My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 411 - Request to Go Alongside, a Historical Meeting

Chapter 411 - Request to Go Alongside, a Historical Meeting

Chapter 411: Request to Go Alongside, a Historical Meeting

Since ancient times, Huaxian heroes embodied the spirit of self-sacrifice, often choosing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.

Before facing their final battles, most of these heroes had undergone years of painstaking training and had forged wills of iron through trials and tribulations. They believed that their persistence, hard work and willingness to sacrifice would allow them to achieve the impossible.

If this kind of person was placed in the civilized era on Earth, they would definitely be considered worthy of the admiration of the current and future generations.

However, on the wasteland, such sentiments were unable to restore the spirits of the survivors.

One should not look at the heroes from Amurica with rose-tinted glasses. In the current environment, the survivors really needed someone who could stand up for them.

A person who could bring them hope!

Amidst the dark night, a ‘sun’ shone brightly.

The orange-yellow light in the distance gradually drew closer, driving away all the darkness.

Although everyone had solemn expressions on their faces, when the roars from the ship’s high-speed movement gradually subsided, they raised their heads curiously and looked at the ‘sun’.

Everyone was curious about the Almighty Su’s vessel.

Everyone was also looking forward to the kind of surprise Almighty Su, who represented the pinnacle of human power, would bring to everyone.

However, the amazing thing was that, from just a glance, thousands of people stood up on the deck in shock.

Within their line of sight, the ocean’s surface that was originally calm seemed to have been suddenly ‘slashed’ open by the God of the Ocean’s trident. A gap suddenly appeared on the surface of the ocean.

From beneath this gap, the light source that had been seen in the distance earlier gradually floated upward like the rising sun.

Since Hope One was covered by the orange-yellow light, no one could not see what was inside.

However, there were two familiar Huaxia words affixed to the outer layer of the ball of light, acting like a mantra that kept the seawater from pouring in. josei



Many people who were looking at the scene read the words out loud unconsciously.

However, the next second, they suddenly realized the meaning of those two words.


In an instant, the emotions within the hearts of all the Huaxian people present were ignited almost instantly!

In their moment of crisis, twelve ‘meteors’ shook the earth!

In times of hardship, the Sun of Hope shone so brilliantly.

This was Almighty Su!

This was Almighty Su from Huaxia!

This time, he still did not let anyone down!

This time, he still stood forth and led everyone to overcome this disaster!

After about ten seconds, the ball of light slowly disappeared from the bow.

Once the magical shield dissipated, and the ship inside was revealed, it was as if the entire matter was a foregone conclusion.

Everyone was cheering and celebrating.

Although they could not clearly make out the figure standing at the bow of the ship, they felt relief from simply seeing it from a distance.

However, what they did not know was that Almighty Su, who was standing at the bow of the ship, was also very excited at this time!

“OS, get me close to that ship in the north 29 direction immediately. Be careful not to avoid a collision!”

After scanning through the surrounding ships for a while, Su Mo locked onto Tundra One’s in the fleet in an instant thanks to his excellent eyesight.

It looked very different from the powerful ship of the line displayed in Lu Yongyi’s video call previously.

Right now, all the masts on Tundra One were broken, and the surface of the hull was covered with grayish-black bloodstains.

From these traces, Su Mo could sense the ferocity and difficulty of the previous battle.

Fortunately, he had still managed to catch up!

“Captain Lu Yongyi, Hope One is beginning to approach your Tundra fleet. Requesting permission to come alongside.”

“Captain Su Mo, you are welcome to join us! The Tundra fleet is ready. Please proceed from the north 34 direction!”

Two messages appeared in the Regional Channel one after the other.

This historic moment was destined to be recorded in the annals of history, and was engraved in the minds of hundreds of thousands of people as the beginning of the true rise of humankind on the wasteland.

Under the light of the surrounding flames, everyone quietly watched and admired the beautiful sight of Hope One sailing on the ocean.

In six minutes and nineteen seconds, the two ships came alongside each other.

Under the control of the OS, Hope One’s anchor was slowly lowered, and two sturdy steel wires were also naturally lowered from the hull.

There were experienced sailors from Earth on Tundra One that immediately recognized the purpose of these two wires.

After spending two minutes connecting the ships, a figure in black armor appeared alongside Hope One’s guardrails.

What happened next terrified the onlookers. The armored figure took out a zipline pulley, attached it to the wire, and swooped down like a falcon.

“Hurry, grab a cushion!”

“It’s too late. Everyone, go up and catch him! Don’t make any mistakes!”

After hearing Liu Neng’s shout, everyone panicked and tried to go over to use their bodies to soften the impact. However, they suddenly saw the armored figure release his hold on the pulley, leap up and flip miraculously in mid-air as he approached the deck of Tundra One. After dissipating the force of his momentum and impact, he landed firmly on the deck.

This set of moves was even fancier than that of a professional gymnast.

However, the impact of this scene at this moment brought a smile to the faces of every crew member.

This was Almighty Su, and he was the strongest among all!

The upper limits of human physical ability were really terrifying!

However, even though the figure was standing still, the crew members were not like crazed fans in the civilized era, who would rush up screaming when they saw their idols.

With awe and admiration in the eyes, everyone raised their right hand and saluted the figure uniformly.

This was the loftiest welcome and the most solemn token of appreciation they could give.

With gratitude on their faces and solemn eyes, everyone looked at the only two people present who did not salute, aside from Su Mo.

To no one’s surprise, the first person was Lu Yongyi.

