My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 435 - The Highest Honor! An Opportunity Unlike Any Other!

Chapter 435 - The Highest Honor! An Opportunity Unlike Any Other!

Chapter 435: The Highest Honor! An Opportunity Unlike Any Other!

Translator: EndlessFantasy TranslationEditor: EndlessFantasy Translation

On this wasteland that did not belong to them, the gathering of humankind across the wasteland was a rare and short-lived event.

All these lucky survivors, after two or three days of respite, would scatter like the stars in the sky and spread out across the limitless wasteland ocean.

However, it was destined that this separation would not be a sad one, but one filled with happiness and gratitude!

Month 3, Day 11 at 6.15 pm.

As more and more of the survivors began to wake up on their rafts, they received their first ‘bonuses’ from the Tundra fleet.

“Hehe, I got a toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste. This isn’t too bad!”

“That’s so nice. All I got was a pillow.”

“Isn’t a pillow good enough? All I received was a bar of soap? Do you want to exchange them?!”

“Soap? Would you consider using it together (snickers)?”

“Get away from me~~~~”

Lu Yongyi waved his hands grandly and immediately unlocked a thousand iron treasure chests and a thousand bronze treasure chests generously.

Each survivor from the Tundra fleet had more or less received their share.

Even though these small items were but a drop of water in the bucket for these survivors, it gave them a taste of what the future might hold.

On the deck of Tundra One, a few tables had been placed together.

On this disaster-free night, there was a cooling night breeze on the wasteland ocean.

Three tables of people sat under the open air as they chatted freely about how beautiful their future prospects would be while discussing their plans for future development.

Lu Yongyi sat to the side and played a supporting role. Both of them were like fortune cats; all they did was drink alcohol and eat the side dishes spread out on the table.

“Old Lu, this alcohol doesn’t look like something you obtained from the treasure chests. This isn’t some personal keepsake you managed to hide away, is it?!”

Su Mo asked pointedly as he looked at the bottles that bore the logos of big pandas. josei

His words were heard on the other side.

Lu Yongyi scratched his head and smiled with some embarrassment. “These drinks didn’t come from me. Don’t look at me. Shelter Leader Long was the one who sent over these bottles!”

Su Mo was surprised. “Shelter Leader Long sent these bottles over?”

Lu Yongyi smiled and nodded. “That’s right. These bottles of alcohol are considered top-notch back on Earth. Only a few dozen people would be able to enjoy them every year. When we were transported over to the wasteland, an old cadre was itching for some good drinks and stuffed all the alcohol into his

jacket. He was lucky enough to have been transported over with everything on him. That bottle in your hand right now might be the very last bottle we will ever taste in our entire lives!”

Lu Yongyi’s face was filled with enjoyment as he carefully savored each sip.

Given his previous rank back on Earth, he would never have had the opportunity to drink such good stuff.

Of course, it was not because this drink was really that delicious, but rather that it represented something incredibly meaningful.

This was the alcohol that was served to those who had truly contributed to the nation, and it was a form of affirmation given to their sacrifices.

“Did Shelter Leader Long tell you that he had something else to talk to me about?”

Lu Yongyi was taken aback. “How did you know that Shelter Leader Long wanted to talk to you about something?”

Su Mo did not reply. All he did was give Lu Yongyi a casual smile that indicated that everything was within his grasp.

‘There were less than eighteen hours remaining before the game would launch the new version update.

After this, the ‘Real Survival’ version update would go live.

‘When it did, every human on the wasteland would lose the ability to contact each other via the game panel.

Even Su Mo, who in the eyes of others, could see and hear everything, would have to face the prospect of a temporary loss of contact with Hope Village.

As such, these final remaining hours were the game’s gift to allow everyone to say their ‘farewells’!

Numerous players were already sending out messages of encouragement and saying their goodbyes on the World Channel.

The idiotic and spam messages that could usually be seen had gradually disappeared and were replaced by numerous stories of the survivors’ experience on the wasteland.

As for Regional Channels, those who had gotten to know each other well over the past two months were connecting with each other for the last time.

Even though no one had really said it out loud, they clearly knew that.

This goodbye might be eternal!

Faced with terrible living conditions and the constant threat of natural disasters, not many had the confidence to survive to the end and witness the dawn of the future.

Even Long Anguo was the same!

Even though Dragon Flag Shelter was the strongest of the Huaxian Shelters, they would still need to hide out in the deep ocean to slowly nurture and develop themselves when faced with such dangers.

Other shelters, such as the Polar Bear Shelter, Daybreaker Sword Shelter and Red Moon Shelter, were the same.

Even though everyone was about to leave, the one thing left for them to do during their final hours was to.

Take a gamble!

As for what they were betting on, it would definitely be the humans’ Almighty Su!

Su Mo had guessed that this might be the case a few days before. Now that he was seeing this bottle of alcohol on Tundra One, it solidified his guess.

“Hehe, I was going to tell you when we were about to leave, but you guessed it first instead.”

“However, I also thought that there was no way you wouldn’t have guessed it!”

Asmile appeared on Lu Yongyi’s face as he snuck in another sip of alcohol.

A square box the size of a mobile phone immediately appeared in his hand.

This thing looked pretty ordinary under the light of the moon. From a glance, Su Mo, who had seen many mysterious items, knew that this was definitely not a higher-level item.

In addition to that, the workmanship of the item’s exterior was somewhat shoddy and there were flashing red dots of light on it.

No matter how many times he looked at it, it resembled a tracking device used by those special agents from modern Hollywood movies.

“Is that for me?”

Lu Yongyi nodded heavily. “Yup, it’s for you!”

With that, he held it out with both hands in a formal gesture and handed it over!

