My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 523 Such a cute one at that

Chapter 523 Such a cute one at that


Blaise and Phil, who were the two men that gave goosebumps to the leaders of the Capital’s Academy, and who were in charge of protecting Dilan if something went wrong this morning, then asked him just after leaving the former leaders of the Capital’s academy at the city door: “Dilan, do you think they will really listen to you and not try to force their way in the city to retrieve their possessions?”

Dilan then patted Phil’s shoulder who was the one who had asked him this question and he told them: «Kevin is really clever, he only ordered me to confiscated the funds of the Academy, not the properties of its leaders.

This way these leaders won’t feel to much pressure and they will use their own money to establish a new sect and they will also try to keep their students who are in the great majority children of the nobles.

As I said, Kevin is a fair King, the families of the leaders of the Capital’s Academy still live in the capital and the banishment didn’t apply to them.

Once the former leaders have established a new sect, their families could joined them or stay here.”

He added then when he saw that Phil didn’t seem to be at ease: “Don’t worry, if they ever tried to force their way in the city, well, Miguel told me that he had put a special barrier against them, so they will never be able to get through it.”

Phil and Blaise then finally relaxed and Phil asked him curious: “If everything is under control, why are you so tense suddenly, didn’t we just deal with the biggest threat to you?”

Dilan then laughed akwardly and he told him: “Turst me, I wasn’t afraid to face the leaders of the Capital’s Academy… But I’m not so sure about the families that will come to nag me, they are scarier than them to me.”

Phil then said to him proudly: “Well we are here for that, if they bother you to much, we will just release a little pressure on them… Let’s see if they continue nagging after discovering that we are Drakonits.”

Dilan then laughed heartily this time and he said to him: “Oh yeah, I would like to see their heads when they realize that Drakonits really exist… Thank you, you’re a good kid!”

Phil then stopped dead frowning, and Blaise really had a hard time keeping himself from laughing, especially after seeing Phil’s flabbergasted expression.

Dilan feeling that Phil was not following them, turned towards him and he asked him when he saw that he didn’t seem too happy: “What’s wrong?”

Phil eyes had turned pitch black but he was still in his human form, after all he didn’t want to scare Dilan, but he still really had to say this to him: “Who is the kid here Dilan, how old do you think I am to call me like that?”

Dilan then looked confuse, he didn’t think Phil would get upset over such a thing, wasn’t he the same age as his boys?

Phil eyes then returned to their normal color when he realized that Dilan really didn’t know, and so he said to him holding his chin so that Dilan would look at him in the eyes: “Dilan, I’m more than 2,000 years old and Blaise is over 3,000 years old, so who is the kid here?”

He then saw Dilan blushing and before Dilan could say that he was sorry, Phil then leaned closer to his ear and he whispered: “And such a cute one at that…”

Blaise then cleared his throat before saying to Phil: “Enough, leave him alone.”

When Phil backed off, Dilan didn’t move and he said to him: “I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you, I always forget that when the legendary creatures reached a certain level they can become immortal… You just look the same age as my boys, that’s why it’s confusing for me.”

Blaise then said to him when he saw that Phil looked at Dilan strangely: “It’s okay Dilan, don’t mind him, let’s go, you still have a lot of things to deal with.”

Dilan then nodded and they all went back to the Royal Palace where nobles families and all those who had gotten their kids here because they had connections were already waiting impatiently for an explanation.

And Dilan, still accompanied by Phil and Blaise, received them one by one, telling them all that what the letter they already received warned them that the Capital’s Academy was now under the Sun Sect authority and that their kids that didn’t pass any tests to enter it, would have to find another place to study.

Each time that the families were going over board and started to threaten him, Phil as promised released the pressure of his aura that these weakling could barley endure, and so they all left in a hurry with fear in their eyes.

Dilan felt really reassured to have them with him and finally everything went well until one particular family step in…

They were a powerful Mage family and their daughter had just gotten in the Capital’s Academy after they gave a lot of money for her to be able to enter it.

They had 2 kids, the first one was a boy and he was their pride, handsome, promising, with excellent result… Then, their daughter was also a perfect beauty but she didn’t care about learning to be a mage, and her level was nothing special, it was even less than average, but still, their family had a lot of influence in the Capital and if the Sun Sect was going to become the Sect support by the new King, obviously their kids had to be part of it…

Dilan then looked at the boy and he simled at him before saying to him: “Chris, how are you doing? Why are you here?”

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