My Lycan Mate of Suicide Forest

Chapter 74 - Calling Down The Moon

Chapter 74 - Calling Down The Moon

When the song had finished, Greta and August sighed happily.

"Should we get back to the men?" Greta asked, slightly breathless. August nodded, the happiness still sweet on the air around them as fingers picked at instruments in an interlude to the next song, and she relished in all of it.

She noticed several of those around them turning their gazes on her, but all of their faces seemed friendly and welcoming. Her and Greta giggled while making their way back to the other side of the bonfire, and without even looking back, August could feel curious eyes trailing them.

Upon arriving at Graeme's side again, August felt her cheeks growing warm. But this time it was in happiness. Graeme gazed on her affectionately and winked at his sister, who was also beaming at her mate's side.

A short time later, a young girl with wavy black hair skipped to Greta's side. Her arms appeared to be full of flowers, and she pulled a ring of flowers off of one of her arms and placed it around Greta's neck.

"Thank you, Freya," Greta said sweetly.

The girl's eyes disappeared with her smile as she gave a small curtsy. Her smile slowly fell down, mouth turning agape, as her eyes alighted on Graeme and August. It was a moment before she seemed to recover.

"H-hello," the girl's smile slowly returned.

August smiled. "Hi, Freya. I'm August."

"August," the girl repeated quietly before adding, "Hallowell?"

An odd silence bloomed in the midst of everyone standing there as August looked back stunned at the young girl with flowers in her arms. Sylvia had been right, but August certainly didn't know how to answer it, and it seemed no one else did either.

Freya's eyes suddenly filled with tears, and she smiled radiantly. "Forgive me, I uh… I am just surprised," she said, shaking her head before chancing a glance at Graeme. "May I?" she asked, choosing a flower necklace from her arm before looking at August again and then Graeme, this time in question.

A smile slowly formed on his lips, and he nodded. Freya's expression turned serious as she lifted the delicate strand of flowers over August's head, allowing it to rest on her shoulders.

"Thank you," August said quietly, watching the doe-eyed girl who turned radiant again. josei

"You're welcome, Luna August," the girl said softly, and she skipped away with firelight dancing around her.

Sam and Greta exchanged a look that August missed as she watched the girl disappear.

"What was that about?" August asked quietly to Graeme.

"My fault," he squeezed her hand. "You might smell like me," and he smirked upon saying it, revealing the mirth in his eyes.

"I might… oh," August glanced away as her cheeks flamed red.

"Excuse me, friends," Jack said, "I have somewhere to be."

August watched as he quickly disappeared in the crowd. The music had stopped and everyone was dispersing in various directions, but somehow the energy around them seemed to escalate—as if they were all leaving to attend an event elsewhere. Maybe there was a bonfire afterparty.

Greta ran and jumped into her mate's arms. "If you'll excuse us," Sam winked before carrying Greta away from them.

Others were beginning to shift around the fire, becoming massive wolves and scampering off into the shadows playfully, nipping at each other as they ran off.

August watched in awe. The delicate fragrance of the flowers then drifted to fill her senses as she turned to Graeme in question.

"I haven't been to one of these in a really long time," Graeme mumbled to himself. "I should have warned you about this part."

"What part?" she asked as young women in long white flowing robes started approaching the fire, inserting long poles into its center that lit the ends. "Is this where I get sacrificed?" she whispered, and he chuckled at her side.

After each pole was lit by the select individuals carrying them, what appeared to be an elaborate choreographed dance began, and August watched as the fire danced above their heads, circling and spinning in time with the flowing white robed individuals who held them.

The smoke around them grew thicker and trailed the lit poles in elaborate grey plumes and patterns. And then the singing began.

"What's happening?" she whispered in awe as the ethereal voices filled the air.

Graeme pulled her in front of him where he could hold her from behind. "I would love to know what you see through your eyes right now," he said into her ear. "Why don't you give it a try?"

August knew what he meant—the second vision. She was nervous to try that again after seeing the rage coming off of Violet, but feeling Graeme embracing her and encouraging her to try it, she opened her vision slowly to bring the energy of the dance and the song and the fire into view. Graeme felt her suck in a quick breath and grab hold of his arm.

"What do you see?" he asked.

She was stunned. "It looks like…" she trailed off, watching the unseen world behind the ritual in front of her. "Like moonlight. Like the moonlight has come alive and is dancing in the clearing."

"They're calling down the moon," he whispered deeply.

"But…" August started, confused. "Are they… alyko?"

"No," Graeme answered. "This is an ancient custom of ours. It's performed by lycans."

A cascade of luminous mist was dancing and trailing down through the darkness above them, encircling the fire, sweeping the clearing with the flowing robes and voices. The particles of moonlight seemed to coax out a sudden chorus of ecstatic voices from all sides that escaped the shadows, and August's chest started heaving with the flood of energy that simultaneously burst into the clearing, mingling now with the moonlight that had turned alive in front of her eyes, spiraling back and upward above the fire.

August felt Graeme nip her neck and she watched as the golden cloud that hovered around them—that she recognized as their own personal aura—started to burn deeply and approach the center where the fire and the dancers were still chanting and spinning, lifting their voices to the magic around them.

The heat coming off of Graeme seemed to increase, and she saw the golden energy around them burn deeper as the frenzy of moonlight increased as well. Graeme suddenly groaned behind her, squeezing her tightly like he was fighting off a force beyond his control.

August was about to turn around to check that he was okay, but he held her fast, burying his head in the curve of her neck.. Every muscle in his body seemed to tense as the chorus around them rose higher.

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