My Lycan Mate of Suicide Forest

Chapter 293 - Feel Better? 2

Chapter 293 - Feel Better? 2

Graeme pulled her toward him under the water. She felt weightless as she glided back into his arms, and he held her. He just held her. They didn't speak, didn't allow their words to steal these final moments by demarcating them with fears or insecurities. Maybe if they just stayed here, just stayed like this, silent in each other's presence they could stretch out these moments indefinitely.

Here there were no pack members, no researchers, no vampires, no expectations. Here they were just allowed to be. And that was a comfort in itself.

Graeme carried her through the water toward the shore and laid them both down on the soft, lush grass that didn't reflect the fall season. It was like an eternal spring here—the time of rebirth and regeneration for the world. Everything was green and blooming and new. There was even a noticeable freshness to the air.

"Do you think all fae have places like this?" He asked as he lay next to her on his side, head propped against one hand. His wet hair was tossed back with only a section falling over his eyes, creating that effortless physical appeal that still made her heart stutter in her chest. josei

"I hope so," she smiled, turning to watch the last of the petals spiraling up into the sky. "Does your neck really feel better?"

He nodded, raising a hand to caress her cheek. Her lashes fluttered closed and she scooted closer to him, nuzzling against his chest with her head tucked under his chin. This was her favorite position. This was her favorite place to be.

Graeme sighed as the soothing comfort of their contact spread through him as well, his arm draping over her, locking her against him. He tried to resist the pull of sleep—tried to keep his eyes open to appreciate every moment here with her until those moments ran out. But eventually they were both lulled into dreams by the warmth of the sun, the pleasant sounds of the forest, and the overarching peace that pervaded this place where they were safe.

"I love you, August Moon," he murmured as his conscious thoughts started to drift away like the petals that had disappeared into the blue sky above them.

"I love you, Bun Bun," she breathed against him, hearing the soft vibrating growl of protest in his chest. Her lips quirked up into a smile.


Zagan watched as the healing glow between the Luna and her mate burned brighter and stayed surrounding them like a luminous mist. As a cold creature, he was particularly sensitive to variations in the temperature around him, and there was a noticeable warmth associated with this healing that she was doing. It was almost like witnessing the birth of a miniature sun.

He was mildly concerned about what more challenges this alyko would present once she was done with her mate. The strength she possessed to not only fling him through the air but also to speak directly into his mind, which had never been done before, was much more than he anticipated. So he sat alert, poised in preparation for whatever might come hurling his way.

But it never happened. Once the glow subsided, he rose and walked casually to where the two were draped over each other. Their breaths were soft and even. Were they… sleeping? He chuckled. That was certainly unexpected. Apparently she had a ways to go before she was strong enough to do this without draining herself of energy.

"You need to learn to ground yourself, little one," he muttered. "Then it won't take so much out of you."

He leaned down to hoist her into his arms where she flopped over his shoulder like a rag doll. The Alpha was clearly deep in slumber as well. It would be quite the shock for him once he awoke and found her gone. But at least there would be no more resistance here tonight.

Zagan launched into the air, alighting on the limb of a tree. It would be faster for him to leap between trees and avoid any perimeter guards that might get in their way.

His lycans were already back at the vehicles awaiting his return, and he had intended on just dropping her there with them after this harvest and letting them take her to the compound as usual. It was so slow and mundane to ride in vehicles. He absolutely detested it. And he never saw the alyko to their area of the compound anyway. That was a job for his team. He usually never even visited them after they arrived until several weeks later. It was best that they got settled, got used to their routine and living conditions before Zagan came to visit.

This time though, he considered adjusting the typical routine. The Luna was unusual. She was unique. She was promising. And he needed to make sure that she was cared for appropriately.

It wouldn't surprise him if his lycans were rough with the alyko when they were out of sight. Zagan never gave them specific orders not to be. As long as the alyko were fed and given the necessities and maintained in one physical piece, he didn't deign to concern himself over the details of their treatment.

But he didn't particularly like the idea of carrying her all the way there. Perhaps he would have to take the dreadful ride in one of their trucks in order to keep an eye on her. Would Seth and Rico be able to make sure she was cared for like the prize she was? These strays acted like a pack when they were on missions, but as there was no true hierarchy between them, there was also no clear chain of command once Zagan left them. Strays cherished their independence, and that was something that would never change.

Coming upon the vehicles, Zagan jumped down from the final tree to startle a few of his team members. They hated when he did that, but it also kept them on their toes.

"Boss," Seth nodded, acknowledging Zagan's presence. Apparently he was successful in retrieving the alyko they came for. She was draped limply over his shoulder.

One of the males opened the back door of their SUV, and Zagan placed her inside to be cuffed. The cuffs went around both the wrists and ankles and cut off an alyko's ability to interact with multidimensional energies, which is where they received their power.. This safety measure kept the transports back peaceful without any unforeseen issues.

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