My Mother Has a System but Won't Use It

Chapter 45 Demon's [II]

Chapter 45 Demon's [II]

Chapter 45  Demon's [II]

The sound of gentle rain tackling the leaves and foliage of the dark forest kept ringing in their ears.

It was extremely dark and almost night-like in the shadows of the forest. Especially due to the clouds that had long covered the sun's brilliance.

But neither Kevin Raven nor Han Li had any trouble seeing each other's faces. They were no mortal humans. They were cultivators with senses that surpassed humans by folds.

Especially the Raven. "Demon? Who? Me?" Kevin pointed at himself and laughed. "That's a good one. Really. The first time I heard someone call me that."

Shan Shan stood to the side in the darkness with only their voices being his clear sensation of the world outside. He didn't know what happened, but an unseen pressure had started building up the moment Han Li and Kevin met.

"Well, are you not a demon?" Han Li asked with a chuckle. His red eyes casually glinted at the rusty ancient sword in his opponent's back.

Kevin looked at Han Li with contemplation. His chaotic gaze wondering. "If you call me a demon at first glance," he said, his voice no longer mocking, "You must be a demon yourself."

Han Li raised an eyebrow. Well, it was probably one of the reasons. But mainly, he just wanted to stall time till his energy was recognized by the sword.

"Oh, I am indeed a demon. Actually, I quite admire you since you make me remember myself," Han Li spoke, no fear on his face but calm contemplation. That made Kevin hesitate to make any moves.

Kevin looked at the shining pair of red eyes and came to a conclusion. This man did not fall for the trick that his mother was kidnapped; rather, he came here willingly.

So, to get the book…would be troublesome. But not too troublesome.

"Well, it seems it will rain heavily soon. So let's finish the business I came here for." His red eyes started shining and Kevin instinctively frowned.

"I the inheritor of Ancient Lust call upon the Sword of Life." Han Li said with a chuckle and the sword behind Kevin tremored. He looked back and immediately knew he had been played. Taking the hilt of the sword by force, he didn't hesitate and with his immense power, threw it away as far as he could.

It vanished into the dark forest.

"As I expected," Kevin said icily, "That book must've contained the method to use the sword."

Han Li looked at him. As casual as ever. "You should beware when playing around with other's toys. And one more thing, Demons don't mean killers and mass murderers."

Kevin looked at him and didn't play around, with a serious face, he commanded the feather-like hairs in his body to split up and start floating by his side.

"Tell me where the book is and I will leave you. Or I would use your body to bargain with your mother. One way or the other, it's nothing good for your 'Queen' and let me warn you. Even if you had the sword, you would be no match for me."

His body was harder than boulders and his speed was faster than an Awakened could capture. If Han Li wanted to play, he would suffer. josei

Kevin knew it,  Shan Shan who was silently moving away knew it, Han Li knew it. No Awakened can stand on equal terms with an Evolved.

Even being restrained enough not to harm Han Li already was Kevin's great patience at the show. But Kevin had not one thing that he had. Enemies at the same level as himself.

"You are quite like me after she died, but you are also different from me. You are cunning, talented, and ruthless. But your Enemy just happened to be much better than you.

The sword trembled in the corner below a tree. It's rust started to fall off but at the same time, blood started to seep out of it. As if it was bleeding, and immediately, the clouds above started to churn and a bolt of lightning flashed in the sky.

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