My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 290 - Two Types of Blueprints, Radar Concepts!

Chapter 290 - Two Types of Blueprints, Radar Concepts!

Chapter 290: Two Types of Blueprints, Radar Concepts!

“I still need 1000 more points—then my survival points will be back to 20,000!

“Sure enough, as long as I stir up trouble and ferret out more secrets, I’ll get more survival points!”

His dried-up pool of survival points seemed to have been revitalized by a living spring. As Su Mo looked at the numbers climbing back up to five digits, he could not help but clench his fists in excitement.

Although at present, the daily environmental assessment points had been increasing, he would only get 600 points even if he accumulated all of that and set it aside.

Conversely, every time he stirred up trouble, he could gain a whole month of points. It was ridiculous.

Su Mo was very much aware that this was a flash in the pan.

Before the ocean disaster happened, this might be his last big haul.

For the next ten days, barring anything unforeseen, the maximum number of points he could accumulate was only 10,000. It would be fairly impossible to achieve the same amount of points as now.

Therefore, all the survival points had to be spent in the right areas to ensure they would not be wasted.

Given the alternatives, Su Mo was not in a hurry to upgrade the remaining robots. After he had charged the four robots that were low on battery, he slowly headed back to the warehouse on the third floor.

Currently, the production of the mini destroyer was officially in full swing. As long as the materials were systematically transported over every day, the installation could be left to the robot workers.

As for what remained for Su Mo to finish, that would be the mini destroyer’s entire operating system and the auto-pilot system.

Other than that, if he had the chance and the time, he could even create more sub-functions similar to those for controlling details.

Only through more comprehensive consideration and a more complete auto-pilot system would the 80-meter long mini destroyer be able to achieve optimum performance!

He sat on the stool that was beside the warehouse. After checking through the attributes of each of the other small items he had brought back from the ruins of Liangfeng Town, Su Mo returned to the first floor and turned his attention to the cube that occupied most of the space in the garage.

The other items that he had brought out from the ruins were mostly good-quality. There were even a few excellent-quality ones that had some minor magical functions.

However, for someone like Su Mo, who was about to head out to sea to take part in a war that might involve billions of living beings, these items would be of no help in “turning the tide”.

If he wished to stay alive and return triumphantly with sufficient spoils of war, out of all the items he had brought back, the only one that gave Su Mo enough confidence to participate in this war of three races was the one in the garage…

The vertical missile launcher system!

Su Mo had seen this in his dreams several times and had hands-on experience with it more than five times.

As for how overpowered it could be, Su Mo was very much aware of this during the memory transmission in his dream.

Once the big box in front of him could be fully paired up with the destroyer, the ship’s firepower would surpass the average standard of World War I and II right away, advancing into the modern era and resulting in an exponential improvement.

With a feeling of reverence, after figuring out the structure of the external wrapping, Su Mo went to the side of the toolbox, took out the scissors, and lightly snipped through the ropes tied around the missile launcher.

Once the ropes were cut through, the groundsheet around the device loosened now that it was no longer secured.

Su Mo took hold of the corner of the groundsheet and tugged lightly on it…


The vertical missile launcher system made its first appearance in the real world!

It had a silver-white casing that had absolutely no nicks or scratches on it and resembled a large cube. Together with its R33 coating, it was an extraordinarily domineering presence!

Su Mo was not anxious or rash. Going on his familiarity with the device in his dreams, he moved to the back of the device in a clockwise direction, placed his hands on the little corner below the third word 3 of the R33 coating, and pressed gently.

A second later, a small casing popped up.

There was a red button below the casing. There was also a full set of expansion requirements painted beside the button.

It was a vertical missile launcher system with expansion capabilities, 12 meters long, 8 meters wide, and 7.5 meters in height.

“Sure enough, it’s this device. It looked exactly the same in my dream!

“If even this thing is a match, then it indicates that Ma Fei didn’t make it himself, but obtained it from somewhere else!

“He didn’t open it, so all the accessory items in the package should be here!”

The garage was too small, with completely no room for expansion. When Su Mo looked down and ascertained that there was a small box on the right side of the button, he could no longer suppress his agitation and carefully closed the lid.

“Game, I choose appraisal!”

Su Mo had prepared for this for a long time. As he focused his mind, a small number of points were deducted and the attributes of the vertical launcher system began gradually emerging.

[R33—Shipborne Vertical Missile Launcher System (Rare)]

[Description]: Created by ?? company, ?? company was contracted to produce a classic vertical cold launch system with an ejection mechanism. Discarding the massive size of the original launch system, they converted it into foldable modular technology. The framework of the whole module uses high-strength materials. After millions of launching experiments, none have failed.

[Attached Blueprint]: R-1 rocket launcher blueprint, R-3 short-range ballistic missile blueprint

[Theory of Propulsion]: Ejection launching

[Compatible Projectiles]: Compatible with any missile that has its own engine. Compatible with any rocket launcher model.

[Special Ability]: Overwhelming power (All artillery shells that are loaded into the launching system will gain a default power increase of 5%-35% based on their attributes)

Barrage of missiles (Launch system enters firing mode within 60 seconds. Default firing rate is raised by 500% for 60 seconds. 1-hour cooldown)

Precision (Under guided fire or fire-control system calculation, the precision of artillery shells increases by 100%)

[Limitation 1]: Missile launch must be paired with the corresponding guided radar. Otherwise, it will not launch

[Limitation 2]: Rocket launch must be paired with the corresponding fire-control system calculation, otherwise, it cannot be launched

[Limitation 3]: System load must be paired with the corresponding ship or shelter (Ship: Level 5 or above, Shelter: Level 10 or above)

[Recovery value]: Main body (5000 disaster points) +R-1 rocket launcher blueprint (1000 points) +R-3 short-range ballistic missile blueprint (3000 points)

“Good gracious, this thing’s immediately given me an exorbitant price of 9000 points.

