My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 394 - In Place! The Eve Of The Counterattack

Chapter 394 - In Place! The Eve Of The Counterattack

Chapter 394: In Place! The Eve Of The Counterattack

“What do you want to eat tonight? It’s our last chance. Starting tomorrow, we’ll have to be combat-ready.

“When that starts, before the battle is over, hungry people will only be able to eat instant noodles. Anything good can’t even be dreamed of, hah!”

At 7.30 in the wasteland, after determining that everything was in place, Su Mo sat at the open deck of the second floor, enjoying a rare moment of rest.

At the moment, all the plans had been completed. The humans were also all eagerly preparing, only waiting for the sound of the war, the three races’ horn, to sound on the last day of the tsunami.

On the other side, the foreign terrestrial races and foreign marine races stopped for the time due to yesterday’s conflicts.

Although there was occasionally still a little friction, nothing big actually happened.

Of course, Su Mo knew the reality of things.

This kind of peace could not be maintained for long. It was very likely that once the foreign races caught on to the humans’ plans…

The storm would come earlier.

However, before that—at least, for tonight—humans would enjoy one last peaceful night, recovering their energy and stamina completely.

“Moore… Moore wants to eat… hot pot!”

Because he had dismantled many cannonballs during the day, Moore—who had been upset—instantly turned starry-eyed when food was mentioned. Drool dripped from the corner of his mouth.

His good-for-nothing appearance naturally made Oreo snicker disdainfully beside him.

However, curiously, Oreo did not object. After thinking about it, he nodded his doggy head.

After seeing the remaining Connie, as well as Big Spark and Little Spark give their vote of approval, Su Mo immediately stood up and strode down to the kitchen below deck.

After about half an hour of preparation, Su Mo chose to have their last feast on the main deck. josei

The foreign race soldiers who had been busy the whole afternoon also benefited from this decision.

Although all they got were the leftovers from the ingredients, the bottom of the pot was still very good. Even if the food had to be eaten off the soles of shoes, it would still taste good.

Thus, after Su Mo announced that they could begin eating, the foreign races ate like they were demolishing the food. The sounds of many of them chewing until their tongues clicked could even be heard.

Sitting at the main desk, seeing the four little ones and Connie eat extremely happily, Su Mo waved his hand. He picked up the bottle of sake beside the table and stood up.

“No worries, you guys eat. I don’t have much of an appetite today!”

Waving his hand, Su Mo went all the way down to the main deck’s fourth floor, which was also where the Defense Master’s place was, and slowly sat down.

This place was Hope One’s highest peak, and also its ‘quietest’ place.

Sitting here, he could see the distant sea with its shining waves and the bright moon floating above the ocean.

“Not sure what the people in the village are doing today. Iron Rock Mountain is near the sea. There will probably not be many foreign races who would want to blindly attack us!

“Because the Tundra fleet has a lot of people, although the situation will be a little difficult, with my supporting weapons, it should be enough for me to hold on without worries!

“Still, what exactly is the magic weapon that those large human shelters have in their hands…”

Sipping the sake in his hand, Su Mo’s thoughts slowly faded, flowing with the ocean into the distance.

Ocean Battlefield 308.

This was the Tundra fleet’s current location.

After a few days of sailing over the ocean, even though the fleet progress had been delayed a lot, they still slowly entered Battlefield Three’s edges with the spur of the sea breeze.

Unlike what Su Mo imagined, the Tundra fleet that had still been lifeless three days ago was like the Hope One tonight, all lit up and enjoying a feast.

“Shelter Leader Lu, I want to toast you with this cup! I never thought our fleet would get to enjoy good stuff like this too!”

“If we had known before, we would have gone around the world and fought these foreign races straight on, beat them up!”

“That’s right! You guys don’t know this, but when these foreign races saw our machine gun fire, they were scared silly! When we shot our arrows afterward, they didn’t react at all.

“It’s just a pity that 3000 foreign marine races fled quickly and weren’t captured. Otherwise, this wave would’ve been obliterated!”

On the Tundra One’s main deck, a large table had been propped up.

Sitting around the table were the Tundra fleet’s ship captains.

At the moment, although the dishes in front of everyone were not very luxurious, and all they had in hand was a weak tea made from hot water, the tea that they were drinking tasted like celebratory wine.

At seven o’clock in the morning, after deciding to fight this battle, all the captains were decisive and made a complete plan of attack at noon.

After four hours of hatching the plan, Zhang Long, the data manager, gave them a data model.

Based on the data model’s calculation, even if the Tundra fleet could win, the damage rate would be at around 25%.

In other words, based on the Tundra fleet’s current numbers, after fighting this battle, the fact that at least 15 thousand people would die was an inescapable one.

Compared to the 10 thousand foreign races, being able to use 1.5 times the number of people to win this battle was definitely a big victory, and a rare one in the wasteland.

However, the truth proved…

That all the captains were really naive!

When Lu Yongyi requested at the beginning for the Tundra One to dash to the forefront, everybody thought he just wanted to take the lead.

As for the actual means of attack, each big ship was basically the same to everybody.

Aside from shooting at them with bows and crossbows, they would throw heavy objects, use the advantage of height to smash down, and at worst, throw some homemade explosives.

