My Mother Has a System but Won't Use It

Chapter 39 Trying a small trick on Mother-in-Law

Chapter 39 Trying a small trick on Mother-in-Law

Chapter 39  Trying a small trick on Mother-in-Law

That made it impossible for someone to absorb another person's Energy.

It was like each of them had a different signature. Yue Li could absorb the Soul Energy inside her using her new Spark very easily because it had her own Soul Energy to begin with. But absorbing others' Soul Energy was a whole different matter.

It was impossible if they did not have a Spark like the Lust Spark.

Among the seven 'Great Daos', 'Life' was the most potent and rare 'Great Dao' that is seen throughout the Seven Continents.

And Lust was a sub-dao of the Life Dao. And having its Spark, it allowed him to absorb any other's Soul Energy as his own. He just had to convert it into Lust which they felt.

Holding her hand, he used the spark-lit hand to see her curious face. She was looking at the red Spark she had never seen before in intrigue. What Spark is this?

Han Li gently held her soft hands. No person was ever completely bare of Lust, even the monks had a hint of Lust always active in them. Why mention? Even eunuchs had a hint of Lust that was too weak to be felt.

The moment Han Li's hands that had the Lust Spark came in contact with her, the Lust hidden deep in her got transformed into Soul Energy and got absorbed by him.

It was a low, almost negligible amount, but as someone who had endured the weight of the Energy for half of her whole life. Li Yao immediately felt a difference.

She took a deep breath and suddenly, that difference faded. josei

"I guess it won't be that easy." Han Li sighed.

"No, I felt a difference for a bit thereā€¦ what did you do?" Li Yao asked, did such simple methods really exist?

She had believed it to be extremely expensive to heal. To the point that even selling her family's whole assets wouldn't have counted enough for it. But Han Li could heal her like this?

Han Li looked at them and smiled. He had no guilty conscience for having erotic thoughts about his mother-in-law. And since Liyue was his wife now, he would also tell her about it before it really happens.

Otherwise, there was no meaning in choosing Liyue to be his wife. He didn't want someone who was disgruntled and hateful of him to be his wife. He wanted someone loving and loyal.

Before touching her mother, he would obviously have to get her explicit permission.

As for Pang Li? He was a whole other matter.

Anyway, Li Yao had a lot of Soul Energy that he couldn't waste.

Li Yao nodded. "Yes, you should try to make this ability work. I am your first patient right?"

"Oh? You are." Han Li nodded.

"You should learn to use that power more using me and make this your business. My Liyue would never have to worry about money then."

"I plan to when I grow a bit more strongerā€¦ I don't want malicious attention."

"Isn't your Mother alone at home? You should go back now," Li Yao said with a smile, "But make sure you come soon with a wine. And also introduce me to your mother."

"I will. She also wanted to see you." Han Li stood up from his seat and looked at Liyue. She had a pondering but slightly red face. "Can I take her out for a minute?"

Li Yao smiled. "Ask her."

The girl always cared too much about her own opinion after all.

Han Li looked at her and took her hand, breaking her out of her thoughts. "Come, Let's have a conversation."

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