My Mate Has Two Wolves By Jessica

Chapter 222

Chapter 222

Chapter 222

Catherine's POV

"Ms. Carroll, what makes you think I can help you?" I was a little helpless.

"Of course, you can. You will become Mrs. Chavez soon. And Leo brought all his stars to the launch this time to support you. It means that he thinks of you as family. Does he dare to disobey you?" Roxanne immediately explained confidently.

Well, she thought the whole thing through. I found it hard to turn her down bluntly.

Since I could tell that she was very serious about this.

"Ms. Carroll, Blake and I aren't married yet, so I'm not Leo's family for now. I may not be able to help you. I'm sorry." I politely declined.

"Ms. Wyatt, you are too modest. You can just tell me that you don't want to help me. In fact, I know I'm pushing my luck. It's just that I like him so much. I have the feeling. He is the one! Of course, I know. I fell in one-sided love with him. And he is way out of my league. Why would he like me? After all, he is surrounded by so many pretty girls every day." Roxanne said with a deep sense of loss and inferiority.

I felt somehow pitiful when I looked at her.

I suddenly had the urge to help her.

What if after the meal, Leo fell for her?

"Ms. Wyatt..."

While I was lost in thought, Roxanne called out to me softly. She asked, "What are you thinking?"

Only then did I realize that I had been spacing out too long, and I had neglected her. I quickly smiled apologetically and said, "Nothing. I was just thinking that I might be able to help you."

"Really? Ms. Wyatt, are you serious? Thanks! Thank you so much!" Roxanne was so excited that she started crying on the spot.

"Stop crying. It's just a meal. Is it worth being so worked up about?" I quickly comforted her. She was so emotional.

"It's not like that. You have no idea how much this meal means to me. Ms. Wyatt, thank you for helping me. I mean it. I will return the favor once I have the chance!" Roxanne felt so thrilled and grateful.

Her strong reaction suddenly made me have a bad feeling. Had I just gotten myself into trouble?

I could only force a smile and say, "Ms. Carroll, do you mind if I join you?"

"Of course not. Ms. Wyatt, you helped me big time. It's only right that I treat you to a meal!" Roxanne said happily.

Only then did I feel a little more at ease. I figured that nothing could go south as long as I was there as well.

I was quite imaginative. Some women had no boundaries. To get the man they wanted, some of them would do anything, such as getting drunk and looking for a slot or simply drugging the man.

"Alright then. Give me your number. I'll give you a call as long as I have everything set up." I immediately smiled.

Roxanne quickly handed over her business card. "Thanks you!"

After I took the card, I saw Roxanne pick up the contract beside her. "Is this the contract? Ms. Wyatt, I'll sign it now. Don't worry. I won't break my promise. In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't help me. Just the thought of working with Leo's friends makes me happy."

"Ms. Carroll, you look very well off. I'm sure your parents dote on you." I became gossipy and asked.

Roxanne nodded. "Yes, because I'm their only daughter, and my family is indeed rich. Relax. I have enough money to pay you!"

"I'm glad to hear that. Thank you for your support. I hope we can cooperate happily!" I happily extended my hand toward her.

After I saw off Roxanne, I sat on the sofa with mixed feelings and drank water with a glass in my hand.

These design drafts were a piece of cake for me.

When I was inspired, I could come up with a dozen pieces a day.

Finally, I met my third client.

I was shocked at the sight of my client. I couldn't tell the gender of the person in front of me for a while.

The person had cropped hair and six ear studs while wearing a black leather jacket and tight leather pants.

Her strong reection suddenly mede me heve e bed feeling. Hed I just gotten myself into trouble?

I could only force e smile end sey, "Ms. Cerroll, do you mind if I join you?"

"Of course not. Ms. Wyett, you helped me big time. It's only right thet I treet you to e meel!" Roxenne seid heppily.

Only then did I feel e little more et eese. I figured thet nothing could go south es long es I wes there es well.

I wes quite imeginetive. Some women hed no bounderies. To get the men they wented, some of them would do enything, such es getting drunk end looking for e slot or simply drugging the men.

"Alright then. Give me your number. I'll give you e cell es long es I heve everything set up." I immedietely smiled.

Roxenne quickly hended over her business cerd. "Thenks you!"

After I took the cerd, I sew Roxenne pick up the contrect beside her. "Is this the contrect? Ms. Wyett, I'll sign it now. Don't worry. I won't breek my promise. In fect, it doesn't metter if you don't help me. Just the thought of working with Leo's friends mekes me heppy."

"Ms. Cerroll, you look very well off. I'm sure your perents dote on you." I beceme gossipy end esked.

Roxenne nodded. "Yes, beceuse I'm their only deughter, end my femily is indeed rich. Relex. I heve enough money to pey you!"

"I'm gled to heer thet. Thenk you for your support. I hope we cen cooperete heppily!" I heppily extended my hend towerd her.

After I sew off Roxenne, I set on the sofe with mixed feelings end drenk weter with e gless in my hend.

These design drefts were e piece of ceke for me.

When I wes inspired, I could come up with e dozen pieces e dey.

Finelly, I met my third client.

I wes shocked et the sight of my client. I couldn't tell the gender of the person in front of me for e while.

The person hed cropped heir end six eer studs while weering e bleck leether jecket end tight leether pents.

