My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 446 - A Gift, A Precious Three Skills!

Chapter 446 - A Gift, A Precious Three Skills!

Chapter 446: A Gift, A Precious Three Skills!

Translator: EndlessFantasy TranslationEditor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Fake things, no matter how well they were designed, inevitably still had critical flaws.

If one really wanted to craft an elaborate deception that was difficult to detect, every detail from the very beginning had to be considered.

During this process, it was very easy for things to go wrong when human error was factored in.

However, if it was replaced by an artificial intelligence program that only recognized logic, the end result would be excellent.


‘As Su Deben’s words rang out, the world around Su Mo once again started cracking.

After that, Su Mo came back to his senses again but realized that he had returned to the base.

He was still wearing the helmet on his head.

‘The light in the base was still gentle.

The energy beam in the distance shone blue, and there was something new about the rocket too.

This time, looking at the scene laid out in front of him, Su Mo did not take off his helmet, but shook his head instead.


As he shook his head, the base collapsed!

‘The energy beam that was tens of meters high collapsed into ruins in what seemed like a few seconds.

Although there was a new rocket standing inside the base, there were many rust stains all over it.

‘The computing servers around him, and the scene in the distance, seemed to have been swallowed by darkness, collapsing one after another.

Aside from the AI Little Ai’s constant shouting about what was going on, this seemingly real world collapsed abnormally quickly.

It might have taken ages to build this place, but it only took fifteen seconds to destroy it.

Its bright appearance disappeared.

‘What was left was only.


The place Su Mo was at now was a room about 200 square meters in size.

At the entrance of this room, there were three treadmills. Currently, Oreo was still dumbfoundedly standing on the treadmill on the furthest left, her doggy face looking blankly around.

‘The room’s interior was densely packed with various instruments piled up all over the place in a mess.

The place Su Mo was seated at now was the center of an instrument that looked like an electric chair.

In this place, through the glass window in front of him, he could clearly see the rocket behind it as well as the code name marked on the rocket.

Phase Three Ignition!

Screech, screech, screech

‘The sound of rusty iron grinding against each other could be heard from the corner.

An old robot with various wires hanging from it appeared from the darkness.

It walked very slowly. Compared to the garbage robots researched on Earth, it seemed to move with much more difficulty.

However, finally, it still managed to arrive in front of Su Mo with firm steps.

“Su Mo… Good day. This scene in front of you must have disappointed you, isn’t that right?”

There was a clear, small voice that belonged to Su Deben, which could be heard from the robot’s throat.

‘The sound in the beginning still had some stray noises mixed into it.

However, by the time it enunciated the word ‘disappointed’, it had returned to normal. It had clearly been well-maintained.

“No! This is our normal standard! How could I speak of disappointment?”

Seeing the worn-out robot’s empty eye sockets, unknowingly, in Su Mo’s mind, the magical feeling he had when he first discovered Magoo’s ruins arose.

“Ha ha ha, it has been a long time since I’ve heard that.”

“But I’m still very curious, how exactly did you find out that all of this was fake?”

Seemingly very confident in his own skills, Su Deben stretched out his hand and scratched the back of his bald head with great difficulty.

The robot had no expression, but from his voice, Su Mo could still hear an undisguised sense of curiosity.

“If I said I was just faking it, would you believe it?” josei


Su Mo relaxed his hands. “Fine then. How I noticed it was…”

He extended his hand and snapped his fingers. In the dark room, the lights started to tum on.

He clapped his hands again, and the cleaning robot in the room started moving slowly and clumsily navigated around the obstacles on the ground to clean up the dust.

‘Walking around the robot, Su Mo stood up.

With every movement he made, countless changes occured in the base, almost as if it was an extension of his own arm.

It was as if Su Deben was the guest and Su Mo was the host instead.

“The program you wrote? It successfully hacked into our program kernel?”

“No. How could this be? Before you guessed that we were fake, you had no way of pinpointing…”

Shaking his head, Su Deben stared at Su Mo like he was a god that descended upon the land, he quietly evaluated the rocket from behind the glass window.

Su Deben was stunned.

“Haven’t I succeeded right now?”

Smiling lightly, he got the doors at the side to open and activated the escalator to the bottom of the rocket.

Su Mo smiled as he left the room, leaving only echoes of his voice behind.

‘The Expeditionary Army was indeed strong, but they had indeed gone down the wrong pathway!

It was undeniable that their virtual technology had already reached heights beyond the wildest imaginations of humans back on Earth.

However, they were still using the computer core processors from the 21st century!

Starting at the gate, the Expeditionary Army had laid out an elaborate “lie”.

After entering the gate, this powerful virtual reality technology was activated!

The nine-kilometer long passage was just a psychological ploy to constantly deepen Su Mo’s acknowledgement of the base’s authenticity.

At that time, if he did not question just how far in this base was, the simulated Little Ai also would not have notified him of the remaining distance of 2.8 kilometers.

From the start to finish, Su Mo and Oreo had been walking on the treadmills.

Naturally, even with Oreo’s ability, there was no way to detect what lay ahead.

‘Then, when they entered the base, by connecting the helmet to the virtual reality world, it strengthened the psychological suggestion that the base was real.