However, the second person…

Without giving anyone the time to process her identity, and under the shocked gazes of all who were present, the second person immediately ran over after seeing the armored figure raise his hand and remove his visor, revealing a youthful, but familiar face.

Right after that, the person jumped into the arms of the armored figure.

“Brother! Boohoo! Why did you only arrive now? They killed a lot of us, boohoo! They took our people as hostages and they almost…”


Hearing the sobbing whimpers, the words that all the crew members were about to voice out were suddenly stuck in their throats.

‘Wait, brother?’

‘Wait, what is going on?’

Except for Lu Yongyi and Shen Ke, who were standing behind with a hint of surprise on their faces, the other crew members were stunned!

In front of them, Almighty Su, who was famous across the wasteland, did not push the figure away, but instead hugged the other person even tighter.

“I’m here, don’t worry. We’ll be safe in the future and no one will dare to bully us again!”

“I promise.”

Su Mo had initially thought that he could restrain the turbulent emotions in his heart since they had briefly met during the title promotion battle.

However, at this moment, after hugging his sister and feeling her sobbing in his arms, he was unable to maintain his composure!

Regardless of the strange gazes of the people around him, Su Mo gently patted her on the head and comforted her.

Time also seemed to slow down.

This scene that played out on the originally dangerous wasteland actually gave everyone a sense of security that made them feel as if they were back on Earth.

After some time, seeing that Su Chan was no longer sobbing and had shyly broke away from his embrace and hidden herself behind him, Su Mo smiled, stepped forward, and stretched out his right hand.

“Nice to meet you, Shelter Leader Lu!”

“Nice to meet you, Almighty Su!”

The two warm palms clasped each other under everyone’s gaze. Then, they clenched together tightly.

At this moment, Almighty Su, who was ‘bound’ by the bonds of family and friendship, lost the aura of a God.

However, at this moment, the young Almighty Su made everyone feel a sense of intimacy from the depths of their hearts.

Late at night, at 1.33 am, there was almost half an hour until the game would be updated.

The flaming embers from the impact of the rockets were still burning.

The smoke from the debris of the foreign races boats and ships clouded the entire sky.

There were figures moving about in and on the blood-stained ocean.

The younger crew members were responsible for cleaning the battlefield. While they were busy salvaging materials floating on the sea, they happily ‘scrambled’ for the treasure chests that were floating with the waves.

The older ones were divided into two teams. One team took the materials and tools gathered from the fleet to repair the damage done to the ship, while the other team gathered the remains of the deceased.

The smell of gunpowder lingered in the air.

Hope One welcomed the first batch of ‘strangers’ since its launch.

With Su Chan in the lead, Shen Ke, Liu Neng, Zhang Long, and other 26 surviving captains were like village folk who had never seen the world entering the city for the first time. They were looking everywhere and touching everything along the way.

Although Moore, who enthusiastically greeted them in the beginning, surprised them, they soon came back to their senses, and the group quickly became close.

Then, the guests were entertained in the same manner they would be when visiting someone’s house.

Lu Yongyi, who had been standing on the bow of the ship next to Su Mo, finally showed a relieved smile as he watched Moore take everyone down to view the lower decks.

“Su Mo, I really want to thank you for coming to our rescue in time, otherwise, there would only be a few of us who would survive in the end.”

Su Mo smiled and shook his head, “Old Lu, you’re treating me like an outsider by saying such things. Speaking of which, I have to thank you for taking care of my sister this whole time. If it weren’t for your hard work, how could the fleet survive until today?”

Lu Yongyi was delighted. “Haha, it’s good to hear compliments from Almighty Su.”

Lu Yongyi was a good and honest person. From their previous interactions, they were not strangers and got along quite well. In fact, they felt like they had just met an old friend.

He politely said a few words of gratitude, which could be regarded as thanking him for Su Chan’s matter.

When the siblings were reunited earlier, Lu Yongyi had already figured out the entire story.

However, this did not make Lu Yongyi feel uncomfortable, but instead gave him an unprecedented sense of stability.

There was no free lunch in this world, nor were there free favors.

Although the Tundra Shelter had also given Su Mo some things after the end of the second disaster, and in their subsequent transactions and exchanges, the sum of their contributions were incomparable to what Su Mo had given them.

Especially the firearms and ammunition support before the battle, which felt more like a pie falling from the sky. Su Mo’s inexplicable generosity had made Lu Yongyi feel uneasy.

However, at this moment, he completely understood!

At the same time, he also knew that it was because of Su Chan’s affinity with the Tundra Shelter.

Based on Su Mo’s character, in the years to come, as long as the Tundra Shelter did not do anything out of the ordinary, the two sides would be able to continue their amicable relationship.

Even if such a thing never happened again, it was still a huge stroke of luck for the Tundra Shelter!

“By the way, Su Mo, you said previously that you would end the tsunami disaster on its final day and trigger the war between the three races. I wonder if we can be of any assistance.”

Touching the guardrails on Hope One with emotion, Lu Yongyi’s eyes flashed with envy and said after thinking a little.

The crisis faced by the Tundra fleet was just a microcosm of the situation all human beings were currently facing on the wasteland ocean.

Here, they were supported and saved by Su Mo.

However, there were still countless human beings struggling to survive throughout the entire wasteland.

For these people, they not only had to deal with these crazy foreign races, but also with the increasingly devastating tsunami disaster.

If the tsunami disaster could be resolved even one minute sooner, then the pressure on these people would be greatly relieved.

“Help? You can’t help me!”

Looking at Lu Yongyi’s slightly surprised expression, Su Mo raised his finger and pointed to the foreign race defensive front in the distance and said with a grin, “Only they can help me!”

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