My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 792 - Explosive Confrontation, a

Chapter 792 - Explosive Confrontation, a

Chapter 792: Explosive Confrontation, a Conversation Between the Strong! Part 1

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The snow gently fell on the ground. The sky became increasingly gloomy, and the temperature began to drop significantly before anyone noticed.

Electric waves and lights flashed silently through the clouds and caused rumbling thunder.

With only one day left before the disaster, the most difficult cooling disaster of the winter had silently made its way and begun to show its fangs.

Campsite on the snow-capped mountain. josei

Surrounded by the loud noises, Su Mo’s eyes were still blank as he sat behind a table.

With an expression as if deep within a nightmare, his eyes looked straight ahead, but his pupils were not focused like he was brain-dead.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in the dark night, and a loud rumble resonated around him.

Inside the dim tent, a ray of light suddenly shot out from Su Mo’s eyes and illuminated the entire tent.

At this moment, his eyes were no longer blank and empty.

‘I got it! I finally got it!

‘The reason the previous plans failed wasn’t because of the plan itself but because I didn’t calculate the possibility of them being the first to launch an attack on us!’

After going through the depression of failing all twenty-three plans, Su Mo stood up abruptly and let go of the Divulgence of Heaven’s Secret he clenched on tightly before.


A miraculous scene happened.

The golden disc that should have fallen to the ground did not do so. Instead, it seemed to be attracted to a force in the distance and gradually floated in the air.

After three to five seconds, the golden disc slowly descended from the air and landed on the ground because of the weak suction force and the strong pull of gravity.

This phenomenon never happened after Su Mo had just fused the new Divulgence of Heaven’s Secret!

Without a doubt, the cause of everything lies in the newly fused Divulgence of Heaven’s Secret!

“I never expected the Divulgence of Heaven’s Secret to become a locator after being fused,so that other people with the other scattered parts can feel the attraction force within a certain range!

“Feng Tianmin could not find the reason behind it every single time. Only when I let them stay at the campsite during the last plan…”

Although Su Mo was excited to have obtained the opponent’s movements and understood Sun Bahu’s means to a great extent, he still retained his composure.

This was because he confirmed the terrifying power of the things left behind by the Blazelanders after all twenty-three plans had failed.

It seemed as if they had prepared the equipment after completely considering the various situations and operational needs the items’ recipient would face in the future.

Reconnaissance, counter-reconnaissance, bombing, counter-bombing…

They had vehicles for initiating the first move against enemies and also vehicles for countermeasures.

Although these things were one-time uses without refills and could not be repaired after being broken, it was impossible for Feng Tianmin’s team of fifty people armed with simple rifles and explosives to defeat them in a confrontation.


‘There is only one exception. Out of all the twenty-three plans, I disappeared in advance and did not participate in any of the operations.

‘It might be due to incompleteness of the Divulgence of Heaven’s Secret, so it doesn’t have the ability to deduce the actions I’ll take. It’s also possible that the system’s shield interfered with the deductions.

‘However, no matter what, I have to try to change the results by joining in the fight!’

Su Mo unhooked the curtain.

A bit of rain and snow slowly fell along the breeze and sprinkled on the snowy ground.

The chilly brew immediately rushed toward the warmth within the tent and took away the remaining warmth that Su Mo had on his body.

He scanned the camp, and a flash of lightning flashed across the night sky.

Su Mo saw that Feng Tianmin had rushed back with his team and began to make final preparations for war with the soldiers that stayed back at the campsite.

Cheval de frise to prevent advances, trenches to resist firearms, sandbags for field fortifications, and a few giant snow obstacles were made.

These were means that were used in the historical wars of a civilized era, but they were implemented in their current situation.

Evidently, the campsite had immediately set up all possible counterattack measures after the order to prepare for battle.

“Shelter leader, we’ve prepared everything we could, and for the last…”

Feng Tianmin walked over with a serious expression and pointed toward the huge iron bar in the campsite’s center that had not been fully set up and the winding lines on the ground.

The enemies’ vehicles were made of steel and had potent firearms. Even at a disadvantage in terrain familiarity, they were completely capable of”pushing” through the obstacles.

It would be impossible for them to win this battle with rifles and explosives even if they occupied a favorable geographic position.

They could only…

Do their best!

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