Even if the Tundra One had firepower weapons, there were not too many. If they really wanted to kill, they would still have to get up close and personal in a close-combat battle.

However, when the battle horn blew, the moment the raft warriors in the front row and the foreign marine races met…

Under all the captains’ panicked gazes, the Tundra One’s main deck sounded off!

As for the Tundra One, after a few days of getting on and off the ship, none of them were strangers anymore. They all felt they had a good grasp of Tundra One’s combat abilities.

However, at this moment, when they saw the modern weapons spitting fire maniacally on either side of the Tundra One’s main deck, they were dumbfounded!

The foreign marine races below were also…


This was a slaughter—a slaughter with unevenly matched combat abilities!

Pardon them!

Their side was holding wooden sticks and changdaos, and plenty of them were even barehanded. On the other hand, the other party was up high and looking down on them as they held machine guns, rifles, pistols for the final blow. With enough bullets, what price would have to be paid for their own side to be able to break through the firepower defense made up of these steel weapons!

In order to answer this question, the foreign marine races paid a terrible price. In just two and a half minutes, they had more than 1800 casualties.

Real firepower weapons were not like in dramas where a person could suffer four or five rounds of bullets yet still stumble around like a normal person, let alone hold up a bayonet to give the shooter a shock.

With these large-caliber bullets, anyone grazed by them would be injured, and anyone hit would die.

In very crowded situations, aiming would not even be needed. One would only have to pull the trigger on a Type 80 machine gun and fire, and they would be done with it.

In just two and a half minutes, there were close to 2000 casualties, destroying the foreign marine races’ morale immediately. With the same quickness and turbulence as when they had come, they left.

At this time, even if they were fools, they knew their chance had come!

No longer using machine guns or rifles, and only relying on their small pistols for the final blow when needed, the fleet chased the foreign marine races for four or five nautical miles and finally killed more than 7000 enemies!

“I think we still can’t be careless. Now their numbers are far fewer than ours, and we had the information advantage in the first wave. Only by letting them openly battle with us on the frontlines will our heavy firearms be able to achieve such an extreme result.

“And once they’re made to react, they’ll lurk underwater, rushing all the way into our crowds to attack.

“At that time, we’ll be at risk of friendly fire. We definitely can’t spray bullets like we’re doing now. The threat to them will be a lot less, and if their numbers are more than right now, that’d be even more troublesome!”

While everyone was celebrating, a criticizing voice suddenly rang out, sounding very discordant.

However, after thinking carefully about this captain’s words, the other celebrating people also calmed down, all nodding in agreement.

“Liu Neng is right. We still have to be alert.

“This is a prolonged battle. We have to fight all the way to the New World. No matter how much ammunition Shelter Leader Lu has here, it can’t support the whole journey.

“Therefore, we have to train the normal survivors below us and form a tactical circle. It’s very important to build our fleet’s defense line.”

With Zhang Long’s added words, the others also let go of their celebratory spirits and started brainstorming noisily, contributing to the fleet’s combat abilities.

Watching this scene, Lu Yongyi—who was sitting in the main seat—was also fully in agreement.

Still, even when the dinner was finally over, Lu Yongyi did not say nor express a single opinion.

For him, someone had been trained in the army on Earth and had learned a lot of combat knowledge, unlike the captains below with their empty discussions, Lu Yongyi had his own things to consider.

Two hours before, the officials had given all the bigwigs in the fleet a message.

The message had not been complicated. It only expressed that all the human large-scale shelters’ ships would be in place by night. Once the time came, things would start off at once.

Aside from these, the only request in the message was for all of the fleet to be on high alert and stay combat-ready. They should be ready to begin at any moment.

There was no problem understanding the meaning of this message’s words, but there was a faint feeling behind them that made Lu Yongyi uneasy.

In just two months, nobody knew what tactics these humans had up their sleeves aside from the actual people carrying it out.

Whether these tactics could work, and whether the effect was good or not, were not revealed.

Not a single person who knew about it could relax.

“Two more days. In two days, we can meet Su Mo again…

“We must hold on for these two days!”

After evaluating the message and the meet-up time Su Mo had sent once again, Lu Yongyi suppressed the unease in his heart and hurried back to the cabin. He took out the drawing board he had used for detection before and started operating it again.

Ocean Battlefield 001.

This was the furthest spot on the entire battlefield and also currently the safest.

No survivors had set foot here, and even the foreign marine and terrestrial races had not assigned any troops here.

It seemed that this was the best place to hide, but once the war of the three races started, wanting to go to the New World from here was as difficult as rushing all the way from the gates of hell to heaven!

Tonight, however, not long after the midnight clock sounded, four large ships quietly sailed into this area under the gentle caress of moonlight.

Though the models of these four ships could not be seen in detail under the night sky, from their lengths, one could see that the smallest one was also more than 60 meters long!

Moreover, the largest was even larger than the Hope One, reaching more than a hundred meters!

Though they were still wooden ships, if their combat abilities could be quantified, any of these four large ships could destroy the Tundra One.

At this moment, even though it was nearly one at night, the peak of the fleet’s largest ship was still brightly lit!

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