“Anyone else might have sold this on impulse, but Ma Fei chose to give it to me…Well, he more or less gave it to the right person!”

After double-checking that the two blueprints on the properties panel were indeed included in the device, Su Mo was finally relieved.

After using the destroyer’s design blueprint, the game had already fully given Su Mo the memory transmission in his dreams. It had even allowed Su Mo to gain hands-on experience with it.

Of all the weapons that were mounted on the level 1 destroyer, this vertical missile launching device could definitely be listed in the top three, although it would not be in the top spot. It could be called a walking “bomber”!

Normally, if it were paired with a suitable phase array radar, it could continuously launch short-range ballistic missiles within a short time, precisely hitting the target locked down by the radar.

However, once the enemy was near, the device could be operated again to change the angle, which would then turn it into a strafing weapon that could fire 12 rockets simultaneously, resulting in extremely intense firepower cover in an instant.

The device’s overpowered properties were precisely the main reason why Su Mo had been willing to risk his safety and dash in to investigate after seeing it in Ma Fei’s shelter.

“Now that I have the module, it’s just the beginning. I’ll have to create a fully compatible radar and fire-control system within ten days.

“At the same time, once the next disaster hits, sailing out to sea and killing 500 foreign races will upgrade the shelter to level 5. I can then create an advanced version of the machine tool.

“Once I have a small and medium-sized machine tool, even though it can’t produce missiles at the moment, I can still manufacture the rocket launcher.

“When the time comes, I’ll use RPG targeted strikes for close range. I’ll initiate the launch system for long-range attacks and use the rocket launcher to clean up the aftermath!

“With such firepower, I’d like to see who can scheme against me!”

Su Mo let out a slow, deliberate sigh to release the anger that his agitation had stirred up and covered the launch system with the groundsheet again. After he went back to the third floor, his brain was already working things out.

Previously, he had still been hunting for an excuse to sell weapons to Tundra Shelter, thereby making sure that it would be absolutely safe before everyone relocated.

However, from the looks of things, there was no need to worry anymore.

The shelter still needed a lot more technology chains. In the fields that humans had researched, upgrading any of them through the system was far too much of a waste.

On the contrary, dealing with an official organization like Tundra Shelter was more cost-effective.

Su Mo pondered for a while, took out a notebook, and began to plan and prepare all the items that were to be traded this time.

First and foremost, the most important thing was… radar technology!

Radar was the acronym for radio detection and ranging; it was also called radio positioning.

When activated, the radar emitted electromagnetic waves that were reflected off the target. The echoes received were then used to calculate information such as the distance between the emitter and the target, the speed at which the target moved, its position, as well as its elevation.

The earliest appearance of radar could be dated back to World War 1 on Earth. To modern people who had embraced the rapid advancement of knowledge and the equally rapid development of technology, it was considered a product of “ancient” times.

Therefore, in terms of theory and manufacturing difficulty, if an ordinary person wanted to put together a simple, basic radar, as long as there were blueprints and guidance available, it would not be a problem for them.

As for the radar to be mounted on the destroyer, Su Mo actually did not have a great variety of choices.

On modern ships, usually, the high-level ones were mounted with six types of radar—early-warning radar, guided radar, phased array radar, skywave OTH radar, fire-control radar, and collision avoidance radar, respectively.

Of the six types of radars, for an 80-meter long level 3 destroyer, apart from needing to mount 3-5 collision avoidance radars on it to ensure navigational safety, the other five could be installed based on what was required.

“There’s no need for the early-warning radar which is used for detecting enemies. Once we’re at sea, even if there are humans out there, they might be enemies as well. I won’t let any strangers onto my ship, so this can be excluded right away to save on cost.

“The guided radar for directing carrier-based aircraft, and the skywave OTH radar won’t be needed either. Even if there’s an aircraft, I wouldn’t know how to pilot it.

“So the remaining choices are the fire-control and phased array radars. I’ll have to choose between these two!”

Su Mo emphasized the two types of radar by circling them in his notebook, and he began gradually recalling the information that he had heard on a random strategic deception agency program.

A phased array radar required a computer system to control the power fed to the arrays of antennas and each radiating element, achieving an electronically scanned array through changing the shape and the direction of the radio waves.

This kind of radar was the current modern and mainstream shipborne radar, but its origins were fairly recent.

Its use had slowly increased since the economic recovery in the 90s.

Of course, since it was the main radar in use, the requirements for technology and manufacturing standards were considerably higher than that of other radars. josei

In contrast, the requirements for the fire-control radars that were standard installations on warships since the 1950s were much lower.

“There are many requirements for the phased array radar. Even if I have the blueprint, I’d probably need to spend an exorbitant number of survival points to make it.

“If I’m really going to do this, I may as well use the fire-control radar and the OTH radar right away to roughly approximate it. Even if the accuracy isn’t as good, that’s unavoidable!”

Su Mo smacked his palm against the table and scribbled out the phased array radar with his pen at once, choosing to abandon it.

If he did not have the means, he would just strike accurately. If he had the means, he would barrage his enemies with firepower.

Between accuracy within 1 meter and accuracy within 100 meters, Su Mo unhesitatingly decided on the spot.

“As long as I can make a short-range ballistic missile, there’s no difference whether the enemy is in the center or within 100 meters.

“I might as well use all the materials and survival points that I’ve saved to make ammunition. If I can’t hit them in one go, then I’ll hit them with one hundred rounds!”

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