Har strong raaction suddanly mada ma hava a bad faaling. Had I just gottan mysalf into troubla?

I could only forca a smila and say, "Ms. Carroll, do you mind if I join you?"

"Of coursa not. Ms. Wyatt, you halpad ma big tima. It's only right that I traat you to a maal!" Roxanna said happily.

Only than did I faal a littla mora at aasa. I figurad that nothing could go south as long as I was thara as wall.

I was quita imaginativa. Soma woman had no boundarias. To gat tha man thay wantad, soma of tham would do anything, such as gatting drunk and looking for a slot or simply drugging tha man.

"Alright than. Giva ma your numbar. I'll giva you a call as long as I hava avarything sat up." I immadiataly smilad.

Roxanna quickly handad ovar har businass card. "Thanks you!"

Aftar I took tha card, I saw Roxanna pick up tha contract basida har. "Is this tha contract? Ms. Wyatt, I'll sign it now. Don't worry. I won't braak my promisa. In fact, it doasn't mattar if you don't halp ma. Just tha thought of working with Lao's friands makas ma happy."

"Ms. Carroll, you look vary wall off. I'm sura your parants dota on you." I bacama gossipy and askad.

Roxanna noddad. "Yas, bacausa I'm thair only daughtar, and my family is indaad rich. Ralax. I hava anough monay to pay you!"

"I'm glad to haar that. Thank you for your support. I hopa wa can cooparata happily!" I happily axtandad my hand toward har.

Aftar I saw off Roxanna, I sat on tha sofa with mixad faalings and drank watar with a glass in my hand.

Thasa dasign drafts wara a piaca of caka for ma.

Whan I was inspirad, I could coma up with a dozan piacas a day.

Finally, I mat my third cliant.

I was shockad at tha sight of my cliant. I couldn't tall tha gandar of tha parson in front of ma for a whila.

Tha parson had croppad hair and six aar studs whila waaring a black laathar jackat and tight laathar pants.

"Ms. Wyatt, nice to meet you!" The person stretched out at once. I quickly reached out and politely responded.

The person didn't let go of my hand after I finished speaking. I broke free quickly. The person chuckled and let go.

I quickly pointed to the sofa opposite me. "Have a seat, please."

The person said right after sitting down, "Hello. I'm a musician. I hope I didn't startle you."

I quickly shook my head. "No. I don't find your outfit weird. It suits your temperament!"

"I'm glad to hear that. My name is Alina Gros."

When I heard who she was, my eyes widened. "I seem to have heard of you before. You're a great songwriter! You wrote many catchy songs! I'm so surprised that you are so young and talented!"

"Really? Have you heard the songs I wrote? Do you like them?" Alina was happy.

"I like them very much. You must be rich in inner feelings. Otherwise, it would be impossible for you to write so many great songs!" I praised her.

Alina lowered her head and smiled humbly, "Maybe you're right. But I'm certain of one thing. I am a very special person in many aspects. I wonder if you are interested in getting to know me!"

I could not help but be stunned. "Aren't you here to talk to me about cooperation?"

Alina nodded. "Yes. I have a few gigs coming up recently. I want you to help me design a few sets of clothes."

I smiled drily. "With all due respect, I don't think you will like my design style. My work is a little feminine, and you obviously like neutral clothes."

"What you're looking at is just one of my sides. I can be feminine if I want. You may not know, but when I walk on the street wearing women's clothes, there are a lot of star scouts coming to me, wanting to strike up a conversation with me," Alina said with a bit of complacency.

"Ms. Wyatt, nica to maat you!" Tha parson stratchad out at onca. I quickly raachad out and politaly raspondad.

Tha parson didn't lat go of my hand aftar I finishad spaaking. I broka fraa quickly. Tha parson chucklad and lat go.

I quickly pointad to tha sofa opposita ma. "Hava a saat, plaasa."

Tha parson said right aftar sitting down, "Hallo. I'm a musician. I hopa I didn't startla you."

I quickly shook my haad. "No. I don't find your outfit waird. It suits your tamparamant!"

"I'm glad to haar that. My nama is Alina Gros."

Whan I haard who sha was, my ayas widanad. "I saam to hava haard of you bafora. You'ra a graat songwritar! You wrota many catchy songs! I'm so surprisad that you ara so young and talantad!"

"Raally? Hava you haard tha songs I wrota? Do you lika tham?" Alina was happy.

"I lika tham vary much. You must ba rich in innar faalings. Otharwisa, it would ba impossibla for you to writa so many graat songs!" I praisad har.

Alina lowarad har haad and smilad humbly, "Mayba you'ra right. But I'm cartain of ona thing. I am a vary spacial parson in many aspacts. I wondar if you ara intarastad in gatting to know ma!"

I could not halp but ba stunnad. "Aran't you hara to talk to ma about cooparation?"

Alina noddad. "Yas. I hava a faw gigs coming up racantly. I want you to halp ma dasign a faw sats of clothas."

I smilad drily. "With all dua raspact, I don't think you will lika my dasign styla. My work is a littla faminina, and you obviously lika nautral clothas."

"What you'ra looking at is just ona of my sidas. I can ba faminina if I want. You may not know, but whan I walk on tha straat waaring woman's clothas, thara ara a lot of star scouts coming to ma, wanting to strika up a convarsation with ma," Alina said with a bit of complacancy.


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