"You have caught a few," she retorted, allowing the hostility to bleed into her words.

He smirked. "And now another," he walked casually, circling her with an amused expression.

She turned, watching him warily as he circled, waiting for him to attack.

"Will you not try something on me?" He stopped and spread his arms wide in invitation.

"We both know that is pointless," she replied.

He chuckled, dropping his arms. "It is not pointless if I get to see what you can do," there was mirth in his eyes. He was enjoying this immensely. "You are not part of this pack, Winter. Why are you here? To help the Luna?"

"Have you already gotten her?" Penelope asked, dodging his question.

"I'm saving her for last," he smiled widely, his fangs becoming visible, and she shivered.

A real vampire stood in front of her. She knew of his existence, but she had never seen him with her own eyes. To see him was to be taken, no longer able to tell others about the experience.

"She is different," he said, head tilting again. "You must be aware of it if you are here. And you were trying to help her, which meant that you knew I would be here."

His voice was searching, as were his eyes. He was trying to figure her out. Penelope jutted her chin out in defiance.

"How did you know I would be here on this night?" He asked her directly, the curiosity biting away at him.

She scoffed. "Graeme rising to power with an alyko Luna. The elders desperate to be rid of them both. Given their track record with you, it was obvious you were called in to retrieve her. And what better night than this one? When everyone gathers, distracted by a variety of festivities steeped in the thrill of Samhain lore?"

His eyes narrowed. He didn't like her tone and how she made him seem so predictable.

"It was pretty obvious… Zagan," she did her best growl, and then he pounced.

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