All of it was closely linked.

‘Tm telling you plainly right now that what’s coming next is fake.’

With this, one would naturally think that the stuff before was real.

However, unexpectedly, both were fake!

In reality, what Su Mo did was step off the treadmill and sit in the testing chair.

In this chair, the simulated reality would be even more powerful and realistic.

However, nobody would have thought that the small program that Su Mo wrote to take control of the virtual reality world would actually evolve into a bug that could take control of the entire operating system!

‘When the control interface popped up when he returned to the scenery of the endless plains, Su Mo knew everything!

‘How terrifying. If this technique is used on the battlefield, it could really be a true silent killer.’

‘Unfortunately, I don’t have the computing power to support it. Without the invention and innovation of the underlying hardware, this thing would just be like an inflated balloon, which can be popped with a simple poke!

‘If I want to rely on this thing to deal with high-level civilizations, I’m afraid that it will be cracked in an instant!’

As he processed his thoughts, Su Mo walked down the steps of the escalator to the bottom level where the Phase Three Ignition rocket was.

This rocket was rusted all over on the outside, and many holes could be seen on its surface, revealing the circuitry inside.

However, the bottom of the base where the rocket was stored was quite well-preserved.

Based on the little mechanical knowledge he obtained last night, Su Mo basically managed to figure out the age of this base.

Between ten to fifteen years!

‘System, identify this rocket’s properties. There’s no need to display the upgrade options!”

As he focused his thoughts and moved back slightly two steps, seeing the green light shine out, Su Mo’s expression was determined.

‘Then, just like usual, before a second was up, the rocket’s properties panel slowly appeared.

[Phase Three Ignition Rocket (Damage level – 67%) (Energy shortage – 42%)]

(Description: The rocket utilizes a two-and-a-half stage configuration. Its components include six boosters, stage one cores, stage two cores, payload fairing, small satellites and a launch escape system for the capsule. It has an excellent payload capacity and is strong enough to escape the Earth’s gravity

and successfully reach orbit.]

[Basic properties]:

[Rocket Length: 76.85 meters; core diameter: 3.89 meters; launch mass: 198 tons; exterior shell material: grade-six iridium alloy]

[Escape Tower Rocket: 9.19 meters long. It consists of a nose cone, a counterweight section, 6 pitch control motor, 2 jettison motors, 2 main launch escape system motors, and an aft skirt.]

(Fairing: …]

[Stage two core: …]

[Payload capacity: 62 tons (Current payload: small monitoring satellite 987kg; fuel: 23.52 tons)]

[Comment: If God has closed your door, you would definitely be given a chance to fly out the window!]

Line by line!

The properties of the rocket were extremely complete!

It was so detailed even in terms of the parameters, state and defects of each counterweight and core component.

It was not an exaggeration to say that, in terms of familiarity with the rocket’s current state, even Su Deben might not be as knowledgeable as him now!

‘As he was not yet looking to upgrade the rocket, after opening the game panel and looking at the time, Su Mo once again went up the escalator and returned to the room.

Su Deben was still sitting on the floor in despair.

Seeing him come back, this robot did not display much of a reaction. He still drooped down, staring at the floor, thinking of something unknown.

Choosing not to bother him, Su Mo pulled over a chair and sat in front of the console, and started slowly operating it.

Thanks to the program he wrote, in a sense, he had already obtained the highest authority.

This was an even more terrifying level of authority than even Su Deben’s. It was equivalent to Su Mo becoming the master of the base.

Trying out various functions, he stared curiously at the various images that were displayed before his eyes.

However, outside his field of vision, the robot sitting on the floor slowly regained consciousness and stared blankly in his direction.

It was like the busy Su Mo had returned home.

His movements were skilled, and his face was full of confidence.

Like a child that had gotten a new toy, a very interested smile occasionally appeared on his face.

“Su Mo…”


Hearing an unfamiliar voice sound behind him, Su Mo turned his head back curiously to look at the robot.

“You are?”

The robot stood up. “‘m Lu Kuan, the chief scientist of the satellite base. It’s really shocking to see you in such an environment!”

“Lu Kuan? What about Leader Su Deben?”

Seeing the robot’s clumsy movements, a trace of enlightenment appeared in Su Mo’s mind, but he still asked anyway.

“Leader Su Deben has entered standby mode. As you can see now…”

“Uh, how do I explain this? Before we died, using certain techniques, we stored our complete memories into a container but, in order to save resources, we shared one body. When someone is using it, the others will enter standby mode to decrease the use of energy. After this person has finished using it,

the body will be vacated for others to use it.”

“Don’t worry, let me finish speaking!”

“In the base, there are three technologies that we have developed from our wasteland research.”

“The first is the Hyper Alloy Smelting technology.”

“The second is Split Consciousness Uploading technology.

“The third is Virtual Reality technology.”

“We can give these three technologies to you, but we have a condition!”

Compared to the “dishonesty” that belied Su Deben’s honest appearance, the chief scientist Lu Kuan was much more sincere as soon as he appeared, introducing himself directly.

An interested expression arose on Su Mo’s face. “Oh? What condition?”

“Bring us with you!”

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