My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 770 - Unexpected Surprise, the Shocked Hou Tielong! Part 2

Chapter 770 - Unexpected Surprise, the Shocked Hou Tielong! Part 2

Chapter 770: Unexpected Surprise, the Shocked Hou Tielong! Part 2

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“What? Hou Tielong has seen Sun Bahu’s army before? He even seen them in possession of a climbing car like ours before?”

Su Mo sat inside a tent on the snow-capped mountain campsite and was flipping through a few illustrated books thinking about strategies for their plan.

He stood up in shock after Feng Long hurriedly rushed to report new information to him.

“Shelter leader, to be precise, he saw three vehicles! Sun Bahu has three vehicles similar to our climbing car. The largest one can even carry up to thirty people!” josei

Feng Long’s expression was full of horror as he corrected Su Mo.

When one intentionally did his best, he did not meet with success. However, when one did not try hard, he unintentionally succeeded.

Along the way, Feng Long became increasingly terrified as he chatted with Hou Tielong.

According to him, Sun Bahu obtained an almost complete high-tech ruin that was enough to arm thousands of people.

Among them, there were a total of 45 vehicles with different functions that could be used on various occasions.

The weapons and armors were even more terrifying. Hou Tielong could not name most of the things and had no idea what functions they possessed.

“Forget it! I’ll go interrogate him myself!

“Oreo, come with me and analyze if he is telling the truth.”

Su Mo hurriedly threw the illustrated book into the storage box beside him and strode out of the tent like lightning.

In an instant, the two of them stormed out of the tent and their view was instantly brightened.

After three days of repairing, simple fortification and seventeen tents had been set up on the snow-capped mountain campsite.

Among them, there were a total of twelve tents for accommodations and they were configured to fit eight people in one room.

There were three tents that were used for handling official business—namely the main tent where Su Mo lived, a kitchen for cooking, and a conference room where everyone held meetings.

The other two tents were used for other functions—one of them was currently allocated to detain Hou Tielong and his party.

Walking among these tents, ignoring the various defensive facilities set around the area, the place seemed like a small western gathering place.

“I’ll be in charge of asking the question and you’ll be in charge of recording later.”


Feng Long took out a recording pen, a small notebook, and a gel pen. Su Mo cleared his throat and walked straight into the tent where Hou Tielong was being detained.

“Boss, do you think they’ll let us go?”

“Yeah, boss. Looking at the things outside here, it doesn’t seem like a gathering place. It looks more like a…”

“Do you think these people plan to attack Sun Bahu? They all have the same guns carried on their backs and seem to be an ill-intentioned group of people eyeing Origin Territory.”

“Hey, do you think that we could be like Sun Bahu’s subordinates and get assigned to high positions if they take over Origin Territory?”

“Are you dreaming? How can you defeat Sun Bahu with a gun alone? You won’t even see him before being taken out…”


Hou Tielong’s cronies expressed their inner worries while being tied to a wooden pillar in the large tent.

All of them were anxious after being suddenly captured from Origin Territory.

Initially, everyone thought Hou Tielong had offended someone and these people wanted to seek revenge.

However, what they saw and heard on the way to the campsite made them nervous.

They had a climbing car with a unique shape and powerful function that could drive on ice and snow.

They were a mysterious team wearing neat uniforms, had unified weapons, and seemed to be very strong in combat.

The temporarily set up campsite seemed like a small gathering place but in fact, was a front-line strategic base camp.

These three points were enough to prove that their target was not them alone. They had other…motives!

“Shut up. Boss hasn’t said anything yet so why are you guys being so noisy!”

Their discussions became increasingly intense seeing that no one was watching them.

A bearded man tied beside Hou Tielong suppressed the discussions after hearing them imagine life after joining the other party’s camp.

“You guys normally act so tough and bold as if not afraid of anything.

“So, why are you all acting so cowardly after getting captured in this place? Do you want to surrender already before anything happens?

“Use your pig brains and think about it. Do you think they will accept trash that immediately surrenders to them?”

The bearded man’s words were extremely mocking and sarcastic.

Surprisingly, the people tied to the other pillars immediately silenced themselves.

In an instance, only the sound of heavy breathing was left inside the tent. Suddenly…

“Let them talk, Leo. It doesn’t matter!

“We’ve already been captured in their camp. Even if they don’t kill us…sigh…Let them say what they want. It’s alright!”

With a wry smile, Hou Tielong shook his head after glancing at his surrounding “subordinates.”

In order to prevent his subordinates from overpowering and overthrowing him by recruiting his own men to go against him, Hou Tielong only took in people with a bit of brain and strength that were not too wise.

These kinds of people understood the preciousness of interests and were easier to control.

Those who were smarter were filtered out of the list in the first round.

Hou Tielong felt proud of his ingenious approach before he was caught.

However, he could only shake his head in the current situation and sighed internally about why he recruited a bunch of brainless idiots.

On the way up the mountain, Feng Long had deliberately suppressed his interest in intel but the questions he asked still revealed his true intentions.

Hou Tielong was relieved after realizing that their target was not him but Sun Bahu.

Although he had not seen their so-called leader, he had already guessed the reason he was captured by these people.

After inspecting the construction structure and fortifications around the campsite on the snow-capped mountain, as well as the appearance and weapons of the soldiers, Sun Bahu immediately obtained the information he needed.

The real purpose of this powerful group of people was Origin Territory’s lord, Sun Bahu!

“I hope I still have a chance to survive this…

“I also hope they recognize the difference in strength and forfeit their mission…”

Hou Tielong glanced at the subordinates around him and sighed. Then, he closed his eyes and waited silently.

A few moments later.

He opened his eyes when he heard hurried footsteps approaching and he tried his best to smile so that he did not seem too stiff.


The tent curtains were lifted as soon as the footsteps came to a stop.

The darkness in the tent was gradually illuminated as the dazzling light shone inside.

The burly figure standing at the tent entrance slowly entered Hou Tielong’s field of vision.

“Hello, Sir. I’m the leader of the Night Assasins, Hou Tielong…”

After staying in the dark for very long, Hou Tielong could not immediately adjust to the dazzling light and his vision was still blurred.

He subconsciously introduced him but was stunned and his lips trembled when his vision cleared up and he saw the figure standing at the entrance.

Immediately, a black and white dog walked past the person at the entrance, and Hou Tielong could not help but curse out screaming.


“F*ck! Aren’t you…”

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