My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 129

Chapter 129: Shadow Gate

"You? Want to serve me?" Kace asked in disbelief as Shadow finished his explanation. 

"Not just me, but the whole tribe will fall under your command, My Lord," Shadow replied with the utmost respect. "I hope you will agree, despite what the others may think I simply don't have the strength to protect them all alone."

Kace pondered about the implications of his request. There was no doubt in his mind that Shadow was sincere. 'What do you think?' He asked Sylvan, who seemed to be a bit more knowledgeable on the matter. Sylvan, himself found the whole thing slightly unbelievable. To think that this race had conquered the parasitic nature of the shadow beings and turned it into their own power. It made them a priceless source of aid in his mind. 

'I think the best thing you can do is accept. Any source of increase to your strength is good in my book.' Sylvan replied earnestly. This would definitely help to achieve his own goals in the long run.josei

Kace was still unsure when he heard this reply. He had a slight hope that Sylvan would warn him to not rush into it. However, he sounded eager for this to happen instead. The problem was that Kace could find no reason to deny it. When they returned to the other world, they could help out Shagrat and the others while he continued his journey. It would help him feel more secure in their chances of survival without him being present. 'If they are still alive anyway.'

"Fine, I accept your request." Kace sighed as he realised he no room to argue about it. "How will I contact you if I need you, though? I can't exactly have a tribe of goblins following me around the Vampire's city."

"This will not be an issue," Shadow replied as he melted into Kace's shadow. Soon after he reappeared. "I will simply stay with you at all times. I can easily return here to summon the others if you require them."

Kace nodded his head in agreement. This was certainly a handy ability to have. It would be like having a bodyguard that was completely invisible to any assailants.

"So, what do we have to do to confirm this then?" Kace asked out of curiosity.

"You don't have to do anything. I just have to notify the others of my decision as their champion." Shadow replied resolutely. "They will accept it either way. Logret should have informed them of my defeat by now. I noticed him sneaking away earlier. They value strength above all."

Kace was satisfied with this result. At least he would not have to go through a long-winded procedure or quest for it to take effect. 'I wonder how long I've been away for?' He suddenly realised that he may have already overstayed his welcome. It would not do for someone to discover that he was missing.

"You need to return to the castle, My Lord?" Shadow asked as he saw the look of concern upon Kace. "If you like I can return you there in but a few seconds?"

Kace looked at him with a glimmer of hope. 'Such a good subordinate! I've really lucked out with this one!' Sylvan snorted in his mind. He resented the fact that Kace seemed more excited about this new addition than he was about himself.

"Very well, do it," Kace said in a voice that he hoped sounded as though it were commanding. It simply would not do to speak in any other way to someone who was supposed to be serving him. "I'll wait for you to report the situation with the tribe once you've spoken to them. Make sure you don't disturb me unless I'm alone!"

Shadow quickly nodded his head in understanding. He felt grateful to have such a cautious and far-thinking Lord to serve. 'How long has it been since I left this place?' He began to think nostalgically of their last Lord. He sincerely hoped that Kace would have plenty of things for him to do in the future. It would not do for skills to become anymore rusty than they already were.

Shadow placed both of his hands on the ground and began to chant. This helped him to channel his mana and communicate with shadows. The skill he was about to use was a combination of two separate ones. Shadow Mark allowed him to mark a specific shadow that would allow him to connect to it easily despite the distance between them.

Shadow Gate, on the other hand, allowed him to connect a Shadow Mark with any shadow he was touching. Along one to jump into one shadow and appear from the other. When the spell took effect, the shadow he was touching began to ripple like a body of water that had been disturbed.

"It's ready, My Lord. Just jump in." Shadow said while performing a deep bow and gesturing at the ripples.

"You have done well, I hope you will bring me good news soon," Kace said while looking at the ripples. He, of course, meant that he hoped there would indeed be no problems from the tribe over his decision. Not knowing what to expect he took a deep breath, before jumping into the shadowy puddle.

A cold shock ran over his body for a brief second. He felt as though he had just jumped into a freezing cold swimming pool. For that split second, it did indeed feel as though he had been submerged in water. To his surprise, when he opened his eyes again, he was standing in the same courtyard that he had descended to with Logret in his arms.

'Wait. If he could do this, then why was Logret made to fetch me on foot?' Kace thought about the matter with some curiosity. 'It implies there is some kind of limitation in using this technique.' He sighed dejectedly. It seems that he would need to find another mode of transport. If Shadow had known what Kace had planned for him, he probably would have died from anger...

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