My Lycan Mate of Suicide Forest

Chapter 86 - Search Team

Chapter 86 - Search Team

Graeme spent the morning in the library down the hall from Zoe's office skimming through files again and trying to find anything that he could copy and bring to August to satisfy her curiosity about the alyko. There was much he wanted to take to Greta as well, because he knew his sister would have theories about what was happening, and maybe she could understand the dense physics that Zoe had shown him.

He still hadn't seen anyone new on this floor, which gave him a bit of comfort. At least whatever tracking project was underway on the alyko wasn't surrounded by a large team or a flurry of activity. Kai was the only one in the map room when Graeme had passed on his way to the library, and the young lycan appeared to be distracted on his computer.

Zoe had also been scarce. She mentioned doing something in her lab that was located on a lower floor, which gave Graeme the freedom to read and explore the library on his own. While he was making copies of files for both August and Greta, he received a text from Andreas summoning him to the elder's office.

"If this has to do with me marking my mate, you can save it Andreas," Graeme sauntered into the office before sitting heavily in one of the leather chairs. josei

The muscles in Andreas' jaw clenched at this, but he forced a smile. "No," he said smoothly. "It is about Eliade. Although I suppose congratulations are in order."

"What about Eliade?" Graeme moved to the edge of the chair.

"After you first retrieved Miss Cady from the Grimm, we sent scouts out to monitor the situation," Andreas started for Graeme to nod.

"As we suspected, Eliade did not alert authorities about any student disappearances. We don't know what was told to the families of the other students who were with Miss Cady when she disappeared. Perhaps their families knew about the risks and were told the truth. Whatever the case, it hasn't been made public," Andreas threw his reading glasses lightly on his desk.

"But your… mate… is another story. They didn't find her in the Grimm after the event and had apparently been entertaining various flight scenarios outside the state. But now her mother is here. In the area," Andreas' face was grim. "One of our scouts spotted a small human search team only a few miles from our border."

"When?" Graeme's expression didn't change, but his hands clenched together in front of him.

"Early this morning. The scout is keeping a distant eye, and they appear to be doing the usual fruitless circling expected of humans in that area. But if their team gets any closer, we'll have to deal with it," Andreas' eyes were hard. "Damon is already organizing a response should the need arise. I want you with him."

"Of course," Graeme rose from his seat to meet with the council's notorious fixer.

"This mother may be an issue Graeme," Andreas added, and Graeme stopped, letting this realization hit him.

"Make sure your mate stays put. The pack house is always open to you both. We can clean out an office for you, and I'm sure there is a bedroom somewhere that would suffice for the time being where the two of you can stay. It goes without saying of course, but under no circumstances can Eliade or her mother find her. Here or elsewhere."

Graeme nodded silently before exiting the office. There was no way he was bringing his mate to sleep in the pack house as things were.

Graeme found Damon in his office huddled over a map with two others he recognized as involved with pack security.

"Graeme," Damon said in greeting. "Good to see you." The two other men glanced up, surprised.

"Damon," Graeme nodded.

"Did Andreas tell you what is happening?"

"He said Eliade has a search team closing in," Graeme replied, moving to stand next to Damon as the other two men fell back. "It must not be too serious if you haven't moved to the situation room."

"I don't think there's anything to worry about, but a lot of what's happening lately is unprecedented," he chuckled, and the men behind him did the same. He slapped Graeme on the back, "It doesn't hurt to be prepared."

"Right," Graeme said, aware that they were chuckling about his human mate who was the target of the search.

"It's good to have you back, man," one of the men from behind him spoke up.

"About time," the other mumbled.

Graeme chuckled again and nodded, focusing on the map that was laid out showing the Grimm surrounding Woodside. "I appreciate that. What's the plan?"

"A team of ours is watching from a distance. We've increased runners around the whole perimeter just in case there's anyone else we haven't spotted. So far, Eliade's search is stuck right where we would expect it to be," Damon answered.

"Stuck, as in…" Graeme started.

"They believe they're still advancing in their search, but they're circling. I don't see anything coming of this," Damon shrugged it off.

"Is my mate's mother with them?" Graeme asked.

There was an uncomfortable silence as the other men in the room glanced at each other, but Graeme didn't see it. His eyes were narrowed at the map, and his thoughts were of August. She would be panicked if she knew what was unfolding.

"She is, Alpha," one of the men affirmed quietly. Damon cleared his throat—likely as a small rebuke to the title.

"I want in on the runs," Graeme spoke then, turning to Damon.

Damon nodded. "Of course."

"Today," Graeme added.


Once Graeme arrived at the Woodside perimeter that passed into the Grimm, he recalled the night he came across with August—how surprised and terrified he was to have found her—his mate—and to have found her in such a state. Now that they had exchanged the mate bond, it would be difficult to hide anything from her, but he didn't want her to know about this situation yet.

Knowing that her mother and Eliade were so close would likely make August panic, and the urge to go find her mother would be great. But they couldn't bring her mother into the pack, and August couldn't leave. At least not yet. The timing was just wrong.

Graeme would have to work with Damon and pack security to make sure her mother stayed at a safe distance. And he would make sure her mother was safe, period.. He could do that much by keeping an eye on the runners and scout team.

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