It was a somber moment, but Su Mo did not say anything unnecessary as he quickly received it.

“Tsk, this is pretty heavy!”

Su Mo casually weighed it in his hand when he received it. He realized that this thing weighed over two catties.

Judging by its capacity, someone must have either used some sort of dark technology or some magical game material to make this device.

Su Mo did not attempt to hide anything as he summoned the system in front of Lu Yongyi to analyze the black box.

Just as he had expected, this thing had no level indication.

Moreover, the system gave this box a simple name on its properties panel. There was only one word.


“Su Mo, this wasn’t given to you by Shelter Head Long alone. This was given to you with the unanimous agreement of the Alliance of Humanity’s Future!”

“There’s a document that goes with it too!”

Once again, he took something out of his storage space and, just like before, he made a formal gesture of handing it over. Su Mo was privately taken aback to see Lu Yongyi being so earnestly respectful about this, and he received it from Lu Yongyi’s hands properly.

It was a greeting card.

The front page was colored bright red and something was written on it in dark gold lettering!

The Alliance of Humanity’s Future?

He muttered the name silently under his breath. He turned over the first page of the card and, after sweeping through the entire contents within a few seconds, Su Mo slowly closed it.

“are you trying to make me big-headed by giving me so much praise? That’s a really high position you’re giving me!”

Lu Yongyi shook his head. “This isn’t about making you big-headed. You deserve this, Su Mo!”

“It’s because information is closed off that, even though everyone is calling out to Almighty Su in the chat channels, this feels the same as playing a game to you young people, doesn’t it?”

“You can’t see the tens of thousands of people raising a toast to your name, the changes taking place in how people communicate with you, the countries paying attention to you, or even the hundred million people worshiping you.”

“You might not have noticed this but, on this wasteland, the influence you have over people is getting stronger and stronger.”

“Just look over there!”

It was as if he had wanted to say this a long time ago, but never had the chance to. Lu Yongyi said all that in one breath and pointed to the side without batting an eyelid.

Su Mo looked over to where he was pointing.

The first person Lu Yongyi pointed at was Zhang Long.

Zhang Long was now drinking and eating with much gusto while tooting his own horn with the other captains, occasionally telling some dirty jokes.

However, it was quite an unexpected sight to see Zhang Long immediately smile almost shyly the moment Su Mo turned to look at him. Zhang Long rubbed the back of his head with his oily hand, looking embarrassed.

It was clear that, even though Zhang Long looked like he was chatting with the other captains, he had actually been paying attention to Su Mo.

The next person Lu Yongyi pointed at was a member of the crew serving the dishes.

‘This member of the crew was of smaller stature and looked quite ordinary. His arm had several scars that had yet to heal, and even bore slight traces of yellow pus.

He lowered his head as he shuttled between the tables speedily.

However, when Su Mo looked over at him, the crew member also immediately lifted his head, much like Zhang Long, and revealed an ‘extremely splendid’ smile.

Even though the smile looked a little ferocious in Su Mo’s eyes, he knew that this crew member was doing everything he could to look friendly.

Every single time Su Mo turned his gaze away, Lu Yongyi would point to the next person.

From the captains on the deck to the crewmembers bustling about; from the guards surrounding them to even the survivors on the raft ferries below.

Every time Su Mo turned his gaze slightly to the directions, every one of those people would do the same thing and tried to indicate their friendliness by giving him a smile.

Su Mo gradually began to understand.

This time, he did not tur to look and Lu Yongyi no longer pointed at anyone. Both of them returned to their seats at the banquet table without skipping a beat.

“Su Mo, what I said was a result of my observations during this period. It’s not the opinion of Shelter Head Long and the others. I believe you understand what I’m getting at now.”

“Of course. I’m not saying that you’re not doing good as you are right now, nor am I saying that you would cause problems if you continue this way but, since the beginning of time, regardless of whether it’s Huaxia or a foreign country, history has always been written and passed down by the victors.”

“Your status and position has changed, which is something no one can deny. Regardless of whether you reject this or accept this appointment, it is no longer something that affects your fate alone!”

‘There was a pause, and they both clinked their glasses and took a gulp of their drinks. Lu Yongyi began to look quite serious.

“We won’t try to hold you hostage emotionally by using empty slogans, claiming that with great power comes great responsibility, nor will we use the future of humankind, and our wish for a better and brighter future, to pressure you.”

“The title of Honorary President of the Alliance of Humanity’s Future might not have any real power or authority, but with just that communicator in your hands…”

“You are definitely qualified to mobilize the strength of us humans, to a reasonable extent, to help you complete one thing!”

“This thing could be your personal matter, or even one of the common disasters faced by all humans. It does not matter if you’re saving someone or going to war.”

“As long as you face something that requires our help, just press the communication button on this communicator and we will provide you with reinforcements!”


Lu Yongyi finished his words!

At that moment, the noisy banquet miraculously quietened down.

Lu Yongyi’s words were not spoken out loud, but everyone nearby had listened in earnestly, while others had somehow or rather sensed this frightening truth!

Honorary President!

Humans coming together to complete one thing!

Such a tremendous privilege was being awarded to this one person!

However, they immediately reacted at the same time.

It was true that among this gathering of humans, only Almighty Su, who had saved humans twice from the clutches of hell, had the right to enjoy such a privilege.

‘The current ‘poor’ humans were not able to give him any tangible rewards like the game.

However, this promise was the ‘determination’ of every lucky survivor on this wasteland.

Would Almighty Su accept it?

All the captains stopped breathing as they looked over nervously.

‘When they saw Su Mo smiling brightly with a carefree manner the next moment, the deck’s noisy atmosphere resumed.

It was as if the silence from before had not happened at all!

It was incredible, which was very much like how Almighty Su was!

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